R5 II Video Shooters Are Left Frustrated by Lack of Support

R5 II Video Shooters Are Left Frustrated by Lack of Support

Ordinary Filmmaker

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@cooloox - 20.11.2024 11:35

Nice find, Simon! You're probably going to help aot of people, temporarily. Have you bought an R5 Mk II or are you just testing one at the moment?

@RodrigoPolo - 20.11.2024 11:37

I was expecting the end of the video to tell you about Resolve 😂 don't fear the learning curve, one day and you get the main idea of the GUI, which is quite different from other NLEs. BTW, I was looking for the eyecup for the EOS R5, I saw your video, but didn't find the website to get it, I contacted Canon, they ask for a phone call to purchase the part 😂 go figure… I'm seriously considering switching, I used to criticize Nikon, but the Z8 and 9 with its raw codecs, incomparable to the others.

@nothingtobeconcernedabout7477 - 20.11.2024 12:03

It feels like you talk a bit too much about apple not doing anything and not about canon since it could be a problem on both sides at the same time.
Maybe the camera bakes in certain data into the card/files that causes an issue with FInal Cut. It feels like it could be an issue with the camera itself since R5 II and R5 I behave differently.
While yes, apple could fix it potentially, but it also feels like canon bakes in something into the card when it is formatted by the R5 II and they could revise that.

@bartqukx4484 - 20.11.2024 12:11

Would be nice to change WB or ISO inside of FCPX of CRM files😢

@mTurnaviotov - 20.11.2024 12:18

I don’t use camera as card reader ) I don’t now why you use it. Copying all clips from card to quick SSD storage and use as usual)

@J_Maverick16Aviation - 20.11.2024 12:31

Unfortunately the same happens with CR3 RAW files, where thumbnails do not show up and loading up with their preview app is not supported. Despite updating to the latest Sequoia release and trying a few workarounds, including copying files to an SSD and reading from there to no avail, I don't see a way to fix it other than having to use DPP4 to cull before importing to Lr, which does slow down workflow terribly.
Has anyone encountered the same issues or has found a way to solve this too?

@demz3514 - 20.11.2024 13:24

R5 C RAW has no Apple support to this day at all as well in iOS

@waveland - 20.11.2024 13:24

Use Resolve. You don’t intake anything to the project files, you only create pointers to file in and out points which keeps the project files much smaller and eliminates all these filesystem issues. And while you’re at it, pick up a BM Speed Editor keyboard. That will save loads of time. AND it is very likely that Cannon is the problem here if they strayed from convention somehow, and it could easily take a long while for the two companies to sort this out.

@michael_swardh - 20.11.2024 14:47

We need Final Cut on PC 😁

@billx4266 - 20.11.2024 15:07

How did you get it? No stock at all here!

@cathco9 - 20.11.2024 15:48

Just so I understand, because you know I don't know zip about video, you're now formatting your 4 TB card in your R5 and using it in your R5 II (not reformatting) for video? I wouldn't think that would even work for video or stills. I learned something new. Have you called Canon CPS to let them know? Maybe there is something going on with the R5 II's formatting. I am glad you figured this out, though, and that it's working for you now.

@TheKevinlyFather - 20.11.2024 15:55

R5ii raw files for photos still aren’t readable on iPads either. Very frustrating as I can no longer cull through the photos app.

@rodc271 - 20.11.2024 17:02

How about investigating a solution for those of us that no longer have the R5M1?

@JamesJacksonFilmz - 20.11.2024 17:20

No need to wait. Join us here over at Davinci Resolve

@vidthreenorth4007 - 20.11.2024 17:40

Mm. Actually, that sounds like it could be "fixed" by Canon. It sounds like they changed a "procedure" somewhere.

@whiterock1865 - 20.11.2024 17:57

What I generally hear about this issue is it does require the manufacturer of the camera to submit it to Apple. It’s not that Apple is dragging their feet. It’s often that the manufacturer needs to just get their stuff together. But another thing is too. I am very curious what it is that you shoot that requires raw?

@penultimatename6677 - 20.11.2024 18:09

If I were a betting man I would say the problem lies in the metadata. I bet the formatted card identifies the camera. Will it work if you can change the camera identifier after an R5 ii format to an R5. This means Final Cut doesn’t have to evaluate the file structure to know if it will work. It has an identifier to quickly determine compatibility.

My beef with Canon. I use darktable to process photos. Canon and others refuse to provide file format information. Giving Adobe a great first Raw processing advantage. Is Adobe paying the camera manufacturers to block other photo processing apps? Open source photography software have to reverse engineer to figure it out. Actually a few Raw processing groups figure it out. Then companies like darktable are only then able to incorporate the camera. Still waiting for darktable to provide Raw support for the R5 mark ii.

@scottrogers2831 - 20.11.2024 19:14

Very Frustrating 🎥

@fostervf16 - 20.11.2024 20:28

You formated with the mk1 and video worked. Did you try formatting with your Mac? Many don't have access to the mk1. But we do have access to our computers.

@joachimreiner7924 - 20.11.2024 21:05

Who needs Apple?😊

@BattleCow - 20.11.2024 22:02

What is your experience with the r5 mark II? I shoot mainly dogsport and i am interested in this camera so i can crop better. Is the autofocus atleast onpar with the r6 mark II?
Also, will audio be recorded when you record in 4k120?

@randallbrander8157 - 20.11.2024 23:29

B&H finally notified me that they are finally shipping the Power Adapter for the R5II Dummy Battery. They just don't have any idea when I will receive it. Cheers!

@R3user-p5q - 20.11.2024 23:31

Try DaVinci Resolve

@randallbrander8157 - 20.11.2024 23:35

I would hate to buy a R5 to fix this problem. Cheers!

@randallbrander8157 - 20.11.2024 23:36

Hmm! Canon R5 $1000 off at my camera store. 🙃

@NASA-Shill - 21.11.2024 01:37

Are you editing straight from the CF-Express card or are you dumping the files onto the inter mac storage and then importing them into FCP?

@giovannispinosa182 - 21.11.2024 03:05

Just face it, Simon. Switch to DaVinci Resolve. I even heard rumors of Apple considering buying BMD. If this comes to pass, then Final Cut will slowly wither on the vine.

@SEOPolar - 21.11.2024 03:37

Hey, i've watched all your R5 to R5II videos. Im wondering if the processor will handle that fine 4k without micro jittering? And also would hope to see you do real world test CL2/CL3 about the noise of shadows! I

I ordered mine from finland 21.sept. And still waiting. Pre-orders will shipped to customer within 2-4weeks? (They said). Should i complain? Spent +8k for the body+lens. And only they send me bills. Any advice will be appreciated

I do not recommend Scandinavian Photo IF you from Nordic, please pick small groundstore partner near you.

@robertatwell7615 - 21.11.2024 05:58

Just wanted to let you know that I decided to pull the trigger on a new R5 original with USA warranty. I waited a bit too long and missed out on my $2200 deals. Finally, went with the CanonPriceWatch deal and had the camera in hand 2 days later.
For me the biggest determining factor was the quality of the stills in low light. The noise on the R5 II is about a stop worse and the new body really needs the new battery and the grip. I just would rather spend the extra $2500 for a good lens. I will probably get the new 24-105 f2.8 L Z or the 70-200 f2.8 L Z. At $2500 the R5 is a good deal. I have some V90 256GB SD cards and a half dozen of the B&H and San Disk extreme pro 512 GB express cards. They should serve me well if I write JPG or HEIF files to the SD and raw files to the express card.
I am going to document the Christmas decorating process for the wife and kids. In the Spring of next year I will have my new home studio addition completed and finally have a dedicated space where all of my lighting and background equipment and light modifiers can remain set up.
At 73 in January I am looking forward to having my own creative space. All the best.

@ScottBasu - 21.11.2024 07:22

Frustrating. Do Windows 10 and 11 fully support the R5 mk2 SRAW files in the way you need?

@4KLive - 21.11.2024 07:43

So is an issue with Apple not Canon

@johnclay7644 - 22.11.2024 14:42

informative news thanks Simon.

@notesfromvivace5971 - 24.11.2024 03:49

Side note: I was at my local camera store in Los Angeles county today and was told that the Canon R5 Mark II is going to be part of their "No Tax" promotion for Black Friday -- in LA, that's a 10%+ tax. I was even told I could get some free items (not mentioned what those would be specifically) tossed into the deal. I actually emailed the sales person after I got home to make sure we were talking about the Canon R5 Mark II. Not sure if something can be read into that or not, because it just seems a bit quick to me.

@WernerBirdNature - 25.11.2024 16:42

Hi Simon, sounds indeed like some un-needed frustration !
When setting up my new toy last week, I noticed Canon Belgium lists "Canon RAW Plugin for Final Cut Pro X" .. maybe this teaches Final cut how to read R5ii formatted cards ?? I have no Mac and didn't have time yet to set the video options, so I wouldn't know.
During my first day using the R5ii in a kingfisher hide, my 3660 images were interrupted by 2 odd freezes: I had taken my eye off the EVF, so it switched to the LCD .. the LCD kept updating (like the level indicator etc ..) .. but I couldn't switch to the EVF and no buttons would react, even switching it off didn't turn of the LCD activity 🙈 Obviously the battery-removal trick was able to return it back to normal operation.

@jimbruton9482 - 26.11.2024 01:34

Not a videophile but maybe it's time to use a real cinema camera and not a hybrid for your video work.
