Marriage in 2024 - 4Chan Greentext Stories

Marriage in 2024 - 4Chan Greentext Stories

4Chan N' Chill

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@rezlogan4787 - 05.07.2024 07:04

Can verify. I support a stay at home wife in a house with kids. We have no debt. I’m younger than 40. She has the happily ever after story. She NEVER stops complaining. Younger women are bored by me and even talk down to me at work even though I have won at life and outrank them. Female attraction is BROKEN. I don’t even mind, since I don’t want the headache of managing another woman. I just see evidence everyday that objective signs of male reproductive fitness no longer interest them and it’s weird and troubling. It would be like if young men were surrounded by healthy young women of peak reproductive age and suddenly didn’t feel ANY attraction. It’s eerie.

@Adromelk - 05.07.2024 08:16

Now point out the lie.

@FreeminderXIII - 08.07.2024 21:55

I didn't know men are that desperate to have babies with women who are not

@arealhuman826 - 09.07.2024 16:30

I do alright 😂 y'all just mad you dont know how to talk to girls

@Googletrusting - 09.07.2024 20:04

Despite the stupidty of this green text saying that marriage in 1950 was sunshine and rainbows. it still presents an point about how dating in 2024 has gotten worse.

@sharkenjoyer - 10.07.2024 01:16

notice how in 1940-60s there was a suspicious amounts of young widowed wives. Not related to the war, of course.

@bananewane1402 - 10.07.2024 11:43

If you marry someone just weeks onto knowing them, you’re setting yourself up for a life of resentment

@Rinesmyth - 11.07.2024 08:06

This is all the more painful when your ex somehow finds the man of her dreams on a dating app and has his baby while all you are getting are bots, scam artists, and no-shows.

@KarlMacmillann - 11.07.2024 13:16

Sounds like a skill issue to me, just leave the west to its own misery and find a place in Eastern Europe

@curlyhairdudeify - 13.07.2024 08:02

I saw this 40+ year old looking woman at my job with her husband that look a bit older than her... She was pregnant.

I was like, really.

She'll be 60 by the time the child is 20.

@michealdrake3421 - 16.07.2024 14:50

Looking for a long term relationship on a dating app is max level cringe.

I deleted tinder the day after I got it because it was all bots and "of you're not gonna wife me don't bother"

Nice of them to put the red flag right there in their bio though. I don't even want to know what string of terrible life choices lead to them looking for a husband on tinder.

@TehSeksyManz - 17.07.2024 04:44

I love all of these comments from dudes acting like they were alive and dating in the 74 years ago (They somehow know how things "used to be")

@kurthasedd7923 - 17.07.2024 16:05

People (mostly women) want to find "the one" like they're searching for the reincarnation of a long lost hero of an age long forgotten. There isn't "the one" there is just "good enough" and then making things work

@bisky-tf5vo - 17.07.2024 17:28

This is IF she doesnt decide to spread rumors to destroy your life.

@TyrianHaze - 22.07.2024 07:13

The trick is to become a passport bro if you don't get lucky and find a conservative dime that wants to be a stay at home wife that doesn't even get tempted to cheat by staying in the home and off the internet.

@YMunesanzun - 22.07.2024 19:37

Dude started out good, then plummeted headfirst into full incel.

@lonelylad9818 - 23.07.2024 12:44

Y'all claiming this is just a tinder issue but I've had this exact problem and I have never used online dating.

@banina1836 - 25.07.2024 21:29

>seen a lot of incels cry about women matching the standards men have for us
>meet my husband over LoL champion mains discord
>husband takes care of his physique
>husband doesn’t ridicule my more feminine interests like make-up
>husband accepts my advise to use skincare
>husband doesn’t care I’m 9cm/4inch taller
>husband gets along well with my dad & dad says he’s his “short bonus son”
>husband values us being able to argue about societal issues and likes that I have opinions
>husband is kind and sweet, easy to match his energy

The first time we met he drove 7h just to see me and brought me a yellow plush bunny with my name embroidered in the ear, as well as sunflowers because he remembered my favourite colour is yellow. He proposed after 14 months of dating & we’ve gotten married in 2022 at age 22 (me) & 27 (him)

If you want a trad wife that’s cool & all, but you better be rich if you want to neglect your appearance and have a bad personality. My husband and I both are in university on our second degrees, working fulltime jobs to support ourselves and own a house and 2 ragdoll cats together, we may start having kids in a few years but we both grew up with financial stress so we refuse to make kids grow up in that

Moral here is that marriage isn’t hard if you match what you ask of your potential partner.

If you want someone above your weight class no shit they’ll leave, if you don’t have the wealth make up in personality & looks, if you don’t have the looks make up in personality & wealth and if you don’t have the personality make up in wealth & looks. Hard reality honestly. And if you cannot do that, pick someone with the same ambition, same level of looks, etc.

@darrengreen9374 - 27.07.2024 00:38

Do you think maybe they can tell that you say things like "maybe I'll get her to pump out a few babies from her wrinkly, egg-deprived womb,' and that makes them feel like you don't value them as whole human beings?

No? It has to be about your bone structure?

Okay, then.

@joeman68585 - 27.07.2024 19:01

lol dating was NOT like that back then

@sergiogarpla2902 - 28.07.2024 19:00

Dating in 1950: ask your parents to marry you with their friends daughter.

@mitchjohnson4714 - 29.07.2024 17:38

For decades, social conservatives have been warning that skins x, y, and Z would be bad for society. Everyone laughed them to acorn, them when all the things they said would happen started happening, the vast majority of people started saying "nah, it's always been like this."

@johnk6757 - 06.08.2024 23:49

I can relate but like, touch grass? I go outside and I see normal looking young men with normal looing young women all the time

@Dutchbrother07 - 07.08.2024 18:11

lol there are definitely pros and cons to dating apps but it’s the world we live in and it’s just how the game is played now. There are still loads of nice people on dating apps, don’t give up!

@thisdude9363 - 14.08.2024 01:52

The problem is the military style workout, obviously. Get a real workout regimen. Not a single man or woman has ever gotten into peak physical condition through boot camp, lol.

@camel_of_the_mojave8772 - 14.08.2024 03:20


@DawsonRobison - 16.08.2024 00:09

My guy forgot “> Beat her repeatedly“ in his 50s diatribe.

@ipsofacto9933 - 18.08.2024 22:09

to each their own.

@The_Dark_Master - 25.08.2024 08:01

True... 😔

@mylw4387 - 07.09.2024 00:18

I wonder whether it's the world that's toxic, or just the internet

@hunterkiller1440 - 08.09.2024 10:38

Just don't use a dating app.

@jacobp.2024 - 09.09.2024 04:42

The first mistake was trying to find a life-long relationship on a dating app. The people you'll find on there are generally very transactional. Relationships are a two-way street, and it's self-defeating to go on a app full of very visual and vapid people sifting through profile after profile, treating matchmaking like a game or job resume, and expect a good relationship. To put it back in perspective, searching a dating app for genuinely loving people is like searching for a gourmet meal at McDonalds. Good. Luck.

Best thing you can do in your life is be yourself, focus on yourself, talk to and socialize with people who are worth your time. You may find that special person, or you may not. You'll know if you did, and if you have any ounce of doubt, you probably didn't. That special person should ALSO be making an effort to be with you, it's going to be mutual. If you have to work for it, in the sense that you have to compete and fight an uphill battle to be noticed by someone, then.. Don't. That's not the kind of person you want to spend a life with. You won't be able to put 500% in forever, and when that honeymoon phase is up, guess who's going to want more than you can offer? Guess who's going to cheat?

@zacharywheat6371 - 17.09.2024 05:02

As much as our society has progressed socially since the 50s, dating is one place where we’ve regressed to a place worse than it’s ever been.

@OmegaFire11 - 11.10.2024 02:27

What dating was actually like in the 50s
>start dating a girl as teens
>get married young because bastards are stigmatized and young men wanna fuck raw
>women can't access decent paying jobs, she's forced to stay
>it's legal to r*** her, so she pops out as many kids as you want
>no fault divorce doesn't exist, she can't leave unless you cheat or excessively beat her (beating her was legal too)
>by the time these things change, it's burned into her psyche and she won't divorce
>it was only easy for men 70 years ago

Dating in 2024
>you meet a girl on a dating app, a platform designed to be shallow and only show off your looks and surface level personality
>she leaves when she gets bored (duh)
>you maybe date a normal girl you meet at a concert or a hobby or something
>you were raised by a dad that had dating be easy cause girls needed a man to exist in society
>not true in 2024, so you don't know how to be a good boyfriend to a girl that can leave at any time
>she leaves
>cry about it on 4chan

@bekf2240 - 11.10.2024 17:07

Women and men forgot how to like each other.

@RedOneM - 17.10.2024 19:39

human meat market 😢😢😂too good

@Mischievouslesbian - 18.10.2024 02:18

Marriage in 1950 (women POV)

>Cannot go to college to pursue desired profession.
> Meets guy.
>Marries him.
> Cooks, cleans, does the laundry.
> Feels unhappy and unsatisfied, like she’s meaningless.
> Husband begins coming home late smelling like alcohol.
> Husband doesn’t appreciate the work she does in the house, yells at her and threatens her.
> Husband becomes physically abusive.
> Can’t get a job that pays enough to sustain herself.
>Divorce had to be “proven”.
>Could not afford a lawyer.
> No credit cards on her own name, no loans either.
> Most places required a male co-sign to rent a place even if she was employed.
> Trapped in the marriage with abusive husband who forces her to sleep with him.
>No access to birth control.
> Gets pregnant.
> Gets “mother’s little helpers” (Valium)
>Increases dosage to deal with the life.

Alternative scenario:
> Meets a guy.
> Marries him.
>Loving, attentive, caring man.
> Cooks, cleans, does the laundry.
>is appreciated by her husband whom loves her very much.
>Get pregnant and have 4 kids.
> Might get a dog.
Good ending: they live happily together, satisfied with their lives.

@abeedhal6519 - 01.11.2024 10:15

People being women.

@M1ST9094 - 16.11.2024 12:28

This is some wild incel shit ya'll need to go touch grass

@GiornoーGiovanna - 28.11.2024 13:27

Pov: indian marriage

@jester9159 - 01.12.2024 09:10

Wow. That was disturbingly accurate and concise for a 4chan post.

@hAn_TYkje - 03.12.2024 11:47

Divorce before: Good reasons for it, but both parties try to work it out together before getting the divorce.
Divorce now: She thinks marriage not serious.

@johnsmiff8328 - 05.12.2024 00:13

Divorce rates by generation aren't a ton different from each other. Dating apps aren't dating, you have to be seriously delusional to think that apps with relatively small 10:1 male:female user ratios are going to produce anything that resembles a real dating dynamic. Looking for marriage on dating apps is like expecting to meet lifelong family friends in an argumentative twitter thread.

Go volunteer in your community, be useful to society. Like 60+% of local volunteers are women. Make some female friends, and don't think about dating them. Just have women in your life who you respect and don't sexualize; after that, finding love is simple and easy. These 4chan cringelords complain that it was easier to get married in the 50s but fail to acknowledge that guys in the 50s were socialized to be able to hold a conversation with a woman, and didn't spend all day online.

@freeideas - 07.12.2024 17:34

Convincing a woman to marry you and then to have the minimum amount of sex required for her to get pregnant, is not difficult. She knows she can divorce you and then live off the child support for up to 18 years. Given that women often want to have a child, and that we ALL would love to have a significant income without a job, this is an absolute no-brainer. The fact that the percentage of women who do this is not nearly 100% is amazing to me. Convincing a woman to stay with you after she has the baby is also not difficult. Your support to her might be quite a bit more than the child support would be. Just be supportive and easy to get along with, and this will probably happen. Convincing a woman to have frequent sex with you after she has the baby... not sure how to accomplish that. Let me know if any of you guys have cracked that code.

@Peter-vn5jq - 08.12.2024 11:41

>never divorce
friend, boomers got divorced like 3 times each

@JustSomeKittenwithaGun - 14.12.2024 10:01

Men who describe women like this while also failing to live up to the expectations for men in past generations are exactly the reason why women no longer marry young to become baby factories.

@johnfaux8651 - 05.01.2025 00:09

The world fell apart more and more as we moved further from God.

@JemyM - 22.01.2025 13:34

The guys who "got some milkshakes with the boys, saw a cute girl, talked to her and maybe danced a bit" still tend to be successful.

@PizzzaMozarella - 15.03.2025 01:43

I believe he never tried "going for a milkshake with the boys" in the first place
