1.Imported democracy vs Bhartiya Democracy 2.Rule the world by power...US 3.Rule the world by Debt trapping 4.Rule the world by "Principles of coexistance and public welfare". 5. Survival of model in short and long run....Where is meeting ground between "Good and Evil".
ОтветитьTools of Evil and Establishment of Nations using evil tools covertly vs Tools of Good and Nature friendly,fair means used by Establishment WITH or WITHOUT POWER as protection and Enforcement (Ashwamegh Yagya)of Rule of Good over Evil.
ОтветитьBHARAT is not an american ally.
Ответитьआप तो बहुत पढ़े लिखे हैं आपको तो अंग्रेजी आती है😅😅 मेरे पास मेडल देने का अधिकार नहीं है वरना मैं भी आपको मेडल दे देता😢😢
Ответитьexcellent insights.
ОтветитьToday's biggest challenge is digital invasion. Without own tools of digital discourse one can't fight this digital onslaught.
ОтветитьBuild Family Relations WEB and take pride in it ...need of hour
ОтветитьThis guy should see the caste battles in indai, which will give him a clear picture of the superppwer even his intellectuals can not give solutions to the caste system battle which is justified by the religion and their sanathan books. Try to solve this i bet you will prefer a better refuge in any african country.
ОтветитьI agree with both speakers and sri. Vibuthi that inclusive infrastructure growth in all domains is key for economic and social growth. And is neglected for a long time and started picking speed only after 2014 and long distance to travel. This growth will become irreversible by a bad administrator after some point and the country will move forward on its own to some extent.
ОтветитьMind energy is much more important as compared to physical wealth.
ОтветитьAnkit Shah is Modi's (PBUH, Peace Be Upon Hindu's) ever erect Muhammad (PBUH, Please Blabber Upon Him)!
ОтветитьPlease don't mix two experts of different types it's like biscuits eaten with dal.
ОтветитьHow can you grow multinational companies with international business with limited family resources?
ОтветитьDigital infrastructure should be like Venus Upadhyaya's mobile.
ОтветитьJha ji you better be Organice … Don’t use False Background Screens , look Ankit Saha Ji’s Originality
ОтветитьIndia followed the British political, social, scientific systems along with Soviet socialist systems and landed itself in this comparative backward position. India should have followed its own systems which existed before the invasions.
Ответить"Mixed economy" was the name of the ailment with which India suffered
ОтветитьAnkit Shah is Amit Shah's brother whose predictions are as good as a 3G(ujarati) connection.
ОтветитьDear Jah your example invertently body shaming my Guru Dr. Ankitji. 😢
ОтветитьShine on all 💐
ОтветитьShe doesn't have depth. Only quacking about western ideas. Quad- she has not understood quad and deep state pressures and back mail.
ОтветитьShe should learn 2 bucket theory FM Doctorji. Western educated.
ОтветитьShe is totally confused. She has to watch some videos of Ankitji and understand what he is saying wrt actual world.
ОтветитьReally great work great discussion great explanation great command of language. Thanks Sir.
ОтветитьIs venus related to kamala Harris in any way ?
ОтветитьBRICS - how long will it take to replace $.
Ответитьदिव्य आत्मन्
प्रिय विभूति जी,
हरि: ॐ अभिवादन।
आपको सुनकर सदा की तरह बहुत आनन्द आया।
भविष्य के भारत की तस्वीर कैसी होगी, कैसी होनी चाहिए ओर क्या सावधानियां रखनी होंगी, यह सब विष्लेषण सुनकर बहुत बहुत आनंद आया। आप स्वीकार नहीं करेंगे (क्योंकि आप बहुत नम्र हैं) पर अपनी team के दोनों बुद्धिमान, ऊर्जावान साथियों को प्रोत्साहन देने वाले एक जबरदस्त tonic की तरह हैं।
प्रिय अंकित जी को तो निश्चित ही मोदी जी भी सुनते (अपनी आई टी टीम के माध्यम से) हैं। क्या आप तीनों उनकी सलाहकार समिति में स्थान नहीं पा सकते?
क्योंकि तब भारत देश, हम देश वासी धन्यता का अनुभव करेंगे।
मैं एक qualified Doctor हूं, संन्यासी हूं और आप तीनों को अपना प्रणाम प्रेषित करता हूं।
ॐ शम ।
Excellent presentation by the 3 of you
ОтветитьJai Ho
Ответитьpls cut Ankit shah speech & post seperately. no one wants to listen to other 2
ОтветитьToday RaGa told that congress workers running govt, so babus = congress workers ?
ОтветитьThanks for your insights dr.shah
ОтветитьDr.Ankit ji, RFK interview to day is bombshell,
ОтветитьVenus is talking about the problem, like most people.
Present a practical solution, who are the decision makers, what they should do. Please don't compare India with China and yapp, saying they have done this or that. Chinese powers that be - can make unilateral decisions. The PM n his team need 410+ votes in both houses, to pass a law.
Say what India leadership should do, why and how. If the how includes the party in power getting 400+ seats in Parliament houses, TO MAKE BIG DECISIONS, tell others HOW to do that.
Please don't waffle on at random for self-glory. Present your solutions please.
Dr. Ankit Shah tells us things we don't know, that we want to know and he tellus the causes of paradigm-shifts.
ОтветитьDr. Shah's analysis is wrong in so many accounts , at best 10% is truth everything else he says is flawed, Here's just an example
1. Printing money DOES NOT ALWAYS trigger inflation
2. 3% interest rate is part of long term debt cycle that happened but it ended in 2020, now we are in a ever growing higher rate cycle
3. Gold Is NOT the real currency, human productivity & inventiveness in real currency, Gold is a hedge against inflation and store of wealth - thats it, any country who believes Gold can save them is doomed to loose its competitative edge in world which is why India is suffering for last 1000 years
4. US is NOT dedollarising with Bitcoin, they are not DD at all infact , every currency goes thru cycle of birth and death and Dollar just does not have a choice but to loose its strenght relatively if the nation's productivity goes down
5. FIAT currency is always told by him as the problem however FIAT is the best thing that happened to humanity, Now one's real productiveness comes to light and not some insurance policy backed productivity - hardly any of Indian experts understand that since history Gold is used as a weapon to hide their incompetantness
If you guys invite me to your Podcast i can explain in detail. It is just unfortunate that oversimplified views are presented to general public nstead of educating properly
what is the value dollar to INR in 2030?
ОтветитьWith all due respect, all Mrs. Venus did throughout this talk was bakc***i... Not a single answer was given to point but just some round and round hollow talks.
I was expecting Ankit Shah to open her eyes but Vibhuti ji cleverly saved her by giving some different topics to Ankit ji.
But in the end Ankit ji did gave the correct answers on Capitalism and Communism to correct her.
The USA rejected Dr.Ankits visa. Why???? I like to know the real reason
ОтветитьThank you for this terrific conversation. Dr. Shah's and Venus's insight are brilliant. Fantastic conversation mediated by Vibhuti
ОтветитьPlease have more show with the same team sir 🇮🇳
ОтветитьYe Ankit kya khake aata hai
ОтветитьWhy has sanjay dixit unfollowed ankit shah on twitter?
ОтветитьMrs vinas upadhyay, shouldn't say that india is an Allie of USA. We are not allies, we are just an partners for strategic benefits..
ОтветитьCredit based society in india is dream of govt.not people of this country nor in habit except gujrat
ОтветитьAlways inspires Ankitsir n mam too. Nice discussion ❤
ОтветитьVenus is not an Indian name. Strange name.
ОтветитьAnother great episode! We need more such people inspiring us Bharatiyas. Jai Ma Bharati. Ps..not only suit-tie event but that too in black! Very boring...