Train Hopping Around Lake Superior - CP Mactier to Schreiber

Train Hopping Around Lake Superior - CP Mactier to Schreiber


2 года назад

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@josephboley - 15.02.2023 18:28


@hphp3662 - 15.02.2023 18:33

3 and a half hours of train hopping is xmas come early and where your filming - well that's a double. Thank you bro.

@leonblittle226 - 15.02.2023 19:29

Listening to BRMC Weight of the world while watching this video roll through dockmure and reynolds........ absolutely bliss

@HoboStoic - 15.02.2023 23:11

The man, the myth, the legend is back!!! Love it man! Stay safe!! What’s your Instagram?! Would you be interested in a link up this summer? I wanna do a hop up to PR.

@metalfusion67 - 16.02.2023 00:55

good thing the bugs were'nt out yet,I hear the mosquitos and blackflies at Mactier are quite industrial

@stevehobin3270 - 14.03.2023 14:28

Dude I'm in Mactier let me know I'll set u up with a to go bag

@outlawrailfan129 - 17.03.2023 07:14

I can't wait to get back on the rails. Well done video, it helps cure the itch in the off season lol.

@AutumnAyaz - 03.04.2023 23:18

In some of the scenes it almost looks like I'm right there; ya got so close I almost skinned my knees... Very good filming/photography, Thank you!

@Sanechel1991 - 19.04.2023 11:37

Thank you

@rodneydaub3812 - 04.05.2023 08:59

Nice quiet ride, no flat wheels

@lukiitas_arias12 - 10.05.2023 10:23


@kaymcculley583 - 16.05.2023 17:24

You sound like a twenty pound air compressor " old man "

@oregonorganic8548 - 21.05.2023 11:23

What are those cars in White River with the dishes on them? And yessir thanks for the vids.. so relaxing and beautiful ... love watching a little everynight before bed after blazing up some green

@muyaho420 - 23.05.2023 19:15

I've been planning for the same trip but to T Bay. How did you manage food and water? Energy bars and lots of water? I suppose you took Ontario Northland bus to Mactier?

@dkillalegend - 31.05.2023 00:54

Most of those forests and ponds would be bug territory. If you don't want them getting in your face, it's best to go to a hardware store and get a hold of clear safety glasses.

@erikabearden608 - 06.06.2023 06:56

Great job with this video, love the time stamps and location identification. Your camera work is awesome. Be safe and keep exploring❤

@greg4673 - 13.06.2023 15:39

My personal opinion is that you should consider narrating although I do enjoy the accurate labeling that takes a lot of focus as you call it and effort and a little bit of expertise. For sure

@killtheglobalists - 27.06.2023 01:23

Nice view thanks . It is too bad CN ripped up the Kinghorn Line along the lakeshore to Thunder Bay along time ago. Me and My mom used to ride the VIA train Thunder Bay to Marathon and back in the seventies. But now they only care about freight . We have all this great landscape and rail but crap passenger service.Even if they added a low cost passenger car on back of each freight with a conductor so you could get on and off year round at isolated stops .It would be a nice to see the country without the hazard and expense or just when you want a spontaneous train ride instead of a bus. Maybe when I retire I will go hop a couple for a high one.

@eccentricsmithy2746 - 29.06.2023 06:46

love these long videos!

@kayecrawford2740 - 02.07.2023 00:58

Can you please be on the lookout for missing indigenous men, women, and or children and ones being trafficked please because that is an area where they go missing at quite often.

@eurotremcaminhoesmaquinase3680 - 26.07.2023 18:39

very nice your video....What camera did you use for this footage?

@DougPeabody - 30.07.2023 21:44

Thanks for the frequent labels. Makes it easier to follow along with you on Google earth. Great ride!

@waltrail - 05.08.2023 23:12

Great video but too quiet! Need commentary! I liked Stobe the Hobo's banter!!

@MrJacMac1968 - 07.08.2023 05:14

Would a lady railroad cop be called a cow?

@airlift9272 - 21.08.2023 15:46

i wonder does he still do the train hopping

@reneeleegreco1603 - 10.09.2023 21:03

hello I'm in River Grove, Illinois right by the Canadian Pacific rail line... I've always wanted to go to Bayfield / Apostle Islands which is 7 1/2 hours by car away from me.... Lake Superior is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this stunning video and also marking it. the tunnel and rocks are beautiful

@tonyb3864 - 16.09.2023 05:30

No talking? Weird man. I'm not diggin it.

@dawonjordan7354 - 16.09.2023 06:56

Hell yeah 👍 🤟🤘🤟👍

@jimmydill7744 - 20.09.2023 22:11

Need to talk in the video.

@johnrieger2461 - 29.09.2023 17:36

👍 Excellent, felt like I was on the ride, thank you. 🛤️👍

@Sam-747 - 07.10.2023 22:34

I still remember when Brave Dave and Stobe the Hobo did this route. Good times.

@MarksTrippin - 18.10.2023 15:53

interesting video great camera work

@mikewatt8706 - 29.10.2023 21:22

have any of you watch stobe the hobo

@freefromit2 - 08.11.2023 05:13

what a great find, that ride is perfect. you could practically set up a tent in there. good weather and scenery. perfect.😁

@donkeylong7707 - 08.12.2023 05:54

I like your train videos better you don’t show your don’t talk don’t give away anything Like that hobo shoestring guy , that idiot shows his face, talks, tells everything and he’s gonna ruin it for everybody by the train ppl finding better ways at catching y’all

@diskgrind3410 - 07.01.2024 03:48

Way to long of a video... you need to edit that down.

@Davidtibi4353 - 21.02.2024 00:45

It’s interesting. But I still wish to change my name to Huskin Manitovia the poor man’s Lechtin Baldwainard

@wendellhileman3544 - 17.03.2024 12:59

Great Video Brother 👍🤓

@jamesmonahanmusic - 03.04.2024 03:53

May I recommend an original song written about a hobo ?


From james monahan original songs.


Thank you for listening.

@morg52 - 03.04.2024 07:33

What an interesting perspective to ride that part of the north shore of Lake Superior. Three years ago, I rode a bicycle from My home in Saint Paul MN to Duluth MN and on to Thunder Bay. I proceeded to cycle the north shore from Thunder Bay to Sault Ste. Marie, then back home through MI and WI in a more or less direct line back home. I always wondered what the railroad would have been like as I climbed up the thirty or so very large hills on that route. I had a Subway sandwich in White river across the highway from the Winnie the Pooh Park. Stayed a night in White Lake provincial park Rode about five miles off route to buy a new cannister of stove fuel at a Canadian Tyre and got groceries at Marathon. Before that I stayed at Neys Provincial park. I recognized the railroad crossing to get into the park. I got lucky because the crossing was to be closed about a half an hour after I crossed it. The day before I stopped in Terrace Bay, only to be denied groceries because is was Sunday. I remember Schreiber as being kind of a let down as far as getting food. I think there was a co-op in town. The local grocery store had just closed.

@dmytroklopp6973 - 31.08.2024 22:22

too many ads, it's insane

@Fishingwithcampbell - 11.12.2024 19:24

Man you must have some pretty good gear for recording this this is the best audio and visual I've seen on these kinds of videos thanks
