He forgot to mention the WA sheep farmers that Labor have stitched up also, or did i miss that?
ОтветитьDutton would strip Western Australia of its wealth in a heartbeat.
ОтветитьPlease MAGA ( Make Australia Great Again )
ОтветитьThe Western Australians & Southern Victorians are going to be Screaming for “HELP” in Mths to come? & if any other state lifts one finger to help them “GOD HELP THEM” 😡
ОтветитьWA hates Liberals and Dutton. Stop the Sky News lies.
ОтветитьStop mass immigration! To many to soon
ОтветитьToo dream of home ownership is to not plan for it and thus never achieve it, it is the GOAL of Australians to achieve home ownership.
ОтветитьWa voted labor, shows you how lost Australia is
ОтветитьDutton…what do you stand for? What are your plans? Are you going to bring back manufacturing? Immigration, are you going to send illegals back?
This country is not just WA, what about the rest of us?
do you really want to change the rorting Labor/LNP, vote minor party's people, People First, Citizens Party, Libertarian, PHON, Cannabis & others make contact with them
ОтветитьWhat a breath of fresh air!
ОтветитьDutton BS your in concert with the EU, UN, WEF, IMF also ''Australian Framework Agreement'', your a liar too
ОтветитьWhen are labour calling the election all this 🐂 💩 is so the opposition don’t have the time to lobby against albo sneaky bugger
ОтветитьAnd so have you peter both of you are shit
ОтветитьMr Peter Dutton, in my honest opinion, you with your 300 million net worth along with all the other politicians and the millions they’ve accumulated and all the grants you give to your mates are the reason we’re living like a third world shit hole! Don’t go blaming small businesses because we had a perfectly fine electricity network, and because you corrupt Thieves thought what a brilliant way to launder more money!!! You are a disgrace
ОтветитьHere’s the reality of Three Years of Labor:
✘ Inflation peaked at 7.8%
✘ 12 interest rate rises; average mortgage bills tripled, 1 interest create cut with a private health insurance increase from 1 April.
✘ Power bills up by $1,000 despite a promised $275 cut
✘ Labor’s renewable energy policies are driving up prices
✘ Climate target of 43% emissions reduction by 2030 is unachievable
✘ Labor’s energy plan could cost $642 billion, five times more than claimed
✘ Real wages are 4.8% lower, while OECD wages rose 1.5%
✘ More taxes: end of (Low and Middle Income Tax Offset), higher fuel excise removing 50% discount, energy rebates funded by taxpayers
✘ Public service bloated under the guise of job creation
✘ Reckless immigration leading to a once-in-a-generation housing crisis
✘ Everything is now 30% more expensive $$$
✘ Reckless spending: biggest spending government in Australia’s history. $12 spent for every $1 saved; spending now 30% of GDP
✘ Debt rising: instead of paying down the Nations debt turned a $15.8 billion surplus to $143 billion in deficits
✘ Eight consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth
✘ 27,000 small business bankrupted
✘ Australian dollar down to record low US61.88¢
✘ Wasted funds: Labor spent: $36bn to solar and wind Oligarchs; $60bn to the NDIS; $50bn to the Aboriginal industry; $600 million on the Bungled Voice, $910 million to Ukraine, $600 million for a NRL team in PNG, $25 million to Gaza & Palestine; $450k on Welcome to Country Celebrations; $251m on advertising promoting themselves! (All borrowed money remember).
◦ If you are feeling broke, after working 50 plus hours per week, now you know why! Australians simply cannot afford another three years of this corrupt Labor government!
Dutton your selling Australia to the highest BIDDER Albo too, you don't care about Australians
ОтветитьThis bloke is going to usher in the corner stone moment for Australia, where a distinct line in the sand is easily recognisable being the division between a time when the vast majority of Australians still held hope for thier countries future, and when it did not.
Mark. my. words.
This bloke is death for the Australian identity.....
As long as he is the party's candidate for PM, I'll take Labour, even if they nominate a grizzly bear as thier candidate,
every. day. of the. week....
Plus, if we can somehow pull off a Hail Mary miracle of miracles, The current treasure guy, chalmers, (seems to be the way it goes, do your time in the treasure roomz where you can be bought and paid for, in full, with promises of fuggin heaps of treasure IF you stick to the script as agreed) is the only treasure guy to go against the RBA.
Which in this world, is NOT a common thing for a PM candidate in waiting to do....
Chalmers and dutton are practically opposing maxims of what the impending fork in the road will mean for our commonwealth
looking after corporations Dutton/Albo need we say more
ОтветитьPut Australia back in Australians hands, we are all Australians, and you win election.
ОтветитьDutton stop peripheral rhetorical crap, just abandon net zero, Paris agreement and restore manufacturing in Aus. As an interested observer you have nothing for a vote for you.
ОтветитьThe Albanese government has abandoned all of Australia, not just WA.
ОтветитьA lot of people from WA are saying they didn't vote for Labor, so how did they romp it in. Something is very fishy here, it should be investigated, maybe the voting process was rigged.
ОтветитьIt's abandoned Australia
ОтветитьNo doubt, Western Australians are stoked that Albo has left them alone!!
ОтветитьMAGA 2025 DUTTON NEW PM'
ОтветитьAlbanese Labor government full of BS. “VOTE LABOR OUT”
ОтветитьWA has lost the plot. Council was fined for upsetting the rainbow serpent recently after repairing causeways.
ОтветитьThis is Sky News Headline: "Duuuurrrrrrrr look at me I work for Sky news and I'm a drongo (while shuffling his papers), Labor wins WA state election but glorious leader Peter Dutton says Labor has abandoned WA, Duuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!". Man, IQ's at Sky news must be low, as you seriously think that people are gonna buy that cockamamie headline!!!??
Is Dutton suffering from some kind of amnesia or dementia, like yesterday Labor wins the WA state election, and Dutton is slandering Labors win at the state election.
Logically the headline should read: "WA abandons the Liberal Party as Peter Dutton punches a hole through his hat".
I just wish he would stop going half arsed into this election still clinging to the Paris Climate Accord and WEF AND UN policies.
Make Australia Great Again and stop the out of control immigration.
Look after the people.
So is Dutton gonna SAVE Australia
ОтветитьPeter dutton will make australia great again.
ОтветитьLabor is the party of No. No to nuclear power, No to new gold mines even though it has been mined for thousands of years, No to oil and natural gas exploration because of the rainbow serpent, No to coal, No to conventional petrol cars, No to cows farting, No to fishing, No to rock climbing, No to sensible immigration levels, No to freedom of speech, No to Israel, No to President Trump, etc etc.
I believe we need to leave the Paris Agreement, build a lot of Coal powered electricity plants, reduce electricity costs and promote manufacturing here at home with financial incentives like heavily reduced tax bills. Give free Tafe courses in all trades, with lower taxes for those that complete these courses. Have the government produce at least 100K homes per year, capped at 500K each. Get rid of negative gearing. Ban foreign ownership of private houses and give foreign owned houses 2 years to sell or have them taken off you. Increase Defense spending to 10% of GDP until we build and train up our military into something resembling a force that can at least defend us. Have a Doge style, transparent audit and clean out of federal spending habits. The first party that can actually do this and be transparent with it, will rebuild trust in our politicians and rule for a long time to come
ОтветитьYou cant Trust A Snake chalmer.
ОтветитьDutton you have ignored Australia you haven’t offered any policies only just say we will match it when Labor announces something don’t you have some thing of your own ? .What are your policies ? .
ОтветитьWell liberals were in government inflation had a 6 in front of it W A didn't buy it 😂
ОтветитьTo the Australian fairdinkum people in Jesus Christ Name Says IAM that Iam Amen
ОтветитьThe Liberal party in Western Australia are picking Channel 7's Basil Fawlty as their new leader next week! 🙄🤣🤡
ОтветитьHa…. Really this Chanel is bought and paid for by the Liberal party. Dutton is a dud he’s given the party over to billionaires and inventing crisi, using hate speech all the time. Disgusting.
ОтветитьDutton is showing he knows nothing about Western Australians and what they expect from our governments. We are not like the Eastern Staters, so stop putting us in the same bucket as them.. We know what we want and expect from our governments and Labour has been delivering for the last 5 years on a state level and for the last 3 years at the federal level...
Stop treating us like moronic imbeciles, they live on the East coast.
One candidate was raised in adversity
Life changed while at university
The other, mouth breather,
Doesn't deserve our vote either
With his penchant for political perversity
Always looks up to and trusted this unbiased media…… but when you start hearing a selfish racist bold man…. Who made jokes when ppl are in a natural disaster like back when T abbott was in charged … only to be backstabbed by own party… says alot.!!!!! This turd aint for the public
ОтветитьAlways looks up to and trusted this unbiased media…… but when you start hearing a selfish racist bold man…. Who made jokes when ppl are in a natural disaster like back when T abbott was in charged … only to be backstabbed by own party… says alot.!!!!! This turd aint for the public… sad sad sad on sky news … & we all thought they were doing the right for ppl… primeminster might not be doing whats promised…. But this .. becareful
ОтветитьAustralia is run by America albenese is just a puppet
ОтветитьOn you PD👌
ОтветитьOk so Dutton will change everything?