It isn't muslim tradition it's arabic tradition so don't use religion as the purpose for her not to participate in politics.
That paints the religion in a bad way.
Noooo!!!! Those poor dinos!!!!!!!!!!
Ответитьwe've gone from the normal "thanks for watching puppet history were the details are always a little fuzzy" to "a little uh fuzzy?" over to "quite fuzzy" and now "extremely fuzzy". I AM CONCERNED
ОтветитьI just love everything about puppet history. I can't help it
ОтветитьWhat did you do to his parents you monster! 😭
Ответитьthe way I clock Joyce's voice in 2 seconds
ОтветитьThe excuse for everything is “oh u just missed him”
Ответитьreal bangers coming out of estranged director shane madej lately
ОтветитьYou should have mentioned how she was killed!!
ОтветитьIt's so sad that she died at 35 she was probably a child when she got sold to be a concubine
ОтветитьDinosaur mom & pterosaur dad had just BETTER not REALLY be dead for reals. Just saying.
ОтветитьDid they BURN the professors parents TO DEATH
ОтветитьThem starting out with a Will Smith slap really set the tone for this whole show lol
ОтветитьProfessor wake up!
ОтветитьJesus loves you and he will never leave you
ОтветитьNooo pterosaur dad and weirdly horny T-Rex mom! Why, Elmer? Those were the last dinosaurs!
ОтветитьI feel like Shane/the Professor was especially peppy this episode.
ОтветитьThis musical number was SO catchy! Is it on Spotify??
ОтветитьNo! Not Mom and Dad!
ОтветитьNooo not the professor's parents!😭😭 I was so happy to see them again, then they got zapped away🥲
ОтветитьI literally spent the whole episode hoping to see the dinosaur parents, and then you went and murdered them?! For shame Clip Clop, for shame.
ОтветитьAre you going to keep making free content? Or is it all for those who have money to give? I pay yt premium and that's the least I can do. I want to do that but not if you are going to paywall things
ОтветитьYou should have Bailey Sarian as a guest.
ОтветитьThe tent song omg 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьI can't believe that cameo at the end, who knew they could book an Oscar Winning Actress?
ОтветитьHello I need to know where did Claudia get her sandals thank you love the show!
ОтветитьIt is extremely weird to hear a popular show refer to Tommy Bartlett and the Dells. I'm not complaining, just very confused.
ОтветитьWhat happen to Alone paranormal series?
ОтветитьWhat do you mean Muslim tradition wouldn't typically allow this...? Muslim women had more right than western women (some might argue we still do). They had a right to education, Equability in religion (men and women are equal before God), they could own and run businesses, their husband had to give them a gift or dowy for her hand in marriage, they had a right to participate in war or military activates, husband can not take their wifes money but husband are responsible for funding the household (so her money is her money and his money is also her money)
ОтветитьShould have thrown a bunch of jelly beans on the floor after the smack, since Ryan "smacked the s*** out of the professor!"
ОтветитьI have a feeling my West Civ 1 professor would LOVE Puppet History. Wish me luck lmaooo
ОтветитьI think the tent is one of my favorite guests of all time
ОтветитьLet's refrain from calling someone a "sex worker" when they were part of a deal where slaves were sold. It's not consensual and is actually gross.
ОтветитьWhoa. A Tommy Barlett shout-out? That is...very regional of you.
ОтветитьI desperately want to be a fly on the wall as they develop these shows 😂
ОтветитьWhoever made the tent puppet needs a raise — incredibly unsettling and what a twist with the skeleton reveal
Ответитьthat evil horse will pay
ОтветитьI really miss the original Professor 😢
ОтветитьYa, let's not talk about how the Muslim states captured Chritians, other non muslims and enslaved them during these wars. Yet, the crusades to stop that were wrong only lol. We'll just skip that part of the history.
Ответитьthe english pronunciation of arabic names is so funny 😂😂 The professor isn't even close
ОтветитьI feel so awful that Professor's parents went to the Dells as their [redacted] vacation!
As a semi-local I will never understand y'all actually enjoying The Dells lmao (also bartlett's is gone ... sorry)
The maniacal laughter after the reveal of the dead body SENT me dude 😂💀