Car Boot season seems to be starting up again thankfully and I managed to get round 2 this morning. Macron Stadium in Bolton and then Bowlers In Trafford. This haul video shows the items I managed to pick up, hopefully you can comment and help on one or two!! Not the biggest haul ever but some unusual finds....
#CarBootChris #Reseller #Thrifting
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About Me
I am a car boot sale, thrifter, ebayer, reseller. Reselling to make money on eBay. I have been for a couple of years now and various youtubers have helped me a lot over this time. I thought I would share my finds and hauls and whats important to me as a part time reseller rather than full time.
For anyone not from the UK a car boot sale is typically a sale where people park up and sell their goods from the back, boot or trunk of their cars. Lots of variations like indoor, outdoor, table top sale, jumble sale, second hand sale, pre-loved sale, boot fair etc... My full explanation here -
Hope you find it interesting, if not stick to videos of our little Cookie!
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Youtuber Gear -
For business or media enquiries please contact -
[email protected]
#Car_boot_chris #Car_boot_sales #Haul_video #Reseller_vlog #Buying_and_selling #Making_money_on_ebay #Profit_on_ebay #Thrifting #Thrifter #Today’s_pick_ups #Antique_finds_at_car_boot #Charity_shops #Flea_market_finds #Table_top_sale #Booter #Ebayer #Ebay #Manchester #Macron_stadium_car_boot_sale #Bolton_wanderers_football_club #Bowlers_car_boot_sale #Trafford #only_fools_and_horses #nic_hills #jason_t_smith #reselling_online #thrifty_business