Weird Stories from The Titanic You May Not Have Heard Of

Weird Stories from The Titanic You May Not Have Heard Of

Kaz Rowe

1 год назад

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@mindywyse9515 - 16.12.2024 18:57

To not be sympathetic to any loss of life is such a biotchy thing to say.

@mindywyse9515 - 16.12.2024 19:03

You are exploiting the titanic . They were doing their own research trying to view it because they were intrigued just as u. So how r u so much better than anyone else. To not have sympathy just is disgusting.

@cynthiamcgee4829 - 22.12.2024 07:54

I agree with you that is sacred ground and it is a watery grave, and people need to respect it as such. I firmly believe in research but not tourism.

@cynthiamcgee4829 - 22.12.2024 08:05

Since he was in The galley I wished he'd put the mother cat in the kittens in the lifeboat too, unfortunately they died. He was smart he was drinking alcohol which kept him alive.
And some of the passengers had dogs on the Titanic that didn't make it off either. The whole thing about the Titanic was just horrific and sad.

@KleineMaus111 - 23.12.2024 18:18

So what I learned is if you want to survive freezing water drink some alcohol

@Xavierschanclas - 27.12.2024 04:47

Yasss another kaz video

@TheSub2rainen - 27.12.2024 13:52

Wish I’d known about the lighthouse when I lived in NYC. One of my first friends there was a native and she tipped me off to two Titanic-related things: the memorial to the Strausses, the older couple portrayed in “Titanic” as cuddling together in their room as the ship went down. Mrs. Strauss refused to leave her husband. He was a co-founder of Macy’s. A relative left part of his fortune to establish the Webster — a hotel for women, so shop girls had a safe, affordable place to live.

The other Titanic spot was the building where passengers were processed as they disembarked in NYC. IIRC it was a Citibank when I lived there, but the various classes — First, Second, and Steerage — are carved into the building over entrances.

@amangill3154 - 28.12.2024 04:03

Love this video

@FrankSablan-y1v - 28.12.2024 07:26

@krystalrae2468 - 29.12.2024 02:17

When I was pregnant with my first, I was obsessed with titanic. Like for 6 months I watched titanic movies and content daily. The baby was born April 15th and my obsession stopped.

@MasterBritannicJess - 29.12.2024 20:47

Titanic and Britannic are sister Ships and Britannic sank by a mine.

@SimonDickman - 31.12.2024 03:41

I really like the personal stories. It is much more relatable than the sry statistics about the disaster.

@juliehoward4576 - 31.12.2024 05:04

Nice video, I really enjoyed it!

@josephdennison4890 - 07.01.2025 01:22

Shouldn't challenge God. " Not even God could sink the Titanic."

@leyhsa529 - 07.01.2025 23:48

The date it sank was actually April 14, 1912

@kimmicassio6778 - 09.01.2025 19:24

If you kill the annoying background music. That would help. Js..

@LunarEclipseMoonMagic - 12.01.2025 07:56

Titanic was never called unsinkable. The line was “it’s as unsinkable as we can make it “.

@dustbunee2007 - 25.01.2025 17:05

I was in a play at a community theater in the fall of 2005 called "Titanic: Tragedy and Trial". It can also be done as two smaller plays: "Voices from the Titanic" and "Echoes from the Titanic". I was in the first act only (when performed as a one-act, it's the one called "Voices from the Titanic") as Maria Panula, a third-class passenger from Finland who was traveling with her five sons to join her husband in Pennsylvania. Since the woman's two oldest sons were practically young men, they were roomed with the single men, while Maria and her three younger sons shared a room with a young single woman named Anna Turja. According to what I've read (both in my play script and online), when the ship started sinking, Maria was worried about them all drowning, since one of her other sons had also drowned while they were living in Finland. Also, Maria Panula and all five of her sons were lost in the sinking, and their bodies were never recovered. (Until DNA tests proved otherwise, it was believed that the body of the infant that was found early on was that of Maria's youngest son, but was later identifed as Sidney Goodwin.)

In December of 2011, as part of a second honeymoon, my dad took me and my husband to Pigeon Forge, and we went to the Titanic Museum Attraction there.

@limora74 - 25.01.2025 22:05

Most people don't know this but the lack of life boats WAS NOT the real issue. If everything had played out exactly as it did, just with more lifeboats, things would have ended very similarly because the issue was with the training on how to use them as well as lack of communication throughout the ship of needing to get to the lifeboats immediately. Third class passengers being stuck where the water was filling up was the cause of their deaths more than lack of lifeboats. They were behind the gates because the staff was not informed of the severity of the situation. Aside from that, people were not trained, no one had practiced a drill. The Titanic is what caused the rest of the world to have an adequate amount of lifeboats. It wasn't that the white star lines were just skimping out out of their huge amount of pride. That was just common in those days. Pretty much whenever I see a video that casts White Star lines as an evil entity and that the lack of lifeboats was the real problem, I immediately know these people don't know what they're talking about. And then I doubt every other story that they tell. Because they have not done their research thoroughly enough. If you think Bruce Ismay was an absolute villain, then I don't trust anything else you have to say. The film the Titanic may have gotten the historic elements of the ship correct? But it got the causes behind the wreck and its main historic characters wrong. That is a disservice to the people who did their best in a really unfortunate situation.

@jasonrosa5268 - 27.01.2025 07:07

Dumbledore seems like a nice older man, but I’m not sending my only child to a school I’ve neve heard of!!!! Why not Eaton????

@jasonrosa5268 - 27.01.2025 07:11

… as a mugg! I’d probably b wors than uncle Dursly with a SOLID NO!!!!

@jasonrosa5268 - 27.01.2025 07:43

Yore beautiful!

@jasonrosa5268 - 27.01.2025 07:43


@rachaelsandacz3540 - 28.01.2025 04:26

While it was advertised as a great, safe, strong ship, it was never called "unsinkable" until AFTER it sank. It was used ironically because it made for a catchier headline. There is no record of anyone anywhere calling it unsinkable until afterward.

@livingintheocean_ - 30.01.2025 02:18

Hearing that Louis and Lolo's father had kidnapped them and was bringing them to America on the Titanic makes me think that what if he stayed aboard as the ship sank was because he knew he'd get in trouble. Or not, no one will know.

@BrendaBooher-hw4mf - 31.01.2025 22:32

Our host does look like Rose. I really appreciate the Titanic stories. Rest in peace Titanic victims 🙏

@BrendaBooher-hw4mf - 31.01.2025 22:53

The few men that were lucky enough to get into a lifeboat weren't cowards. Don't forget those people were just trying to survive. Rest in peace Titanic.

@SageLee-u6g - 08.02.2025 17:17

i was told about charles by my dad (an avid titanic nerd) years ago and I tell everyone I know about his story. My dad said Charles was the head baker and when he woke up to find the ship sinking, he rushed to the kitchen and drank the ship's ENTIRE supply of liquor, climbed to the top of the ship, and rode it down like an elevator, which can be seen in the Titanic movie. The guy sitting next to Rose at the top of the ship is the baker.

@janessap1739 - 11.02.2025 08:52

I’m sorry, but I think that no matter how knowledgeable you are on this subject, or no matter what your opinion is on the so-called Titanic tourism, it is in poor taste to say that you’ve got minimum sympathy for those explorers in the ‘tin can’. They have families who loved them and they were humans regardless of what you agree or don’t agree with what they were doing…

I think anytime there is a tragedy where there is losses of human life, unless those people were evil in whatever way, or they deliberately hurt others, it is really cringe to voice that kind of opinion publicly, such as on social media. You’re entitled to your opinion, I agree with that 100%, but when you have a rather large channel, such as you do, I just think that a little more couth or class should be shown.

It’s offensive in general when loss of life is trivialized. This is the first time I’ve seen your channel, and I’m not sure that I’ll be back. Your comment just doesn’t sit with me right. I’m sure I am not alone in that either…Please do better!!

PS: Look, I apologize if you think this comment is disrespectful, but I think that if no one else has said it, it needed to be said… as a creator, you should not be so flippant or insensitive about the loss of life. Just some constructive criticism…if you even see this lol! Take it or leave it. Anyway… I did watch the rest of this video, and you had some pretty cool stories to share, so I’m gonna just hope that it was a one and done comment like that. Take care…

@Lanipax - 12.02.2025 03:13

Sorry but that bit about the baker keeping warm because of the consumption of alcohol can’t be right! Alcohol lowers you body temp.

@jmcosmos - 14.02.2025 03:38

Kaz, you might also have mentioned that Olympic and Britannic were Titanic 's sisters in their class. It's possible Britannic was sunk by a German U-boat in 1916 despite being clearly marked as a Red Cross hospital ship, or she may have hit a mine. Either way, she's still sitting on the bottom of the Agean Sea. Olympic soldiered on through the war, finally being decommissioned and broken up in 1935 after 24 years of service.

@Violeteclipse-oz2wu - 14.02.2025 05:03

Charles is officially my favourite person In history,Like everyone was panicking as everything was going to hell and people where dying meanwhile he was just drinking and acting like nothing was having being like “ah sh*t we’re going down?well guess I better get sorted and leave after my jobs are done”,My dude was so chill😂

@AnneliLMendozaArt - 17.02.2025 06:16

The Lazlo reference was oooon point!

@patmullarkey7659 - 19.02.2025 17:16

Not a ghost ship. There was another ship in the area, the SS Californian, which saw Titanic's lights and flares. There was a big investigation into why the ship didn't go to the Titanic, which some say was only five (to 15) miles away. The captain of the Californian was a pariah because of his actions (or lack of) for the rest of his life.

@ArmakKun - 22.02.2025 04:12

carpathia deserves its own movie...

@Wifeymorgan - 22.02.2025 23:34

Didn’t even make it to the actual content of this video because of the insufferable introductory comments 🙄 pass.

@Ann23lolaa - 24.02.2025 07:25

Hey from NYC RRR

@thetripleas5582 - 24.02.2025 21:59

White Star needed to fire Violet

@Facelessface1 - 25.02.2025 05:08

I got goosebumps with the last story

@turningthesage8687 - 27.02.2025 17:25

What's wrong with "extremely rich men"?

@lydiasanchez3537 - 01.03.2025 13:23

I am showing appreciation for the fact that you said "facts that you MAY not have heard of".

@sophiauban7352 - 02.03.2025 14:20

Got an ad for a cruise during this vid. Great timing, like i could even afford a cruise, great audience targeting.

@KaraMoseley-d3w - 10.03.2025 17:17

I cant.

@JennyT2022 - 12.03.2025 10:41

So, as far as Joseph Laroche. Before I even knew who he was or heard of his name, I was reading a book about the Titanic when I was about 8 or 9. It was “The Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters: Thrilling Stories of Survivors with Photographs and Sketches” and in the Titanic one, I believe it recounts the last few moments of Laroche’s life. There was a woman who saw a “Ne**o” man and he either shot someone or someone shot him and the person ran away (or he ran away) because of life vests. It was a long time ago since I read this book but I remember reading about it and thinking this is the only time I’ve heard a black person being on the titanic. Especially as an Afro-Latino Engineer. Also, fun fact about him (it’s more sad): They didn’t like him being in First Class due to his skin color so they only allowed him being in middle class.

Extra fun fact about the survivors: The line that created Titanic, they wanted to make sure they didn’t have any responsibility towards the sinking so a few representatives visited some survivors, who were still going through PTSD since it only happened a few days ago or weeks ago (they were still hospitalized), and tricked them into signing documents about them not being their butts into court. It’s really sad…

@KD.Cosmic - 12.03.2025 12:09

Your lighting is actually beautiful

@nomadicdramatic2496 - 13.03.2025 14:01

I gave this video a chance as you're new to me but the fact it didn't even start until 4 minutes in had me ready to click off. Just some feedback there ❤️

@treeloc4526 - 14.03.2025 02:19

Id also be getting wasted charles is real as fuck

@Ms.Laterholmes - 15.03.2025 07:03

OK, you said New York City like Laszlo does in what we do in the shadows😂😂❤❤
