2 Years Of Full-time TRAVEL - Here's What We Learned

2 Years Of Full-time TRAVEL - Here's What We Learned

Lloyd & Mandy

1 год назад

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@AlexWhite_gr - 04.01.2025 19:37

Nice to hear the truth guys

@joethecomputerguy1 - 22.06.2024 22:30

She's cute. Love Aussies.

@RenatoJones - 11.04.2024 11:03

i've watched a few of your videos that have popped up on my feed but something about Lloyd explaining to take flights in the afternoon cuz he struggles with sleep and it's best to be rested for travel really hit me right in the relatable and i immediately clicked subscribe

@dylanappenfeldt2442 - 17.03.2024 02:13

Wow Both of you have changed for the better! Congratulations. I wonder what happened to change you both so dramatically since you started. I couldn’t watch all the beer and alcohol. I wish You Two Much Success and Peace ✌️

@warrenr.johnson7990 - 27.02.2024 22:58

Great video. One thing I'm finding is lack of community. Initially, I had community when staying somewhere for a relatively long time. As stay times get shorter, I find I'm pretty much relating with expats. They and I move on, so there's little time to develop community. I'm finding that a drawback to constant travel.

@hmck9988 - 22.02.2024 15:18

Thank you both for your honesty. It really is refreshing. We have subscribed and followed a few travellers and they paint a pretty picture of a destination and when we experience it ourselves it falls flat. I subscribed to you as I feel you will keep it real and that’s what we need. We look forward to seeing where you go next.

@AhmadAli-xz7rn - 04.02.2024 18:54

Great video, love the yoga matt recommendation as I’ve been looking for one. Keep it real 😉

@tmsgaming123 - 26.01.2024 15:46

I once read about an American was suggested to come to Indonesia and he said why would he want to go there, he think Indonesian is muslim country and it is not safe so many bombing and earthquakes and volcanoes.

First of all, sure indonesia is majority muslim but it is not muslim country, i am myself is Indonesian and not muslim and i feel the muslim are more polite than myself to the point i feel bad about it.
Second, yes there are some bombing in the past but it happen years ago and only in small area not happen in the whole country, also now the security is more tight and the people is more vigilant, even USA is more dangerous with the school and public shooting more often than here.
Third, earthquakes and volcano eruptions are natural disasters you cannot do about it but you can just be more vigilant when it happen, do not go near the volcano when it erupting or beach when earthquake happen.

Other than that Indonesia is super safe and the people are super nice and sweet

@edithspanner210 - 31.12.2023 08:01

Soiche Vids brauch koa Mensch !!

@KristinePollard - 28.12.2023 19:25

Great video, thank you!

@greyhawk5990 - 27.12.2023 11:20

This is so helpful and truthful. Thank you! 😊

@rosstravels.official - 21.12.2023 13:29

Absolutely LOVE this video and this style of video is reeeaaalllyyyy inspiring me to try it out myself. Just talking about topics in different areas while also having a super mini vlog type situation integrated in there is so smart. Flipping legends, these two man, I tell you👏🏾🇨🇦🇦🇺. Also the dog and the GTA spin absolutely made why whole entire night , that was so funny😂. Love you guys😄
~Isaiah R

@misterr279 - 10.12.2023 16:15

The last point is what put an end to our travels. We did 18 months of no home and we realized that we just wanted to create a life we didn't want to run away from. The more we saw, the more we realised how similar everywhere is due to modern life, wants, desires and technology, just different climates.

We realized instead of buying things , we were trying to buy the mystical enlightenment of experiences so we had just invested into a new form of commerce.

We learned that NOTHING will live up to the expectation, we aren't naturally made to wander..just little adventures are nice.

We like "stuff" our own bed, couch, TV, coffee machine etc etc. A good solid routine is invaluable.

We've seen some amazing things but I think the most important lesson we learned was the old saying "wherever you go, you will always take yourself with you" I think we finally understand that now. ❤

@evabruchhaus6741 - 08.12.2023 17:57

thanks for sharing especially the last part: yes, it IS tiring not to be settled and yes, full time travelling is romaticized very often. i have been without a proper home for the last 9 years (well, with breaks, but nothing really too long) and i feel you. still, you are a couple, what makes these things a bit easier, because one thing many digital nomads often come across (and barely anyone talks about) is loneliness. great video!

@mashonaholistic - 08.12.2023 11:10

Really love your videos and this one especially. Thank you for being transparent about this lifestyle. My experience is a bit similar to yours so I can definitely relate in that. The constant fatigue of not feeling grounded is definitely a thing.
I wish you good luck for your next adventure, whatever you decide.
If you guys are still in Bangkok in January 2024, I’d love to meet you as I’ll be arriving on January 9th :)

@LaylaLane - 08.12.2023 08:05

Appreciate the realness! Not many people/travel vloggers do it and it's misleading. Love ya'll's vids!

@heathersullivan8494 - 07.12.2023 04:43

There is definitely a benefit and a downside to the kind of life you are living. I can’t imagine. I mean I’ve only scratched the surface with traveling to different places in Mexico. Even that in one trip gets a bit exhausting. It would be quite tiring to do that same thing in different countries and every few days. While I love it, it’s a bit overwhelming and I have said to my partner that maybe we should just stay in one place on one trip at a time. Not quite the same as what you are doing, I know, but one can definitely understand. With that said I absolutely love and appreciate your content. It’s so super helpful. ❤😊Take care.

@cacanghoihoi3005 - 06.12.2023 12:16

Hat jemand schon mal Fremdgegangen???😊😊😊

@elsienorback7689 - 06.12.2023 07:28

When I travel for work to the Lower 48 states they always book ticket for 6:00 am departure. Ugh, it makes it for a rough day then having to work 16 hours a day for 2 full weeks, it’s exhausting!! When I get two days off for R&R all I do is sleep. I often extend assignment and stay another 2 weeks on same work schedule. Luckily it’s only during Wildland fire season.

@elsienorback7689 - 06.12.2023 07:25

Exactly!! I’ve traveled to new countries and had been cautioned and was slightly afraid at first but after a week or two it was nothing like what ppl had warned me about.
I agree. When you travel take the least amount of things with you. If you absolutely need it you can get it wherever you are or something similar.

@MYoutube8 - 06.12.2023 06:36

We are living the same life as you guys, but with no cameras haha :)

Very recognizable aspects, after 3 years of travel (a month, or two, per location is our thing) it´s also getting quite hard on us. Missing a homebase, the tempo, the constant figuring out, the decisions constantly...

But damn, it´s double... we´ve had the best years of our lives. We´ve made so many priceless memories and learned so much. We really are living! WE FEEL ALIVE! :)))

So.., yeah, it´s hard, but it´s worth it. Curious if you guys are gonna get a homebase and travel from there? We are doing that in 2024. We are considering Kuala Lumpur as a headquarters and travel from there. Like 2 months homebased and then a cool trip to like Hong Kong or Kyoto etcetc.

Greetings fellow worldtravelers :)

@deborahtapper3917 - 06.12.2023 06:33

Domesticity and gardening are under rated. Growing flowers and veges on your own land, while the kiddiewinks frolic with the fur children. It’s not so bad. Travelling is possibly more ‘exciting’ but familiarity, family, daily rituals, pets…..they’re good too. Just a more peaceful vibe. You have much to look forward to.

@JennandLeon - 05.12.2023 23:53

Love your videos guys! We can totally relate to everything you’ve said here. Especially the decision fatigue. (Well for me Jenn anyways 😆 there’s always one of the 2 right?!) after being in Thailand and Asia for 10 days short of 1 year and 13 countries in that time we’re pretty burnt out (especially the fast traveling!) we’re definitely more into long stay travel 🧳 we are headed to Canada on December 19th …. maybe we’ll see you there? ❤️❤️

@lubyard6057 - 05.12.2023 23:32

Great video guys. You have hit all the important things in life. Just a tip and its personal. Don't leave it too late to have a family if thats what you want. I did. And forever regret it. Love your channel.❤

@JerryCannito - 05.12.2023 23:00

I'm 70 yrs old and loved following your adventures. Back in the 70's and 80"s, I did the backpack trips to Europe and always linked up with traveling Australians. . It costs so much money for them to leave Australia that they would take six months traveling. Inh 80's married a Travel agent which gave us more extended vacations cheaply. You have given us so much- Thank You.....but time to set roots.

@native_ty - 05.12.2023 21:36

Having a base for me is key, a place where I can be with friends, a nice routine and a familiarized place.
I can sense you guys are going to get one soon ❤
Happy days

@newtonarock1802 - 05.12.2023 21:33

Excellent video. I'm currently scouting Thailand for my future home. I have identified Hua Hin as my best prospect. Have you ever been there? Your thoughts? I'll be in Thailand this weekend for 6 weeks and would love to catch up with you and hear more, your videos have been so interesting. Safe travels!

@LV12800 - 05.12.2023 21:04

Very true and realistic summation...I believe every individual is different, but one common necessity for everyone is balance and harmony, whatever that may be for that person. Love you guys being transparent and saying it like it is. Look forward to where life takes you next. ❤

@cristianspedrozo - 05.12.2023 19:35

I think one of the things that you could add to the list is How do you deal with your partnet? What I mean with this is, how do you deal when you need space? Also I would add what happends if you need some family/friends time?

@King-Gilamashur2758 - 05.12.2023 19:30

It's funny because I just arrived to Vietnam last week from Europe and it took me one day to change the sleep cycle. Probably has to do with the fact that I worked in a hotel doing night shifts for years so I was used to doing it. But I thought I would struggle more with jetlag and I actually didn't.

@jonnokim17 - 05.12.2023 18:26

i can really relate to everything you guys mentioned, especially the last part.. having lived a nomadic lifestyle for 5-6 years. i never thought i’d get to that stage but decision fatigue is real, and i can’t even truly appreciate the new places i’m at anymore after constantly hopping around to new countries/cities on a weekly basis. definitely taking some break at home right now but my plan is to try to only visit places i’ve really enjoyed being at and trying to stay there a bit longer this time around. good luck to you both! 🙏

@kalumrathnayaka6250 - 05.12.2023 17:08


@rebeccal.672 - 05.12.2023 17:06

Thanks for sharing what you have learned so far. Appreciate the insight and the links. Take care and enjoy your time back in Thailand.

@lowell62 - 05.12.2023 16:36

Over the years during slow travel I just ask myself what item I will need to shed in order to fit a new one into my backpack/suitcase and that pretty much makes the decision for me...I rarely end up wanting or needing to purchase! Used to bring back momentos, struggling to tuck them all in any little free crack or crevice lol, eventually it wore me out! When I do quicker travel I always pack in the smallest bag I can manage, usually my 40 L Osprey backpack. Again, no extra room to cram more stuff in. I allow myself a small item that speaks to the area I am traveling in. A small Oaxacan painted animal, or a very tiny bowl, a piece of jewelry, etc. I rarely buy clothing unless something I really need that I did not foresee before I arrived, stick with a monochromatic wardrobe, black, grey, white and some earthy tones that mix and match. Happy travels everyone!

@stellathebella - 05.12.2023 16:33

Your pants look so comfortable! Can you share a brand or where they are from? I love them!

@salubriousplace23 - 05.12.2023 16:17

Very true 😂😅 felt this way after 8 months of traveling. I would add to take with yourself medications, natural cosmetics and shoes if you have a large numbers as in Asia that we were missing. Also extra phone, extra computer cables, lots of camomile tea 😃 sth to heat up water like a little kettle, wise card, cutlery!! 😅😂 @culturedrift what else??

@michael__james - 05.12.2023 16:06

Thanks for this! I am one month in my 7-8 month trip and can sooo relate to what you are saying.

@naturalexplorer - 05.12.2023 14:57

Two years is a long time to be on the road. Have travelled for over two years previously but only regularly changing location for around a year. A lot younger then as well. These days really do not want to move around location to location for at least a week and more like 2 weeks. Enjoyed many of your travels. Imagine you will settle for a while somewhere and then the urge to move will come again - Europe - Africa - South America. So much living along the way.

@findingretreat - 05.12.2023 14:48

Love hw calm & composed u 2 are compared to others. Which means lot of behind scene preps. Big fan . Ayubowan ! From sri Lanka

@achieveenlightenment5152 - 05.12.2023 14:27

Beautiful sharing X THANK YOU GREAT ONEs X

@richiereid100 - 05.12.2023 14:22

Amazing weekly vlog share guys👏 I love that you included gratitude for growing up in “lucky countries” like Aust, Canada & NZ! My first trip to Indonesia 35 years ago showed me not only how lucky we are to have started life where we did but also how much we don’t actually need to be happy with life. Your weekly schedule with travel and work must be super tough! Travelling alone is taxing enough on so many parts of day to day living. Can I recommend a format change where you spend 2-3 months in one city or precinct and visit the surrounding areas, eateries, travel destinations as day trips as your weekly vlog? Less flights, more home life and without a doubt, still quality engaging content. Safe travels and keep rested 👏👏👏👏

@bronwynquinn4477 - 05.12.2023 14:20

So fabulous! Loved this realistic viewpoint Good on you!

@robertgreenhalgh2581 - 05.12.2023 14:04

been watching you two nice people for ages now. time for reflection is good you can take stock of things. also your channel is very informative aswell. Have agreat christmas. Be interesting to see what your future plans are. GOOD LUCK

@johnwalsh1645 - 05.12.2023 14:02

The festival looks like Loy Krathong, the small floats are meant to float away and take your worries/fears. It’s held at the end of November in Thailand
