Just waste these people people.
ОтветитьDude doesn’t hold back.....very interesting. Thanks asking direct questions. I can’t believe that city or country council was upset a citizen was asking them questions. Who the hell do they think they are?
ОтветитьCan you contact me and expose Apartment in Edison, NJ that is contaminated by mold and it's a sick building being covered up by the town health dept and congressman.
ОтветитьThis just appeared in my recommendations.
Just subscribed 🤣
And I’m not even from America.
From the land down under 🇦🇺
Thank you we're looking into the stuff and not letting it get covered up and bring it out to the public so the other people know that have not heard
ОтветитьWow do you for really believe that there's a difference between Dems and gop stop drinking the cool aid the republicans and Dems are pouring down your throat
Ответить. The only way to slow this down is to stop letting cowards behind badges. Stop the militarization of police. If you had your lunch money taken you to have no damn business behind a badge. Any civil servant that carries a gun should have a body camera 24/7/365. Don't like it get a different job. And if they tamper with the video/camera try to turn it off delete erase, 50 years prison minimum Abolish internal affairs, let the citizens of the county they operate in to take care of policing the police. Letting the police investigate themselves is tat amount to letting the Nazis decide their fates after WWII. Innocent murdered by police. 2017 whites 457 blacks 223. Of these 680 murders, 0 police were charged with murder. Zero!!! In point of fact since 2005, to 2015 only 13 have been convicted of murder. Right over 9000 in 10 years innocent men woman and children murdered by cowards behind a damn badge, and only 13 convinced of murder. Just what part of over 9000 innocent do you guys not understand? Internal affairs protecting murders. Internal affairs must be abolished. WTHU. FFS
ОтветитьAuditing at its finest
ОтветитьThe older white lady on the front row had your back! Keep up the good work 🇺🇸
ОтветитьQuality journalism. 😜
ОтветитьMad respect!!!! Keep up the fight!!!
ОтветитьGood job.
ОтветитьSchool board elections are very very important
Ответить"I respect women, but at the same time, you should be wearing a dress." 😂😂
ОтветитьGod speed. Kick m where it hurts. Cock sucker dems.
ОтветитьIf everyone participated in govt like this. Things would change immediately. Participation is what the founding fathers wanted.
ОтветитьThis dude needs to take a job or two away appears he has more knowledge than the frickin Mayor wow. Definitely a new subscriber otw,
ОтветитьJimmy. Back to you now!!!!!
What's wrong with you Jimmy!!!!
TY for fighting these agents of EVIL, angels of anarchy, enemies of Christ & B!TCHES OF SATAN!
THEY are amongst us AMOK!
This Dude is a Beast 👏👏👏👏
ОтветитьI applaud this man"s mission somehow his message would be taken more seriously if he changed out of his pajamas.
ОтветитьI dont know why that's funny when he says " your a scumbag jimmy"!!!
Ответитьdemocrat cockroaches don't like the light
ОтветитьIt is a joke. If people still vote for Dems they are a joke. Wake up people
ОтветитьThank you!
ОтветитьTrump 2020 for all America
ОтветитьGet this man some shades and a boss chain..boom!
ОтветитьNotice he wasn't beaten or shot by the police.... He listened to the man of the law, and lived to see another day. Thank you sir for what you are doing to bring thing to light
ОтветитьBro I like your style but next time put a shirt on at the council meeting
ОтветитьGO!!! 🖒
ОтветитьWe need more people like this, democrats are ruining this nation, peroid!
ОтветитьCome on Jimmy answer the Question
ОтветитьI live in Virginia, Miles away from NY and NJ. Nevertheless, this is EXACTLY what we need. In many ways, the local elections are far, FAR more important than the national one because this ACTUALLY effects you....if you are a local, that is.
ОтветитьThe people have turned to let evil rise they are complicit we are in the last days God will send great calamity upon the men who turn away from Godly sound doctrine they have turned into sodom and Gomorrah they willfully do evil and they hurt the children God will unleash his anger against those who seek to destroy his holy people for VENGEANCE IS THE LORDS
ОтветитьThe elections are rigged that’s why demorcrats have been in power so long look at california a literal cesspool they have destroyed chicago cali jersey new york every place demonicrats control is turned into shitholes they are so full of evil God will rent this earth with fire
Ответитьprotect this man at all costs!!
ОтветитьHow does LGTBQ history sexualize your children again?
ОтветитьJust remember you are not alone as they want you to believe. You've got balls man. We need more like you.
ОтветитьHe's dressed in rags, decent clothes are available at the cheap clothes stores for poor people. These are important topics, but dude... do you really think presenting yourself decently to others is not important?
ОтветитьThe best one is when he told the police they should bow down to him, because he's the future mayor of Perth Amboy. (Facepalm).
ОтветитьMost definitely a new Independence Day coming.
Ответитьit's not just democrats....the republicans are no different. get rid of party system, people run as individuals.
ОтветитьWhoa! What a brave soul. I don't know what's worse, Commiefornia or N.J. This guy and others like Langley Outdoors Academy give me hope that the tide is turning.