Bernie Sanders: Behind the Scenes on the Campaign Trail

Bernie Sanders: Behind the Scenes on the Campaign Trail

ABC News

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@lampshademurph4037 - 27.02.2016 13:19


@alexlutz758 - 27.02.2016 13:36

Who dresses Hilary..... Shieeeetttttttt

@JustMe-ec2ph - 27.02.2016 14:37

Hillary will win South Carolina as much as I would love to be wrong because too many black people there have blinders on when it comes to the only one that has fought CONSISTENTLY for them which is Bernie Sanders! He has a long record of doing what he says starting with him marching with MLK and being arrested for protesting going forward Bernie fought against bills that would hurt blacks, campaigned for Jesse Jackson, fought against social security cuts which would also hurt seniors of every race, went to Florida in behalf of black voters that wrongfully got their votes trashed, while Hillary starting out as a Goldwater girl which was against civil rights going forward pushed for policies that hurt black and talked about her views still as a Republican and her talking about super-predators. Hillary has a record of flip flops and anyone that thinks she will do anything to help poor people regardless of their race is dreaming!

After South Carolina WATCH OUT especially if the blinders come off more people.

Bernie for Main Street
Hillary for Wall Street and Big Pharma

@marytennant8246 - 27.02.2016 15:24

President Donald J Trump . God bless AMERICA **************************************

@MR_BrothaX - 27.02.2016 16:03

SC is so disappointing smh

@migsl6696 - 27.02.2016 16:43

Another bias reporting from ABC - Always Bias for Clinton (ABC) - The presidential race will be up to California. Bernie gonna win!

@davidlaw6963 - 27.02.2016 18:29

God Help Us if Burny wins...first thing that will happen is every American with any wealth whatsoever will instantly hide that wealth. Large corporations will immediately try to get out from under American dominion. Bernie will cause an almost immediate failure in economics.

@rebeccafridaylover - 27.02.2016 18:47

More Americans support bernie, a underdog for the democratic nominee than trump, the front runner. Yet, more coverage is on trump than sanders. Taking about a biased media.

@mamzersdream1 - 27.02.2016 19:48

Bernie should be waterboarded.

@waltermarlin1730 - 27.02.2016 20:29

Hillary Clinton's platform is Republican.

Trump is a very rich Democrat. Very rich Democrat. A contradiction in terms.

@eddrm4685 - 27.02.2016 20:30

I have always liked Chris Christie now I love him in a non homosexual way!!! Chris Christie for Attorney General!!!
Go Trump Go!!! Trump 2016!!!
I've talked with a lot of berniebots who are going to support Trump in the general after clinton steals the primary,
you are all welcome to come on over to the winning team, a vote for Trump is a vote AGAINST the establishment,

@victoriaallen8271 - 27.02.2016 21:34

South Carolina is worth 59 delegates. It's a psychological state. He is working hard.

@victoriaallen8271 - 27.02.2016 21:39

Don't let them fool you. There are 50 rounds in this game. We total delegates which are proportional to the number of people who vote. It's not over until the last delegates are given.

@Justin-hb9wc - 27.02.2016 22:16

What's with Hillary wearing that burlap sack?

@billroberts7881 - 27.02.2016 22:35

A major endorsement is coming from such a loser he had to drop out of the primaries?  Only in the weak right wing mind, I guess.

@billroberts7881 - 27.02.2016 22:38

ABC = Always Biased (for) Clinton

@ChrisGodown - 28.02.2016 03:17

WTF ABC? The video is titled Bernie Sanders: Behind the Scenes on the campaign trail, and it's all about the republicans (including Hillary, that republican in Democrat clothing). Can we get some realistic coverage about the reality going on with Sanders instead of this propaganda, please?

@chrisogden7001 - 28.02.2016 08:15

cant trust hilary

@chrisogden7001 - 28.02.2016 08:16

burn the dnc if sanders does not win

@jc4565 - 28.02.2016 09:05

I don't understand why African Americans in SC would vote against their own interests? They need to stop watching mainstream media that are telling them what to eat, what to buy and who to vote for. Instead they should think outside the box and do their own research.

@igotanimac1 - 28.02.2016 11:32


@osufand - 28.02.2016 17:29

omg the guy in the beginning has so much make up on is unbelievable. Be proud of your looks don't overload in make up

@GetToDaChoppa-k5r - 29.02.2016 01:06

All I can say is this. Fuck you South Carolina.

@FellowTravelerVlog - 29.02.2016 02:45

Wtf? This video has like 1 minute of Bernie. Can you please screw off ABC?

@margesimpson2213 - 29.02.2016 03:42

How black people voted for Clinton is beyond me.

@DueRag - 29.02.2016 08:51

Geeee how did you get the money to get Morgan Freeman?

@JohnCamery - 01.03.2016 01:19

Like all ABC News videos, this one is positive toward their candidate and negative toward the other candidates. A fat reporter makes innuendos about the candidates age, makes a false dichotomy between him and the other parties candidate, which the candidate disavows. The reporter only asks about negative aspects of the campaign with nothing about real political issues that people care about. Why do reporters find it necessary to use idioms like "taking him down" that are associated with violence and criminality? Why is so impossible to have real reporting as opposed to this filth?

@sandycandy9240 - 10.03.2016 01:46

President Bernie Sanders 2016!!
