I Played One Month of Street Fighter 6 as a Complete Beginner

I Played One Month of Street Fighter 6 as a Complete Beginner


55 лет назад

195,965 Просмотров

Turns out Street Fighter 6 is a very hard game.

0:00 Intro
0:36 Week 1 (Days 1-7)
5:21 Week 2 (Days 8-14)
9:01 Week 3 (Days 15-21)
12:42 Week 4 (Days 22-30)
17:54 Tournament Prep

#sf6 #streetfighter #fgc #fightinggames


#SF6 #Street_Fighter_6 #100_days #fighting_games #fgc #fighting_game #improvement
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@Rand35 - 27.09.2024 04:22

You shouldn’t have chosen Luke and you should have chosen Akuma. He’s easier

@yukitadano5098 - 05.10.2024 10:05

Whoa sick editing for the music syncing in the third quarter of the video

@SquierBS - 10.10.2024 13:08

What a great video. Really inspiring man. I am in the same boat as you. I always found fighting games to be super interesting (though for me it's more Mortal Kombat and Tekken than Street Fighter) but they always intimidated me. The learning curve is just insane and I never had the conviction to actually sit down and get good.
Great video and great progress, honestly. Well done!

@homelessemperor2230 - 15.10.2024 01:06

Seeing you use Luke. showed me, you'd excel with Ryu

@dirtybug82 - 16.10.2024 16:59

Why does this guy not have a ton more subscribers?! This was entertaining as heck AND I feel i learned something. Good job my guy

@druhillyard6664 - 19.10.2024 02:04

This was great, thank you.

@dinnerpancakes - 20.10.2024 15:01

Lol. The end bro. Lol. So good. You earned a subscriber

@miguelwong6251 - 23.10.2024 03:06

Me motivaste a hacer lo mismo. Así me lleguen a romper el cu... en el torneo al que quiero ir, empezaré a entrenar bastante para llegar ligeramente preparado. ¡Hermoso video!

@DarkwingShadow - 23.10.2024 18:03

Eh, not bad...

@ismaeljrp1 - 06.11.2024 05:35

This video was incredibly entertaining man.

@shubhamvashist8529 - 07.11.2024 03:37

Holy shit, this is so high quality!

@NoZeroGG - 07.11.2024 13:44

theory crafting overload

@tempaccess7195 - 11.11.2024 17:36

All the best for the next one

@stepkemanga - 16.11.2024 02:20

street fighter is cool but i dont like that everyone has a fireball and just spams it thats why i switched to tekken

@Problem_Y - 27.11.2024 05:18

I commend your effort, gave up on this game after I realized how much of a frustrating time sink it is to go anywhere in ranked, been stuck in gold and just losing nonstop lately, instead of worrying about this shit I'm done, fighting games are way too hard for no damn reason

@lafecide9480 - 27.11.2024 13:14

do you use controller or keyboard ?

@PMO.DB98 - 30.11.2024 04:19

Buying this game tomorrow and starting as Akuma 🗿

@Maxime-uo2iv - 01.12.2024 17:12

Wow, review your videos before posting. The montage has many bad cuts in it.

@followtheones - 07.12.2024 18:01

Whats that outro music? Its very familiar but i cant remember it

@twiztidlalo9396 - 14.12.2024 05:15

Tournament play is harder than ranked its ok keep losing to improve 😂

@muhammadsyahmi6854 - 20.12.2024 04:20

As a newbie do you use the d pad or joystick for the combo because i try to use the pad but the combo is not connected and it to slow

@shaunsingh5179 - 21.12.2024 20:07

Is there some Pokémon music here? 😅

@Yuieatspaint - 22.12.2024 14:06

Tends to happen when you go to your first local/tourney lmao, you get humbled so quick but you learn fast

@karmasxnpai5617 - 24.12.2024 01:47

Im ngl, SF6 looks fun, but i think imma stick to tekken, it just overall seems more enjoyable to me, if im wrong, someone please explain how SF6 is better and maybe get me to play it

@gamerx112 - 31.12.2024 19:18

Street fighter 6 is hot garbage

@crym77 - 02.01.2025 07:44

I love Street Fighter 6 overall, but I hate combos and drive rush. So I get to plat 1, start getting comboed and drive rushed more consistently, and go back down to gold where its much more fun for me playing mostly footsies with people who aren't as good at combos.

@illuminatusdeus3051 - 04.01.2025 11:10

Competitions are a far cry... you need to start working with online matchups and improve your ranking against actual players... then, only then, think about competitive play.

Back the day, in the Arcades, a complete stranger could put in a coin and beat the *rap out of you without thinking.

@peterchikonda2722 - 04.01.2025 21:28

Bro got so good he got he's own win montage

@bevemodi - 05.01.2025 23:05

Great video

@andymeyers4332 - 08.01.2025 13:11

"All that time" you say, but bro you made solid progress. You dove into footies super early in the grand scheme of things. I was doing something while this video was playing in the background but did you dive into the frame data at all?

Great video though. Those majors are just that. Majors. Brings out the very best players and the very best play against the other very best players frequently, iron sharpens iron..

@rayanson2795 - 09.01.2025 15:28

Nice video, is recommend it to anyone anxious about picking up SF6 / a fighting game. I'd also recommend not focusing too much on training mode because playing an actual player is different as you stated, lil info concerning the drive rush, it adds 4 frame advantage (on block for sure, idk if it's the same on hit) to any move, so a move that is usually -2 becomes +2, turning nmunsafe moves into safer ones and safe moves into very oppressive ones, tactically, it's good to beat your opponent if they, don't know about frame data but are aware of their option after blocking certain attacks because of match-up knowledge / experience. So if the opponent try to punish an unsafe move you used that they should be able to punish in normal circumstances, they might try to counter during a drive rush & see their move come out slower & get punished, the game has so much layers of strategy and I love the fact that some of those, you'll never see in lower rank but the higher you rise, the more common you see them so it gets easier to deal with them, if you still play the game you might know about stuff like safe jumps & shumlirs

@ibrahimismail5625 - 12.01.2025 15:54

Yall Street fighter is stupidly hard ill just stick to mobas

@tortillabass - 13.01.2025 02:06

The ending... I totally didn't expect that lmao.
Very inspiring video!! And the editing was super!

@Superman_305 - 14.01.2025 20:41

Between street fighter 6 and tekken 8 i can't decide which one is better because i have both and they're both awesome they're both well crafted video games.

@ColinCochranT11 - 16.01.2025 23:47

I think I see the problem: your controller is missing a stick man! How the hell are you going to win if you can't even move?

@PapyWouane - 28.01.2025 02:32

Can't convince me that half of throw techs aren't just two throw attempts at the same time by both players

@Noekon - 28.01.2025 08:45

Try mk

@TheGodlyGamerMugen - 28.01.2025 14:20

Awesome video did you play classic or modern controls

@SuperTheWriter - 06.02.2025 16:39

Great video, really useful and nice to watch.

@Commanderflynn - 10.02.2025 16:03

I find myself honestly tempted to try to copy this sort of "training"
I've always wanted to get into fighters, but I suck at unstructured learning. Mostly trying to keep up the learning. But this gives me a few ideas, if not for SF then any fighting game I want to break into (or back into)

Enjoyed the learning process and the breakdowns! Shame about the end result, but as long as you had fun for the month, who cares right? :D

@bluetarantulaproductions6179 - 14.02.2025 18:19

First lesson of any fighting game (or any game at all) is learning to except losing, picking yourself up and try try again.

@mangasprai - 21.02.2025 11:11

lol complete beginner and starts at gold?... i am stuck at iron 2 with 30 hours of training...

@yomommamonkey - 23.02.2025 04:53

Is week four music from super paper Mario? I was hit with nostalgia lol

@yomommamonkey - 23.02.2025 04:54

Is week four music from super paper Mario? I was hit with nostalgia lol

@JPOrtiz831 - 27.02.2025 16:13

Yea Luke is my favorite and the developers said he is the best one

@KyokiShinsa - 27.02.2025 20:11

lmao Loved the video! I just started off last week and I've reached Gold rank myself so I can really relate to all of this. Thanks so much for the motivation
