Just finished ur piece of heart guide and after work im doing this
Bro has saved my ass with the heart containers i woulda never got all 20 before my shift lol
How do you wear more than one accessory?
ОтветитьYou can create boxes while on the horse by echoing them in distance in front of trees and then you can jump over trees.
ОтветитьI hear colgera in the background
ОтветитьI only counted 26 I'm confused
ОтветитьI’ve tried amiibo time jumping and it doesn’t work, it just takes away what you get and replaces it each time you jump
ОтветитьThe climbing band is a joke though, I mean it might literally be a joke considering the previous two games, but the difference in speed and times it could be useful are less than negligible.
Maybe if the accessories showed up on the character it would be fun to switch, otherwise I usually just kept the frog ring, and something for defense.
honestly some of the accessories are just not worth using
ОтветитьThanks to your video, i found my last tri Crystall in front of the ice spike Cave, and the ice spikes, to solve the sleeping doyo ice mission.😊
We only have 26 in the end right as 2 are upgraded to the new ones
ОтветитьIt's pronounced Broach - like roach with a b.
ОтветитьThe automatons definitely arent op lol. I realized, that are pretty much aoe echoes, and thebother 3 are rapid fire echoes. Techtike, roboblin, and the zol are the aoes. And techu, the crow, and techtorock are the rapid fires. And not in they all shoot stuff, but they do what they do a lot faster... that being said, they also break super easy and have to be set aside until theyre repaired... i also noticed right after any echo attacks aside from like the zols and pathfinders, they pretty much have a cooldown for their attack. But if you send another out right after it attacks, youll get an attack right away
Ответитьfor the heart pin, is it just unobtainable if you didn't get it and cleared the rift?
ОтветитьI can't figure out how to get to the cave where the ice spikes are at. How the heck do I get there?
ОтветитьThe Might Bell quest didn't appear for me until the fairy fully upgraded my spaces. Just FYI. It was confusing me why so late in my game I couldn't get this quest started.
Ответитьthis is really helpful😀
ОтветитьFinal mastery is rage inducing
ОтветитьWe all know the cat suit is the GOAT
ОтветитьAre Tue extra two the ones you upgrade?
Ответитьi beat the game and missed a lot. i hope none of these require me to get back into the rifts because they're all closed now
ОтветитьKeep in mind that the damage resist and ingredient find items upgrade themselves, so it'll look like you only have 26 items total.
ОтветитьSucks you can only eqip 5 at a time.
ОтветитьBrooch, rhymes with coach, and roach. Don’t ask me why.
ОтветитьFun Fact: Accessories ALSO stack on Potions, So Air Potion and Zora Scale for a rediculoius amount of time under water, Flippers and Swim Speed Poition and you move like your on a horse in water, same with climing. I particularly like this with the Clockwork Bangle and KeyTurn Speed up making robots accually practical mid fight. Also for thouse on Hero more like myself where late game mobs one shot you even at full health, a Tough Mongo smoothy/Potion and the Curious Charm can really help you finally take reasanable damage
Ответитьcharging horn, impossible it made me rage
ОтветитьFor the love of God…learn to say the words you’re using in a video before you record the video.
Accessory is not pronounced “Eh-sessory.” Brooch is not pronounced how it’s spelled, and “Gold” is not pronounced goud.
C’mon bro.
Sorry but I'm hardly interested in these boring echoes. I rather do everything myself. But looks like there's no simple way to do a complete game with least amount of echoes.
ОтветитьDude I did the Gerudo boss without the sandals which was absolutely ridiculous.
ОтветитьThe only one you really need is the frog ring, none of the others do this much for you.
Cause it'll double your jump height which is literally the most broken thing
Reasons why the others kinda are bad except maybe the rupee ones:
Why would you need to find fairies if they always spawn in set locations?
Why'd you need to find hearts if the 2nd echos you get literally is a bed that can recover endless hearts?
Why'd you buy zora flippers if there's only a handful of water areas and spark echoes get you through those muchf aster
why'd you need gerudo sandals if there's only like 3 quicksand pits in the game anyways?
YOu already explained why the charging horn is useless lol
WHy binoculars if you can spam amiibos and change dates
the amount of wind puzzles also doesn't really justify using the sash, it's maybe useful in 1 or 2 puzzles but you can easily bedskip them or use bind on most of the fans rocks also work fine against the wind
the climbing band ain't that great cause you're likely to travel by other means than climbing anyways as spawning echoes often gets you up faster anyways and in the ice area you have to wait for openings anyways
anything related to the sword fighter mode is neat but I barely used it outside of dealing strikes on bosses.
the charm is decent I guess but damage matters less once you get zelda's bed anyways which literally allows you to confidentally heal to max health even in the final boss fight
clockwork bangle's probably okay too but I felt like the robots were kinda too strong and well... using echoes was more efficient too (also did not want to have robots take over the world o.o)
and lastly, might bell loses all use once you know where all the stones are
the frog ring's a god tier cause you literally jump all the time no matter which dungeon you can always use the boosted jump, it reduces the amount of echoes needed
Ikik im a bully wahh but how you gonna pronounce "access" correctly and not "accessory" 😭😂 it hurts my little grammar police earholes lmfao
ОтветитьThanks, now I know which 2 accessories I am still missing.
Ответитьsilver brooch + gold brooch + atomon crow= 100+ rupies (silver + rank) I'm sure all three stack.
ОтветитьThe Great Fairy chest only appears after all the slots have been purchased.
ОтветитьNeed the accessory that lets you properly pronounce the word accessory
ОтветитьWhy didn't he use the bomb fish to get fairy flower 😂
ОтветитьHonestly spin brace with the Gerudo Dancer outfit is one of the most OP combinations as that's a wide area of affect as you stagger enemies for your echos to attack
ОтветитьMany of those you can buy are really not worth the high price and I skipped them, faster climbing was something I never needed actually, quicksand I would've needed for the endboss but only found them later. Anyway all of these things are extremely expensive and you also have to pay the fairy to wear more items.
I skipped all of these minigames because they seemed annoying but maybe I have to do the dojo :( Seems worth it.
Brooch sounds like broach, fyi.
ОтветитьFrog ring is the only accessory you need. The rest is meh
ОтветитьI happened to have enough money to buy Geruto Sandals before I beat the dessert boss, so😂if u know u know
ОтветитьI had to stop watching about halfway through. Every time he mispronounced accessories I cringe.
ОтветитьI went through the entire game with only one accessory bc I didn’t know there was even a way to equip more 😂😂
ОтветитьI thought this was going to be a glitch that lets you equip them all at the same time.
ОтветитьWhat are the 5 best ones?