Niamh on being a lesbian persuaded she was 'queer' in major TQ ngo in Ireland #WDI #FQT

Niamh on being a lesbian persuaded she was 'queer' in major TQ ngo in Ireland #WDI #FQT

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Feminist Question Time with speakers from Italy, Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland

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This week’s speakers:

Lucia on Italian political situation and on how the concept of inclusivity has gone awry
Niamh on being a lesbian persuaded she was 'queer' in major TQ ngo in Ireland
Tracey Dempsey with a short update on N Ireland SFW demo

Women's Declaration International (#WDI) Feminist Question Time is a weekly online webinar (Saturdays 3-4.30pm UK time). It is attended by a global feminist and activist audience of between 200-300. The main focus is how gender ideology is harming the rights of women and girls. See upcoming speakers and register to attend at

There is also a monthly AUS/NZ FQT, on the last Saturday of the month at 7pm (Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney)/9pm (NZ). Register to attend at

On Sundays (10am UK time), our webinar series, Radical Feminist Perspectives, offers a chance to hear leading feminists discuss radical feminist theory and politics. Register at

Attendance of our live webinars is women-only; men are welcome to watch/share recordings here on YouTube.

WDI is the leading global organisation defending women’s sex-based rights against the threats posed by gender identity ideology. Find out more at, where you can join more than 30,000 people and 418 organisations from 157 countries in signing our Declaration on Women’s Sex-based Rights. The Declaration reaffirms the sex-based rights of women which are set out in the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 18 December 1979 (#CEDAW).

Disclaimer: Women’s Declaration International hosts a range of women from all over the world on Feminist Question Time (FQT), on Radical Feminist Perspectives (RFP) and on webinars hosted by country chapters – all have signed our Declaration or have known histories of feminist activism - but beyond that, we do not know their exact views or activism. WDI does not know in detail what they will say on webinars. The views expressed by speakers in these videos are not necessarily those of WDI and we do not necessarily support views or actions that speakers have expressed or engaged in at other times. As well as the position stated in our Declaration on Women’s Sex-based Rights, WDI opposes sexism, racism and anti-semitism. For more information, see our Frequently Asked Questions ( or email [email protected].

#feminism #radicalfeminism #womensrights


#WDI #Women's_Declaration_International #women's_rights #feminism #radical_feminism #gender_identity_ideology #CEDAW
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@journofay - 29.04.2023 11:50

This cult acts more like satanists where everything goes. "Do what thy wilt."

@journofay - 29.04.2023 12:07

Omg no wonder the lesbians want paedophilia legalised after listening to these predatory meetings. The truth hidden for centuries is finally coming out that women are just as evil as men when it comes to sex crimes against minors.

@helendancelot - 29.04.2023 14:12

Very few mention prof ken Zucker and his watchful waiting which over 30 years showed nearly all desist and many are homosexual

@jonquiljones - 29.04.2023 15:57

Horrifying. Thank you for so eloquently sharing your story.

@ewitherell7205 - 29.04.2023 19:22

Oh, I'm full-on unfollowed on FB unless it's my family. Some of them are just other kind of religious nuts. Im sorry about your experiences. I've begun to feel that this is generated and reinforced by social media, even if we know social media isn't an identity itself. Im worried that sometimes people think their social media is their identity?

@spikey_labrys - 29.04.2023 21:57

Thank you so much, this story needs telling everywhere. It is not unusual, it is happening in most western countries. It is top down. This is predatory capitalism & males targeting women, for thrills & $$$$. Who's is funding these homophobic organisations. Why are our governments allowing this, it is the modern witch hunt, hating on lesbians has state backing NOW. I detest the cowards that are NOT protecting these young lesbians.

@CailinFeargach - 01.05.2023 18:19

I think BelongTo surveys are made up. I make a point of completing any that I come accross and I put in the most ridiculous stuff for the laugh. But then lo and behold out come the survey results that they want.

@CailinFeargach - 01.05.2023 18:24

Well done btw. How disgraceful and shameful that the Irish government support this cult. Great questions by the interviewer.
