FIRST LOOK! Insane NEW Off-Road EXTREME Edition | 2025 DYNAMAX Isata 5 30FW Motorhome

FIRST LOOK! Insane NEW Off-Road EXTREME Edition | 2025 DYNAMAX Isata 5 30FW Motorhome

DeMartini RV Sales

10 месяцев назад

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@Avg_Vet - 01.09.2024 05:12

Sad they built a great looking rv but missed the mark on matching the rest of the industry. Battery power should be doubled. Remove the propane. Double the solar. Get rid of the gas stove for induction. Where is the skid plate, bull bar, off-road lights? Spare tire? Mount for bikes? This is an off-road capable rig that isnt meant for off-grid people. This is for old people who want to look cool.

@user-rd3yp8ri7x - 04.09.2024 00:56

RVs are stupid because they imitate Houses, with woodwork, carpet etc. This is stupid waste of weight. Should all be sleek, futuristic, fiberglass or something very strong and light. No wood and dumb shit like that.

@jrh0369 - 04.09.2024 07:56

Half the video is about liquid spring. For $350k a winch should at least be included.

@PaulC65777 - 08.09.2024 20:16

Ok, thats my dream rig!!!!

@DnD_Robb404 - 12.09.2024 15:07

They came out with a 2025 dodge ram 5500? I didn’t know those were being made yet.

@DrMott - 17.09.2024 01:51

Terrible reliability. Do not buy. Plus dealer and manufacturers play Not It when you want warranty work done.

@franciskufuor3066 - 21.09.2024 04:26

Nice 👍🏽. Watching you from West Africa Ghana 🇬🇭

@franciskufuor3066 - 21.09.2024 04:26

How much is this going for?

@drkurtarmstrong2127 - 25.09.2024 03:13

Does this come with an option of washer combo?

@ctbrodie - 27.09.2024 05:37

I love the part where he shows that there's space for a winch. No winch, but space for one. 😂

@cjextreme - 27.09.2024 14:23

You completely lost me at aluminum wheels.
In a vehicle this heavy on dirt 2 track...

I'd prefer to get back home.

@MichaelVisitacion-l6k - 29.09.2024 14:26

Nice Rv bro

@bobmiller970 - 01.10.2024 07:55

I noticed there’s no ladder you would think for the price you’d get a walkable roof

@genoitaly04 - 01.10.2024 09:29

Ya lost me at Lithium Batteries ain’t touching that Explosive Shit!!!

@scottlefkowitz2410 - 08.10.2024 05:02

What happens if there is a substantial leak of the liquid in the Liquid Spings?

@LandHoLando - 09.10.2024 04:35

You can tell exactly how much your estimated battery life is…? Exactly what is the estimate?? 😂😂😂 oxymoron lmao

@osesimon4920 - 11.10.2024 18:45

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, können Sie mir bitte auf Deutsch Information geben oder per E-Mail schicken? Danke sehr

@dektonsavunmasanayi - 16.10.2024 20:50

When slides in,bed side can be designed better..! Seem so amator..!

@flatearthdays - 22.10.2024 23:39

Can you run AC off inverter and batteries?

@tonyg3414 - 08.11.2024 03:03

Not a smart place for those cylinders. One wrong rock strike and you’re going to pee out all that liquid and pressure.

@robertmanella528 - 10.11.2024 00:32

Ugliest thing on the road today!!! Also has lithium ion batteries!!! No thanks, I would not have it if you gave it to me!!!!

@jamietetrault4517 - 16.11.2024 18:30

Looks like any other rv that will leak and has many moving failing parts. Nice truck though

@MarieLamour-cv1jc - 23.11.2024 05:17

They need to end these 70s style booths in RV's. It is unattractive.

@jimallen8238 - 27.11.2024 00:14

Folks, these were never meant to be off-road vehicles. Don’t let the big tires fool you. It takes much more to make a rig off-road capable. Compare this to an EarthRoamer for example. Too much rear overhang; wheelbase too long; insufficient armor; no winch for recovery; etc… This is just for bragging rights at the RV park. Nothing more.

@monkeywenchPBP - 30.11.2024 21:15

How about a 25’ version? No slides, of course.

@jjcool7847 - 08.12.2024 01:52

Dodge??? No thanks

@CeruleanSky1111 - 09.12.2024 03:58

What's the MPG? Also, Ram truck prices will skyrocket when Trump Tariffs take effect as they are made in Mexico.

@TheRdwyer - 21.12.2024 11:24

Wow, just researched and found those tires are $650 a piece. oouch. every 5 years.

@SchneierViktor - 28.12.2024 09:40

A skid plate immediately needs on that rig! Protect the cylinders!😮😮

@mangmahmud7877 - 28.12.2024 20:41

ajiib pisan om

@cindymorales62 - 16.01.2025 15:02


@random44937 - 20.01.2025 15:32

This is the total package 📦

@isikyazilari - 22.01.2025 01:22

I really do not understand how a company leaves all those cables loose and dangling around, like that? I mean, maybe the system works flawlessly but that messy look makes me think that maybe some corners were cut, other than leaving cablig all loose.
And, i bet if the cabin was less luxurious, the total weight of the rig would be significantly less. It's an rv after all and u don't need to show off with it. One would wear crocs around it, not Brooks Brothers shoes, eh? Life in nature demands a simpler way of doing things. But, that is america, yes? where bragging and showing - off was invented...

@matthewmusgrave616 - 24.01.2025 06:18

Is this available with washer dryer

@TedClearwater - 26.01.2025 03:43

Awesome video

@Pop-GodFamilyCountry - 27.01.2025 00:45

What liquid is compressible?

@Karl-w1f - 01.02.2025 00:34

is it good in winter also? -40 C?

@duncanjames914 - 03.02.2025 23:15

I love everything about this rig except the LP gas. It seems counterintuitive for a vehicle designed for adventure camping and boondocking.

@prov431 - 08.02.2025 17:13

Fun fact, liquid is not compressible.

@user-Ashirwadcbadiger - 14.02.2025 19:20

So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so 😂

@trentthompson3883 - 14.02.2025 19:26

What’s the estimated fuel mileage compared to a diesel pusher rv?

@アレクサンダーイワノフ - 18.02.2025 18:45

С алюминиевым квадратным кузовом Форда смотрелся бы еще круче!

@TheDudeGonzalez - 23.02.2025 20:40

The inside is awesome. Outside not perfect for proper overlanding. Departure angle super bad. Should be a 6x6 and the back should be 45% at the bottom. Also the front corners also rounded with some protection. Protection at all corners and bottom. That would be a beast

@docuzzie - 03.03.2025 00:56

I saw a tow hitch on the back. How much can you tow with this baby?

@jonjacob1962 - 04.03.2025 23:58

Okay. But can I get one half the size, no slide outs, and 1/6 the price? I don't need all the fancy liquid springs and all the "luxury" crap. I just need a 4x4 vehicle. A bed. A bathroom with a decent shower. A small kitchen. And a couch. RV prices are ridiculous nowadays... Why does NOBODY make an affordable 4x4 RV that isn't just some crappy van. Even those are over 100k. It's absolutely ridiculous.

@LewisStevens-u7x - 06.03.2025 03:08

Why did you not show the four by four run

@LewisStevens-u7x - 06.03.2025 03:10

Why didn't you not show Capability.

@LewisStevens-u7x - 06.03.2025 03:11

I am disappointed i'm looking elsewhere

@katanapc3480 - 07.03.2025 12:44

Is it exportable from where you live to Iran?

@MsShannruggles - 14.05.2024 03:56

Whats the length & height of the vehicle? Gas tank size please? Toilet is made out of ceramic? What an Awesome Rig!!
Beautiful !!
