FIRST TIME READING: Midnight Sun (Twilight)

FIRST TIME READING: Midnight Sun (Twilight)


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@Bos6682 - 16.10.2024 01:24

I actually really loved Midnight Sun, kinda wish we got Edward’s pov for all of them lol

@draylinhoward9876 - 16.10.2024 11:46

Brother your awesome, I’ve became a fan in one night. Watching all your out takes on you reading the books and watching the movies that I love,and that is including the hunger games series,are great and hilarious you got me cracking up. Keep up the good work, I’m loving it.

@tentadenov0 - 19.10.2024 01:03

What is your Goodreads? I love your videos!

@cozydayzandnightz - 19.10.2024 05:42

I've watched this now a few times, and I feel like it would've been good if this book continued in the other books. As the story progresses and Jacob gets more of a prominent role, a dual pov book could potentially be really cool.

@liquidcobain - 22.10.2024 04:43

you should also read life and death! its the gender bent version of twilight 😅 would LOVE to hear your thoughts lol

@VanessaMarieiro95 - 22.10.2024 17:21

Can I be in love with this man I don't know besides watching all his videos for the last 2 days? Is it a super creepy Edward move? 😂

@alexanders8638 - 23.10.2024 07:44

"why is midnight sun 700 pages" cuz Ed boy don't shut the heck up lol

@manya4694 - 23.10.2024 16:28

I’m emotionally attracted to u😹

@soup8900 - 24.10.2024 06:23

This was a ride haha

@vitoriacastro2518 - 24.10.2024 18:40

"There's no way he has double the thoughts Bella has" I bet a worm has double the thoughts Bella has, she's an NPC, she doesn't think, only reacts.

@MsWillowbayOrelse - 25.10.2024 12:45

Alice is amazing!

@bruh30M - 29.10.2024 03:35

The love and hate ride here is just chef's kiss.
Thanks for reading the book so I don't have to. 😂

@theresakidd - 30.10.2024 01:16

Personally I don’t think Twilight was actually supposed to be a Young Adult romance. I think it was supposed to be more on the Noire side of fiction. It’s a lot more fun to read Twilight from that mindset.

@shellivester - 04.11.2024 19:58

The bookshelf is contemporary & sophisticated. Love the typewriter!

@janefan1216 - 04.11.2024 22:21

I'm rereading Midnight Sun. It occurred to me that there is an element of Fated Mates in this series. It's much deeper than infatuation leads instantly to blind, intense devotion and love. You see elements of Fated Mates mostly clearly in the last book. So, it makes Edward and Bella's instant connection and deep bond more plausible. I can also see toches of Romeo and Juliet.

@Carpathianpixie - 06.11.2024 13:14

Someone said that after reading this book, they were convinced that Edward was neurodivergent😂

@goddessqueen7730 - 08.11.2024 05:45

I got the book my brother brought it for me when it came out. But i couldnt get past the first few pages even with listen to audio. I would have love a Jasper novel about his lifr up until the twilight events

@chronicbookdreamer - 10.11.2024 01:49

So much fun enjoying the reread with you! Love the takes and laughed out loud!

@sophiebee25 - 10.11.2024 15:59

I just finished reading it and ran to your video. I read the books when the first movie came out, and then watched them all but hadn’t touched any of this world since the 5th movie. Went on a binge watch last weekend and decided to bite the bullet. And I agree with most of what you said, specifically the length. I had to skim quite a bit because it was becoming really tedious. I didn’t need 30 pages of the car chase. It’s like she didn’t know how else to keep us worried. We know how the story ends, Stephanie, no need for a full nitros induced car race…

@zuzanagarelova8113 - 13.11.2024 17:10

pov Rosalie

@zuzanagarelova8113 - 13.11.2024 17:44

Rosalie covers her thoughts, she doesn't want Edward in her head. She is broken and doesn't want to show it, basically she loves him but not a dependent love but yes she has not healed from the trauma for years. and she calls Carlice useless trash and everyone blames her if she has emotions. Rosalie and Edward are similar, they have the same schools, they come from rich families. Meyer hates Rosalie as she admitted, so you have to read psychologically and between the lines. Edward is basically a broken soul more than the mass attacked Rosalie. I'm really worried about Edward without a drop of empathy, although he must have felt all the pain in Rose. A lack of emotion in killers apparently common, he reads thoughts like a boring headline. Esme and Carlice leaving their children traumatized for years is not a good calling card, plus Edwad is always preferred. The lines about Rosalie, where she is accused of beauty as a reason for rape, are absolutely hard for me to read. She was attacked by her fiance, statistics 80% why Meyer writes such misogyny and contempt for injured women. It is scary what kind of message it gives to the age group of girls (8-16) years old, who are most often attacked by a close person.

@FiveFootZero - 18.11.2024 22:16

I think she also made it SO long as a fanservice since it came out way after the books and movies finished. So it was like “here’s 700 pages for twihards”. But content wise? 50% repetitive for sure

@rachaelknudsen8801 - 21.11.2024 07:01

Is it me or is Edward suffering from both desperate hunger and intense cute agression?

@ukonnokia - 21.11.2024 11:35

Stop, I think this is the first time I've heard that Edward couldn't read Charlie's mind. Like whaaaaatttttt.

@coralhudson5386 - 24.11.2024 21:17

I need you to read life and death - the gender swapped for no reason twilight. Bright side: it’s shorter!!

@AndyGarmsiri - 29.11.2024 04:59

This book completely ruined the entire saga for me ngl

@gabemcintosh7568 - 06.12.2024 03:16

Im at chapter 6 currently, trying to get inspiration for my own writing

@intshadow - 06.12.2024 23:58

honestly I liked this version more because I can actually see him as a vampire, a real dangerous vampire with killer instincts. Because from Bella’s pov he seems quite domesticated💀

The only thing I don’t like is he overthinks too much like bro, I have enough with my own overthinking I don’t want to read your internal yapping!

@ethanpopo5722 - 12.12.2024 10:13

Bro is gonna love Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

@mattopas9176 - 13.01.2025 22:20

What I liked the most about Edward's pov was them chasing James. It was pretty cool. Better than worried Bella just waiting around in a Hotel room with 2 silent vampires

@janicev8742 - 16.01.2025 15:59

This was very relatable. I couldn't finish this book because of the constant repetition. Also the Audible narrator souns like he's in his 30s at least so it makes the grooming even more disturbing 😭

@CloudslnMyCoffee - 24.01.2025 08:10

i listened to this with a great reader last night, and i am cackling!

@CloudslnMyCoffee - 24.01.2025 08:10

best book in twilight

@alexcipher592 - 28.01.2025 04:13

Honestly a bit surprised but not much that we never get a comment about how Edward describes brother is covered is scars and is gnarly

@Mina-12128 - 29.01.2025 07:59

The shelves look amazing👏

@Danischmell - 30.01.2025 21:34

I think this book is so long because of when she wrote it… I think she was successful enough she got away with keeping it all in. If she’d written this first, I bet it would have been closer to the OG Twilight’s length.

@annaeliassabates3424 - 31.01.2025 11:05

I loved reading THG with you, i tried Midnight sun (already read the original trilogy and i was not going to read it again) but I couldn't last.... edward is still plain as a paper with writing in only one of the two pages. I'd love the development of the other characters but there's nothing that could make edwars tolerable fir me, so i left it un finished. Too muche insipid inner monologes

@annaeliassabates3424 - 31.01.2025 11:07

Have you heard of "life and death"?? The same store but gender swap. Curious about that one!

@enokii - 01.02.2025 14:00

Now I kind of want you to read Roswell High and watch the Roswell series. 😂

@enokii - 01.02.2025 14:04

I hope we get a room tour at some point, I'm really curious about the wall art and of course the book collection. =D

@KylieIsOverIt - 03.02.2025 17:50

Hard disagree. Edward spends a lot of time in other people's heads. That takes a lot of space and time. He also reflects on the morality and ethics of every situation and his disgust with the advantages of the Cullen family. I don't find it repetitive. It's interesting.
Also...vampires mate...they don’t date. His rapid descent into obsession is about that.

@kairi99roxas - 03.02.2025 21:16

If you like killing serial killer books, read "I am Not a Serial Killer"!!!

@Zeel_BTS - 04.02.2025 10:28

I agree that it is VERY droning, this long ass book. Also unnecessary at times. But when you consider the fact that vampires think much faster than humans do in the same amount of time, it makes sense. Like Edward's had aaaalll those thoughts within a second and Bella's just thought "wow he's beautiful". Also, because his thoughts are jotted down on the book, it's supposed to help us see how very different vampires are from us. It doesn't matter if he's a 100, human morality rules and laws don't apply to them and how he managed to go from downright killing her to being obssessed with her.

@StingRaeSings - 07.02.2025 02:13

Midnight Sun is so much longer because Edward and his thoughts are just so much more interesting than Bella‘s to be honest and while she’s doing boring stuff like going to work or whatever the heck Bella does half the time he and his family are actually doing super exciting, hilarious and interesting things so as much as I like to hate on Twilight, I actually really enjoyed Midnight Sun lol!

@StephanieMT - 16.02.2025 04:03

Anyone else in the whole series woupd have mad better books and movies than edward and bella

@zoeg.6926 - 24.02.2025 03:08

I think the draw of the twilight books comes from Stephanie Meyer created the most interesting world and chose the blandest part of it to focus on 😂 the side characters, the concepts, the little bits of fascinating backstory are all peeking out behind Edward and Bella's love story keeping us riveted and making them look amazing

@24seawolf - 20.03.2025 04:11

Oh man! I remember binge reading that book more than once and I know I was clueless to all the Edward craziness because I was just enjoying myself! This was fun to watch!!! I Love Charlie!!!!!
