King Olav V of Norway funeral

King Olav V of Norway funeral

Ruralor Real

3 года назад

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@kortejan690 - 07.11.2022 09:02

Some morons in here who think this is a recent event. It's from back in 1991.....

@marcelloortu3594 - 10.11.2022 18:16

Sentite condoglianze per la famiglia reale norvegese

@marcelloortu3594 - 10.11.2022 18:18

Viva la monarchia

@haceneouerdane6840 - 19.11.2022 01:44

La Norvège pleure son bon Roi. Né en Grande-Bretagne, le Prince Alexander, fils unique du Prince Carl de Danemark et de la Princesse Maud de Galles, débarqua avec ses parents en 1905 sur le sol norvégien alors qu'il n'avait que deux ans seulement. Elevé comme un véritable citoyen de son pays d'adoption, le Prince Alexander devenu le Prince royal Olav, allait faire la fierté de son peuple qu'il aimait tant. De par son mariage avec la Princesse Martha de Suède, il eut trois enfants : deux filles et un garçon (aujourd'hui devenu Roi). Cette union entre les deux maisons royales scandinaves marqua définitivement la réconciliation entre la Norvège et la Suède, après la séparation des deux pays en 1905. Lorsque l'autre cinglé envahit la Norvège en 1940, le Prince Olav souhaita rester au pays afin d'y organiser la résistance nationale contre l'envahisseur, mais il dut quitter son pays à contre-cœur afin de pouvoir épauler son père le Roi Haakon VII (et dont la tête avait été mise à prix par le cinglé de Berlin). Durant la guerre le Prince Olav commanda les troupes norvégiennes. A la fin de la guerre il retourne au pays avec sa famille où il est accueilli par une population dans une liesse indescriptible. En 1954, malheureusement, il perdit l'amour de sa vie, la Princesse héritière Martha décéda suite à un cancer et il restera veuf toute sa vie durant. En 1957, son père le Roi Haakon VII décéda et le Prince Olav devint le nouveau Roi de Norvège. Très populaire auprès de son peuple, le Roi Olav aimait les choses simples. On le voyait souvent se promener dans les rues d'Oslo et payait lui-même son ticket de tramway (contrairement à un homme politique français, qui, lui n'hésitait pas à frauder le métro parisien). Consciencieux dans ses devoirs de monarque constitutionnel, il savait rassembler autour de lui, tous les Norvégiens autour du trône. Il laissera le souvenir d'un homme bon et généreux envers tous et avec qui on pouvait discuter simplement. Pour finir, je citerai Racine qui disait en son temps : "Pour être aimé sans peine, il suffit d'être Roi" Gods save the King. Long live the King.

@BBBBBBBVvbvvvv - 25.12.2022 18:14

I only speak Ukrainian. I am using google translator. Therefore, please excuse me if the translation is bad! I am from Western Ukraine. I am a nurse and I save lives. I live now in Germany. I need a lawyer to file, with other disabled citizens of Ukraine, a lawsuit against Norway. My husband, a Ukrainian (oil worker, human rights activist) became disabled as a result of his defense of the rights of other people (Norwegian and Russian media for 9 years). My husband fought corruption in the Russian oil giant, which was headed by the founder of the 6th Directorate of the FSB and the ex-Chancellor of Germany. My husband defended the rights of disabled people and Ukrainians in Norway against Russian-speaking citizens of this NATO country. The Norwegians took my disabled husband to Moscow AFTER: anti-war pickets of my husband in the Russian Federation, his defense of the rights of Ukrainians in Norway, the issuance of documents to my husband by the Norwegian Red Cross for his close relatives (Polish servicemen repressed by the Russians), sentencing his defender to prison (in married to a citizen of Finland for 25 years) in Belarus, who reported the crime of the Norwegians against the Ukrainians and was recognized as a Political prisoner. My husband and his lawyer warned the Norwegians about the coming war, but they did not believe him. The husband was kidnapped and the war began. And after the war began, the Norwegians do NOT admit their mistakes! Unlike the Swedes, the Norwegians DO NOT LIKE to admit their mistakes even when the Chechen refugees deported by the Norwegians were killed in the Russian Federation (Norwegian media).hfrsa

@marksoren340 - 11.01.2023 17:59

Fin hyllning av en stor Konung!

@caridaddiazmartell6613 - 19.02.2023 02:45

En paz descanse Amén

@vincentjacobsson3981 - 21.05.2023 19:36

Jeg synes det bør undersøkes om staten nå og da blir lovfestet med Bibelen skrevet som en historie. Ordet immunitet (latin immunitas, frihet fra forpliktelser overfor staten) kommer fra en religiøs åpenbaring fra middelalderen, mest sannsynlig fra en pave for å bli lovløs, og som siden har blitt omskrevet til full immunitet mot kongen, personlig og funksjonell immunitet (lovlig, kan ikke tiltales for kriminell handling) til statsministeren, regjeringen, parlamentet, kabinettet og Høyesterett for lovavgjørelser og handlinger. Jeg synes også det bør undersøkes om millioner av falne soldater i verdenskrigene ble valgt av folket eller ikke. Den politiske utnyttelsen av det vitale økosystemet har nå ført til skogdød (force majeure) hvordan vil det påvirke folks økonomi osv.

Jeg tror det demokratiske partiet kan være et bevisst misvisende partinavn med alle partier som tilhører det konservative partiet, ettersom dagens politiske demokrati og sosialisme bare kan handle om å gå mer mot midten, f.eks. sosialdemokrater. Årsaken kan være at kongen (statsoverhodet) ønsker å styre folket med full immunitet sammen med statsminister, regjering, storting, statsråd og Høyesterett med funksjonell immunitet, personlig immunitet for lovvedtak og handlinger, selv med villedende ord profesjonell politiker.

Jeg synes folket bør vurdere å stemme på et reelt demokratisk parti med en uavhengig statsdannelse for å undersøke om kongen, statsministeren, regjeringen, parlamentet, kabinettet og høyesterett generelt sett kan være skyldig i et brudd på demokratiske rettigheter med villedende valg, økonomisk forbrytelser, brudd på menneskerettighetene med klassesamfunnet for voksne og barn, alvorlig miljøkriminalitet (force majeure).

@秀女鄔 - 29.05.2023 04:51


@秀女鄔 - 29.05.2023 04:54


@janjantimalsina1465 - 17.07.2023 15:42


@lourdesprudencio5647 - 29.07.2023 09:49

RIp, king olav....

@graciestroh - 14.08.2023 00:56

😢we’re going to show

@fauconleger7067 - 16.08.2023 06:53

He fought the nazi, so his grand daughter can be fucked by an african guru. What a great man

@MrBulky992 - 18.08.2023 23:56

Does anyone know the name of the processional music as the coffin made its way? It's a march I have not heard before in the UK.

Is rgere a list of the music in the cathedral available anywhere? Some of it was familiar (e.g. Elgar "Nimrod" and the Bach "Dona nobis pacem" at the end and I know I have sung the "Amen" before (I think it's by Orlando Gibbons, sung also at the British coronation in May).

That was Grieg's Holberg Suite accompanying pictures of the chapel at the end.

@johnkeller6063 - 03.09.2023 23:11

May he rest in peace. He was a friend of the US. Especially world war 2

@ΚασσιανηΒασιλειου - 02.10.2023 15:33

Ελληνικοι υποτιτλοι

@HoàngNguyên-i5i3w - 09.10.2023 09:03

Cháu ấy tý cho Đại bàng Đức không thì yêu lắm

@jerryyoung-m7g - 12.11.2023 17:54

This funeral was in 1991. Those expressing their condolences are 32 years late.

@malcolmpalmer569 - 15.11.2023 00:30

Wednesday, 30 January 1991: State Funeral of King Olav V of the Kingdom of Norway.

@Charlotte_char4 - 23.11.2023 19:58


@TimOdne-bb9vd - 07.02.2024 14:59

nice light confirmed with pen🌸✝️

@TimOdne-bb9vd - 07.02.2024 15:00

sounds a little southern🌸✝️

@TimOdne-bb9vd - 07.02.2024 15:00

Oh lord those can come back🌸✝️

@TimOdne-bb9vd - 07.02.2024 15:00


@TimOdne-bb9vd - 07.02.2024 15:01


@LynnSchmechel - 14.02.2024 16:52

I wish they would put this in english

@princesstiana9112 - 08.03.2024 06:11

This man ruled for 34 years without his beloved wife Martha, and stilled showed his devotion to his country that is a true 👑

@hansmarheim7620 - 13.03.2024 15:53

I remember the evening the death of king Olav V was announced. My whole family went straight to the Royal castle. Bringing candles . Great King.

@princegunag7 - 29.05.2024 14:33


@princegunag7 - 29.05.2024 14:37


@chillaxingdan - 16.06.2024 00:10

RIP King Olav V (1903-1991)

@silvianbauer489 - 25.07.2024 22:55

R.i.p 😢

@nated1327 - 21.08.2024 03:59

Rest in peace

@diddlysquat88 - 16.09.2024 19:09

Monarchy in Norway will soon be over. After his son Harald it will be kaput. Haakon Magnus sold his soul long time ago to WEF and the FN globalists! May karma be granted to that man

@alexejnemov - 24.10.2024 01:13

Folkekongen! 17. Jan. 1991. Den dagen er brent inn i minnet.

@Saka22777 - 01.11.2024 06:55

👑 👑

@PhotographyByRune - 14.11.2024 23:19

Forever my King!

@elisabethdakak878 - 26.11.2024 03:50

Very impressive procession with a composed and dignified crowd.

@emiliomariopile2400 - 05.01.2025 17:52


@kennethstormo4727 - 13.01.2025 21:53

Konge olva død takk Gud 😢

@criscavi19 - 24.02.2025 03:55

Plenty of dignity, honor, respect and finest education in this ceremony.

@linekzystantoff4988 - 01.03.2025 23:53

Saoudi women in Norway? 😊

@linekzystantoff4988 - 01.03.2025 23:58

Oil monarchy of operetta sold to the English. Vidkun, come back!

@linekzystantoff4988 - 02.03.2025 00:06

These Protestant heretics usurp and ape the Catholic liturgy! 😊

@robertbiarnesen - 18.03.2025 16:05


@IGLESIANACIONAL - 21.03.2025 05:22

Sonia la costurera, esposa plebeya del Rey Harald V
