Jorge Valdes on Being the Biggest Drug Dealer in America During the 70s & 80s (Full Interview)

Jorge Valdes on Being the Biggest Drug Dealer in America During the 70s & 80s (Full Interview)


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@Al_Nunnery - 29.06.2023 13:00

Whatta Great Interview 👍 👏 , Glad I got to see this..Thanks .. Cleveland Tenn Waivin a 👋 hand

@Been_offical_0417 - 02.07.2023 16:35

He said let who tell it he made a trillion dollars ????

@toudi_p - 05.07.2023 13:12

He talked with pablo 2 weeks before he died? What for ? Buisness was over by then

@coomsicle - 22.07.2023 14:51

"later on the US invaded panama and arrested noriega, how did you feel when you heard about that?" "how did i feel when i heard - how did i feel when i walked past him in his cell looking like a caged monkey?"


@SpirituallyAbundantTv - 26.07.2023 05:02

I was born in new jersey he speaking facts

@charleslyons6203 - 28.07.2023 17:10

Definitely movie material

@jonathanevans1447 - 24.08.2023 05:43

Fantastic interview. Thought this would be interesting. But it was so much more. So many life lessons shared. Sincere thanks

@JotBeAusDe - 05.09.2023 23:18

"Nobody knew about cocain (back then)"
- so who you sold literal tons of it (for 100mio dollars per month) to??

They made 100mio A MONTH but after years he is worth 60mio? 🤔

@quedawg04 - 21.09.2023 04:21

This is probably Vlads most impactful interviews ever....

@inaina3714 - 15.10.2023 12:46

He spoke with Escobar 2 weeks before PABLO DIED...BULLSHIT.impossible.

@aaronflowers8881 - 07.11.2023 01:18

It trips me out how everybody claims to be the biggest drug dealer.

@rooseveltsmith6963 - 13.12.2023 01:18

They robbed him

@haroldwilsie8284 - 03.01.2024 17:14

I hate how vlad always tries to make people feel bad for there past mistakes

@chrisdennis2571 - 10.01.2024 05:46

What about the CIA?

@chrisdennis2571 - 10.01.2024 05:48

He should still be in jail.

@lockejr - 26.01.2024 15:04

He had the bricks rappers rap about having.

@billbbobby2889 - 05.02.2024 03:30

God gives the reward of internal peace. If not, a cancer will grow inside (physical or spiritual) and eat you up / destroy you. Pride destroyed one of the most powerful beings ever created. What chance does any one human have ? Pray against all pride and foolishness.

Prayer to St. Michael

St. Michael The Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of The Heavenly Hosts, by The Power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Revelation 12:7-9

"And war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back, but they were defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world — he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him".

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of Evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Edmund Burke

Evil just wants you to be apathetic, lose your thoughts of true righteousness, to NOT take personal responsibility and just Quit. But more than anything it wants you to be filled with Self Pride.

@Gio-yo8nt - 09.02.2024 20:17

Systematic White Supremacy is nothing but a welfare system for WHITE PPL.White drug organizations are allowed to go legit while they make sure they lock up every black drug dealer in America.

@CedricSmith-un6vm - 11.02.2024 19:20

Never know everything someone has been through, I never would have thought it if I seen him. A nerd.

@h28custom84 - 15.02.2024 21:26

how at around the same time Griselda,Jorge,Carlos Ladher, were all the "Biggest" ???

@ezekielmajor5511 - 16.02.2024 23:10

I though Griselda was the biggest in the 70s and 80s

@bairong9 - 25.02.2024 03:59

Okay breath , unbuckle your belt. Loosen up that tie and relax. Guy looks like he’s got something stuck up his. ….

@ryangregory3217 - 29.02.2024 18:06

why is this guy so bad at interviewing people 🤣

@leChandler24 - 01.03.2024 16:48

They were all part of the intelligence community! Once their job is done, they are even elliminated or given a pardon or minor prison time!

@arizonavotes3276 - 02.03.2024 06:14

Thank GOD he's still alive, i know that we as men can get ourselves in alot of trouble through our choices we make

@preshahbeats446 - 03.03.2024 06:36

This man’s prison story is fucking awesome 😂😂😂😂 only guy to have a blast in jail 😂😂😂😂

@preshahbeats446 - 03.03.2024 06:39

He said the prison had “good hours” 😂😂😂

@elizabethvegavargas - 28.03.2024 03:19

Awesome interview, props

- 31.03.2024 17:20

how is everyone the biggest?

@adamlawson1837 - 17.04.2024 12:27

Love to hear from the big hitters.. Fascinating stories... True cocaine cowboy

@solarciti5105 - 18.04.2024 02:18

Here afterVladd interview with Michael saying his lawyer Name

@aldaytires9555 - 25.05.2024 08:19

How the hell did pablo make him pay for the 500 homes if he didn't have nothing to do with him

@CedricSmith-un6vm - 27.05.2024 00:10

He was the first 17 year old to work at the Federal reserve Bank, and he was the first non violent offender to have the largest bond in History, this is a real History lesson. The things that were happening in those years. He is definitely a victim of narco crime.

@CedricSmith-un6vm - 16.07.2024 01:46

I sure like listening to this.

@financialcapitalltd2141 - 18.07.2024 00:46

RICO is,not a law, it's,law,breaking the law. Why has,no organization individual ever tested its,repeal?

@ivanbenz8836 - 21.07.2024 07:01

Cubans? They love to talk. Cant imagine with a Camara on

@theses9640 - 12.08.2024 05:02

Jorge you still owe me $2million homie. It's me TUCHI hmu

@mikemorrow2832 - 16.08.2024 19:04

And… this guy is still going to hell.

@Rekalin-n8x - 20.09.2024 06:35

Women don't care, unless they get what they want

@mahoimaniherakiriwatoa8624 - 14.11.2024 04:40

(Vlad how much money have u seen in front of U) (Jorge 70 million that's 100 bills from the floor to the ceiling) That's the most gangster shit I've ever heard Jorge the Realest O.G much respect

@mahoimaniherakiriwatoa8624 - 14.11.2024 04:41

100 dollar bills

@rollingratchet - 25.01.2025 08:06

The Best Vlad Interview, that I have seen . 💪💯... Who would ever think, that I could learn Honor, from a Drug Dealer. Now makes Me not ever wanta Tell a Lie Again...

@navegandolejanooriente6268 - 26.01.2025 04:11

LOL, I use play with a friend's cougar when my family lived in Miami Beach and I went up to Kendall to visit my mom. I loved the cat, it sat in family room floor sometimes just like house cat and then they put it back in this really big cage. Some kind animal police inspector would come bye the house to check it out, like once month I think, because it tore up some lady during house party. She got drunk and thought it would cool to pet the cougar. The cougar was always nice to meet so I guess she wasn't being too cool with it. Sometimes some guy, cuban guy, would take the cougar away to go play with other cougars. I thought it was normal back then when I as kid.

@LolaRamos-o7r - 28.01.2025 02:09

I read a book about him. In jail

@lizpena9635 - 09.02.2025 05:53

It’s never too late to change! Powerful testimony Dr. Valdés. May God continue to bless you 🙏

@brandi33 - 24.02.2025 06:13

Bro was making 20m a month or whatever and was tripping if 40k worth of Toro Equipment got scooped? Makes no sense.

@tioremmy5years45 - 05.03.2025 10:58

I wonder if he worked with Rafael caro quintero and Fonseca and Félix gallardo?

@LudaT.Justice619 - 06.03.2025 21:11

Damn bro that dude is boss

@LudaT.Justice619 - 06.03.2025 21:13

Thee attorney betrayed him 😮 oh hell no that's something I would of never thought would happen
