Flame & Citron (2008) Full Film| Flammen and Citronen | WWII | Mads Mickkelson | Thure Lindhardt

Flame & Citron (2008) Full Film| Flammen and Citronen | WWII | Mads Mickkelson | Thure Lindhardt

Movies Planet

1 год назад

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@michaelwoodacre1186 - 17.03.2024 23:55

Thank you. One of the best films.

@LeislSchutte-jb2yu - 20.03.2024 22:26

Verkelig ?? Disse er ikke bare i dansk… der er engelsk også. Hvorfor?? Jeg ikke liker disse… det er ikke ‘necessary.’ ‘ ‘ = engelsk og ikke norsk. Fordi jeg vet en litt norsk , jeg kan forstår en litt dansk og en litt svensk. Jeg vil verlig mye lærer norsk bedre… og kanskje noen dag jeg vil også lærer islandsk.

* Til autosuggest på iPhone, stopp! Vær så snill.

@LeislSchutte-jb2yu - 20.03.2024 22:33

Hva? Subtitles are missing things on this. Directly after they say ‘husker dagen April ni … they say the English word for 9 though… they say something I don’t fully understand but I know the words ‘husker,’ which is ‘remember’ and the word ‘Igen,’ meaning again but I didn’t understand the other words… of course some Danish words are different than Norwegian. I really don’t understand why Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish are considered separate languages though- they seem more like dialects and if you understand one of those languages you will also understand a great deal of the other 2.

^ unfortunately I’m not fluent in Norwegian but maybe some day will be… of course that would probably mean living in Norway 🇳🇴 a while and it’s way too expensive and I am a broke b*c*h (hopefully coding the Word før female dog hat I referred to myself as will not violate the community guidelines

@LeislSchutte-jb2yu - 20.03.2024 22:53

Jeg kan ikke forstår hva deg ser - er disse i dansk eller en andre språk???

@jpmnky - 05.05.2024 23:35

This is one of the best WWII films ever made. Thank you for posting.

@briangoerke7897 - 08.05.2024 23:06

Hvor de dog taler afsindig dårlig i denne film🤮🤮🤮

@kamakirinoko - 07.06.2024 23:43

You are SAINTS for putting this up. I just don't know how you do it, but whatever it is, you made one person very, very happy.

@khrcar6596 - 12.08.2024 22:05

Hello Movies Planet… I know you are aware of this but still felt had to reply…..

As you know - the CLOSED CAPTIONS - while this film plays - are SO FAR OFF / OUT OF SYNCH - that the film cannot even be watched …… your service seems ok but with this CLOSED CAPTION FIASCO- Nothing can be done to REMEDY IT BY THE SUBSCRIBER!!!!


@Kruppt808 - 29.08.2024 05:08

One of my favorite international WW2 movies. Danke for no horrible dubbing. Mads Mikkelsen was in/is in so many great movies/shows. I finally got to watch Pusher, his movie and the 3rd imo were better than the 1st.

@Nils471 - 18.09.2024 10:48

I watched this many times and it's so great. "Max Manus" about the Norwegian resistance was boring and dull. I tried to rewatch it and it was still too "cheerful" and uneventful in a way. I grew up in Sweden and Denmark makes the best dark dramas while Norweigan ones has a simplified superficial quality to them. "Flame and Citron" can be watched over and over again due its suspense, music, acting, great actors and sinister undertone of betrayal. Even the Gestapo Chief is humanized and not a stereotypical villain. He is played be Christian Berkel who also appeared in "Valkyrie", "The Downfall", "Inglorious Bastards".

@Peter-uy3ti - 10.10.2024 20:15

A brave and sad story.
Thank you

@x_93x - 26.10.2024 14:46

This was the first film of Mads. Instantly loved his character I went on to see Valhalla rising and he became my favorite actor. Thanks for uploading this !!!!

@jameslongstreet9259 - 18.11.2024 22:56

Sat’me en hård film. En hård tid hvor hårde mænd (og kvinder) måtte træffe hårde valg 🇩🇰

@Neverknow - 10.12.2024 04:07

great movie seen it many times over the years. br never

@williamraymondjr2106 - 19.01.2025 09:44

Cool movie👏🏻

@metalmadsen - 22.01.2025 16:19

Fight fire with fire …

@colbymasvidal2397 - 11.02.2025 09:38

Mads Mikkelsen - vores stolthed❤️🇩🇰

@emeseimre5252 - 28.02.2025 20:33

What a profound film ! Thanks for uploading it.
