@Beardeddragon1999 shut up nub! i bet ur a robber that tried to rob dis kid and he shot u with his most powerful nerf gun in the eyes to blind u for life then beat the hell out of u!
Ответитьare you brothers with someone named james cause you look like his brother....
Ответитьpretty cool, its cool how you kick it back up
Ответить1:41-1:43 wow he does not know how to swing that at all. all he knows is how to spin it
Ответитьi got here from watching napoliant dynamite
ОтветитьI love your mods and the bow staff thing is cool and that would be cool if you did the bow staff with fire
Ответить@821maxman um i kinda do?? i am very much into martial arts, get your facts straight before you jump to conclusions yuo ignorant fuck.
Ответитьyou are awesome
Ответить@strawhat2324 Lets see you try
ОтветитьWow that was completely and utterly useless
Ответить@tmdominate ok bitch cause you totally know me and what i'm capapble of atop talking out of tiyr ass, it just makes you seem ignorant.
ОтветитьIt may be a bowstaff but you use it like a baton.
Ответить"pretty much a cock saver"
ОтветитьTry spinning it a tiny bit slower so you can avoid dropping it, it always works for me but never my friends. :D
ОтветитьDude that is sick
ОтветитьI think with some formal training you'd be pretty lethal with that sucker, you look way off balance most of the time
Ответитьi wish i could do that
Ответить1:13 "its pretty much a cock sabre." -uin13
ОтветитьPut whistles at the side
Ответить@iiMisterLonely Doubt you'd spin slower in a fight or in a competition so that's a stupid idea to practice it slowly when you already have the hang of it.
Ответить@xXGEN3000KBMXx I never said in a fight derp derp, and it's actually still quite helpful. I have done it in a fight and competition and did really well.
Ответить@iiMisterLonely whats your version of realy well? 4th? cuz mines 2nd
Ответить@xXGEN3000KBMXx I'm about a 3rd and I don't care about yours, I spin to my own pace.
Ответить@iiMisterLonely wwwooaahh calm down there bud. you dont have to get all defenceive and i know your just gonna say im not getting defencive so just dont reply.......less wasting time for both of us ;]
Ответитьohh man i have been spinning a life forrr soooo long. You prably never tried.
ОтветитьThe virginity is strong within this one
Ответитьthe ability to spin a stick does not translate into the ability to fight
Ответитьyou see how fast that shit is spinning.....ONE HIT K.O.
ОтветитьWow guys how could you think this is gay? He kicks ass at it! They're probably just being dicks because they're jealous.
ОтветитьIt's a good star wars kid
Ответить2:39 did he hit minself
Ответитьold but gold
Ответитьhe should be a power ranger
Ответитьim glad this was settled
ОтветитьDo not call this a BO staff because you are just making a mockery of the weapon, this is not a BO staff this is a stick. You do a very excellent job of spinning a stick though.
ОтветитьYou must get beaten up a lot
ОтветитьLet us review the "Nerfer Equation" as used by CigarBaby. The equation is as follows: X represents the number of blasters y represents the number of darts H represents the number of hot chicks you get Xy=H At this point, Uin had, let's say 50 blasters and 500 darts 50(500)=25000 So basicaly, he gets mad D.
Ответитьindependent lake camp with daf
ОтветитьCool cool
ОтветитьMan thats pretty fucking gay
Ответитьwow you sound so young :) fuck you are good!
ОтветитьTeenage Mutant ninja turtles
Ответить2:37 HAHAHAHA
ОтветитьThat's cool
ОтветитьThank god he didn't do it inside, as he said, he may have killed something.
ОтветитьThat is not a bo staff a bo staff is 6ft long but that is some nice spinning