Pilates vs Yoga: Which One is Right For You? #shorts

Pilates vs Yoga: Which One is Right For You? #shorts


1 год назад

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@deanporter9091 - 20.02.2024 01:04

I move freely is better than both

@iGnashtys - 07.07.2024 04:59

I’m just tryna get a full body stretch what should I do

@biswamohandwari6460 - 21.07.2024 16:24

So yoga is like a super set

@Gigi-ni1cf - 08.08.2024 06:26

Pilates is basically stolen from Yoga renamed and twisted a bit.
Yoga is an ancient and spiritual practice…

@emmetwesley - 09.08.2024 05:08

She's super annoying

@DrHetviSoni - 12.08.2024 15:54

Can u plz mention its origin as well that is INDIA like u told for Pilates

@bendodd2405 - 14.08.2024 03:07

YOGA is calming, great for relaxation, sleep, post workout recovery and combines flexibility and mobility.

Pilates is more engaged and is great for posture, back and joint pain, core strength and mobility.

Both Yoga and Pilates are great for joint pain and posture aswell as core strength but Pilates is more like a workout in itself where as Yoga is more like a post workout recovery or mindful relaxation practice

@mynameisnobody3931 - 17.08.2024 21:06

That's not true, pilates was invented by a German physician after ww1, to rehabilitate war veterans that was injured

@DiosDeKush - 31.10.2024 02:16

What’s better for bodybuilding

@DrLeeLee - 13.12.2024 15:38

There are so many forms of yoga that it’s hard to describe in a sentence. Restorative yoga, yin yoga and gentle yoga meet the definition you said, but vinyasa yoga, Ashtanga, power yoga or bikram are not relaxing at all. I feel like it has some Pilates in it. It’s more strengthening with some stretching in it.

@belwalkarmangesh6779 - 29.12.2024 10:03

Sorry lady but you are wrong ! Yoga has multiple forms and they do both strength and flexibility routines !

@aashishsharma3754 - 24.01.2025 06:02


Very poor Explanation of Yoga
