The Biggest Waste of Money Nobody Talks About

The Biggest Waste of Money Nobody Talks About

Humphrey Yang

4 месяца назад

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@Youtiao87 - 18.11.2024 10:32

Having cars in Singapore is already a luxury 😅

@user-ec6xd2ig4c - 19.11.2024 10:01

What are you gonna do with your money??? Spend it while you're still alive. You cannot take it to hell.

@ely5338 - 21.11.2024 03:01

At what networth is it “ok” to travel first class? No one talks about this

@stockkid8515 - 21.11.2024 06:57

if you can afford it and that makes u happy than go get it.. If you can't afford it don't get it. it is that simple. as long as it does not hurts u.. the real rich can obviously afford it comfortably. by saving 10k gets u to no where if u already have 10m or 100m .. but if u only have 100k ... yes don't buy all these.. u can't afford it. just my 2 cents

@shilver101 - 21.11.2024 18:42

I purchased a car outright was 5 years old but only had 30k mi. Don't Finance if you can help it!!

@TuxBearlux - 21.11.2024 19:22

No KIDS 🧒.. total savings $500,000 ❤😂

@LazyDaisyDay88 - 21.11.2024 20:17

People chasing frequent flyer status just to sit in certain airport lounges really make me laugh. They spend thousands flying in Business of First class just to share on social media - trying to impress people they don't even know! I just think there is something lacking in their personal life.

@GabrielaSanD1ego - 22.11.2024 04:56

My ego does not care lol I travel a lot but on economy

@Alisha-hs8xj - 22.11.2024 10:56

This topic has been beat to death and I think misses the point. As someone who purchases luxury goods (occasionally, and within my means) I can say it’s made me really consider each purchase a lot more and I’ve probably become better with my money as a result.

The topic nobody wants to talk about is the excessive low-value impulse buys. Not only is this useless junk bad for the planet but it’s death by a thousand cuts for your wallet. It is perfectly acceptable in society to browse the dollar aisle and spend $20-50 per week at Target, and even encouraged. The reality is that this is a worse long-term strategy for people in any income bracket as it is usually stuff that just gets decluttered quickly or shoved into the junk drawer.

@6602-w2k - 22.11.2024 22:43

I thought you would talk about taxes

@terryboston3292 - 23.11.2024 01:25

Luxury Brands are for people whom can't afford it, they brainwash people into thinking they need it to feel rich, the poor buy luxury brands, Rolex is not exactly luxury, if must have one just like with anything else that is a luxury item like Gucci, buy it preowned not brand new out of the store, Rich People whom are truly wealthy don't usually buy what's known as Boutique Brands like Vuitton and all of that, because they already know, Poor people or slightly upper middle class people, crave that stuff, when in reality it does not really do anything for them anyways, it's all primarily just Marketing and hype, then to find out like 5 years later if they are in a Fianacial bind they can never get out of it what they paid for it, the luxury goods market is designed to make people go broke, who are already broke, again Rich people know this, just look at LVMH group and how big they are, their sales are primarily to people who can't even afford it, not the Rich.

@caiqianyuan - 23.11.2024 05:38

I would argue that if none of those are in your wish list ,your life will be pretty boring and meanwhile losing the motivation

@SirTavvi - 23.11.2024 13:45

The only one I'd say is ok is Rolex because it mostly holds it's value from what I understand.

@SiggeSolarix - 23.11.2024 16:02

Again, as i commented on your last video, stop with these car payments, YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE A CAR PAYMENT...

@caropreso911 - 24.11.2024 01:33

This is all true BUT no one has ever been wildly F'd by twins in a Toyota Corolla, ever.

@georgecupac1202 - 24.11.2024 03:16

Talk to government.
If government didn't waste so much money for stupid shit, we would all be able to afford food.

@PeakUnlimited - 24.11.2024 10:05

Earn status , Buy no clothing with a logo. Live within your means.

@theshadowman1398 - 24.11.2024 12:23

I hate modern cars. They are designed to break because they are stuffed full of useless fragile electronics

@ChrisCaluag - 24.11.2024 15:41

I don’t keep up with friends.. lol.

@pranavalajangi9371 - 24.11.2024 17:39

I don't mind designer goods. I own 3 pairs of jeans; Lee, Levis and Wrangler. Idk if I could count these as designer but their quality is amazing 😍😍😍. One time I also felt a BOSS jumper in a JD and even the quality on that was divine. I would buy designer as long as it's high quality and a decent price. I don't pay for the name but for the quality of the product

@frankyhonnolus5528 - 24.11.2024 20:55

Rolex is not a waste of money. Their watches go up in value.

@davidlguerr - 24.11.2024 21:49

LVMH goods are made in China and in other poor countries, using badly paid workers, to maximize profit. Also you are not paying for top notch quality. It is just another scam. To have chinese made goods manufactured by low paid workers, I would prefer to buy something cheap like H&M or Shein brands. I would pay the premium price if LVMH products were made in Switzerland for example.

@wl1896 - 25.11.2024 08:57

Those so called luxury brand are now just kiddie brand like pumpkin patch 😂 tik tok brand

@cruiser6260 - 25.11.2024 09:15

Nobody talks about it because it's not news, all obvious

@shaka-surf - 25.11.2024 19:27

Poor people buy designer goods. Rich people save money.

@janicewolk6492 - 25.11.2024 22:24

I always refused to wear someone else's name on my body. 😊

@ChrisM-mu8rc - 25.11.2024 23:56

The upgrade from domestic to domestic first is not marginal if you’re fat

@MarkDanger777 - 26.11.2024 02:19

Honestly idk why i watch these videos. A lot of them are embedded to me as common sense since I was young. Only thing I had no knowledge of was investing. Because chinese parents only teach you how to save and not spend money on anything.... Now I have 80k in cash only started buying ETFs now... No this is not a scam thread and I likely won't respond to any comments at all.

@RCPlayer2011 - 26.11.2024 02:33

Rolex is awesome

@MrPatrick1414 - 26.11.2024 03:05

Yep... buying the latest iPhone every year is biggest waste of money

@bigfootnmore6619 - 26.11.2024 03:58

Saving $1000 a year on phones probably means you have already fallen into the iPhone trap.
Don't waste your money on them.

@Ericsicons - 27.11.2024 11:16

if enough people were like me the economy would shut down
- I buy clothes from Walmart
- I bought my 15k Hyundai accent 13 years ago and still have it to this day
- My smart phone is 6 years old and I usually keep my PC 7 to 8 years
- My house is very modest
- I don't fly first class I rarely travel at all, as a matter of fact it's been more than 10 years since I've been on a plane

It's not that I can't afford to do better at these things, I just suffer from frugalnitus diseases :D

@IamJonny-o4v - 27.11.2024 23:04

The idea of investing a significant sum of money may be both thrilling and intimidating. There is potential for considerable wealth increase with the correct strategy. How can one take advantage of compound interest and potentially grow your retirement savings/net-worth to about $3M over time?

@Slipknt45 - 28.11.2024 21:55

I'm a full time solo dad. All my money goes on the basics and necessities no frills. I have been taught from a young age that it doesn't matter what others have or don't. I only focus on what I have and can do. For me atleast if I want something I look at the cost and think I have to work so many hours to buy it. And if I don't think that work I put in is worth it I don't buy it. Now this doesn't apply to things I need lie shoes and clothes etc..... only the extras. Sadly 9 out of 10 times I never allow myself the item. That said I think if you combine the cost of things in with your time you see the world differently and don't waste money

@bubblechaser5369 - 29.11.2024 00:26

Be right back ... going to look for my 10 K, it has to be around here somewhere

@cap4life1 - 29.11.2024 19:23

The moment you turn 30, you will want lie flat seats when you fly 😂😅

And many wealthy ppl use credit cards to buy luxury. You accrue points from things you’ll buy anyway.

@WWZenaDo - 04.12.2024 14:44

Luxury cars aren't mechanically reliable, even though certain car makers (Mercedes, BMW, among others) tout their lines as having superior engineering. Why waste money on a vehicle that breaks down more often and has higher repair costs?

@clubbizarre - 07.12.2024 13:07

Not buying things we can't afford. Groundbreaking advice

@jsteer - 10.12.2024 20:10

Buying the latest gen phone gets you one more year of updates though. If you keep your phone only 3-4 years that's fine but I prefer to keep mine longer, at least 5 years.

@alexg3348 - 11.12.2024 06:00

I'd love to drive a rolls royce. I drive a 2nd hand Nissan because I can barely afford to keep that running... 😂😂🤣🤣

@kristinanoall - 12.12.2024 08:17

Humphrey, I absolutely love your straightforwardness. There is so much foolishness and waste when it comes to people trying to buy status. Your videos are so well done—practical, great visuals, backed by data and research, etc. Very happy I found your channel! (I have to look up what the heck bottle service is, though… 🤔)

@remyd8767 - 26.12.2024 22:32

I haven't used Facebook for😮 over ten years and don't have an Instagram acct. Best thing for my sanity. I don't get tempted to keep up with people doing things for the photos. I also don't get invited to events either because i dont log into Facebook.

@for833 - 30.12.2024 17:13

Agree with all of these. The worst one of all to me being the whole iPhone craziness. No one is going to notice if you have the latest iPhone, no one will be looking at your phone wondering what version it is (unless you are in high school). I've never owned an iPhone, they look pretty and all, but I cannot justify spending $1000 on a phone even though I could afford it.

@richardbrown3069 - 14.01.2025 22:02

Companies that sell status are actually selling consumerism. Status isn’t me owning a “luxury” item.

@LisaCulton - 16.01.2025 00:13

I ❤Rolex.

@LisaCulton - 16.01.2025 00:52

Dom Perignon is actually a really good Champagne. Sometimes I buy it just to drink at home.

@cherylmeadows2343 - 07.02.2025 00:51

If I have to pay for bottle service to be able to sit down at a club, I just won't go there.

@ruturaj47 - 24.02.2025 09:24

My wife has many designer bags, all of them are fake 😂. I drive a cheap car, but spend about 6k on tracking it. I bought a 2011 boxster yesterday it's 4% of our last years income. I usually update phone every year but it ends up costing me about $200 to upgrade after rebates and free stuff. I spend most on economy flights tickets, about 7-10k per year, not much I can do to save there.

@dapperlygrungy3189 - 27.02.2025 19:07

Why is it that you feel that when someone buys a designer item, that they are showing off. I disagree. I own one designer item, a pair of Prada Downtown Sneakers I paid $1120. I guess I could have bought a pair of Nike Dunks $120 and save myself $1K, but I wanted a pair of sneakers that are elevated and in the same style as the Nike Dunks and Prada's take on the Nike Dunk fit the bill. I never bought it to show off or impress others. Why would I do that? I bought it because I like them for me (not for others) and it goes with everything I wear. I paid it off and I'm not in debt for buying it. I have never been in debt. But to say people who buy luxury are showing off is a misconception. I own this one designer sneaker and that's it. I am not a designer luxury person, but again, the style of this sneaker was what I was after. I can't find anything like it from another brand that I actually like.
