How To Play Rook (4 Players)

How To Play Rook (4 Players)

Gather Together Games

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@crystallight2 - 05.02.2019 21:07

If you do not have a rook deck you can use a normal deck. King is 13, Queen is 12, Jack is 11. Aces are used in this varent and are 14. One Joker is used and represents the Rook bird card. Game is played the same.

@kartaros002 - 05.02.2019 22:21

When will be next card game tutorial because i really like those games

@philaufan6 - 08.02.2019 19:37

Best game ever.

@Canwegetsubscriberswithn-jc7nh - 09.02.2019 12:51

Can you teach us how to play mulan? I saw some kids in my school play it but i couldnt understand how to play. I tried to search it on google and found nothing. I would be gratefull if you could teach us.

@Canwegetsubscriberswithn-jc7nh - 09.02.2019 12:52

Can you play this with normal playing cards?

@Canwegetsubscriberswithn-jc7nh - 09.02.2019 12:52

Can you play this with normal playing cards?

@Canwegetsubscriberswithn-jc7nh - 09.02.2019 12:53

Can you play this with normal playing cards

@Jedwint - 14.02.2019 16:05

This is basically 500

@ahaironyourscreen1425 - 26.02.2019 04:57

At the beginning you mentioned removing the 1s, 2s, 3s, and 4s from the deck before playing. What's the point of having them in the deck? Is there an alternate way to play the game that I don't know about?

@Thej0kesta - 27.11.2019 19:42

If you win the bid you don’t go first? It’s still just left of the dealer?!?

@Mister_Pedantic - 25.01.2020 04:03

Can you lead a trump before one has been played?

@J24-k8f - 30.01.2020 11:23

You can also build the deck with a standard 52. Get rid of 2-5. Keep one Joker; he's the bird. Ace is 14, King is 13, and so on. Ace is worth 10 points, 10 is worth 10, and the 5 is worth 5.

Colors are suits and it plays the same.

@vampysuperset4358 - 16.06.2020 08:49

Thought this was about R6

@kaylahall1219 - 26.07.2020 10:07

My family has these rules. Thoughts on them?
-If you don't have the lead suit, you can the break trump by playing trump.
-if you do not have the lead suit, you must play a trump, and if you have neither, you can play what you want.

@Endymion766 - 16.10.2020 02:03

Gonna file this under "games I just don't understand" right next to backgammon.

@Nameswithastory - 01.02.2021 01:46

Is this Rick Steves explaining this?

@hannahnadaweo3738 - 21.03.2021 15:41

Best card games ever. My family have playing Rook card games for about 30 years till now.

@junaidk941 - 25.04.2021 12:35

Lost me at bidding.. what's going on??

@eduardoxenofonte4004 - 19.08.2021 18:04

you can play this with a regular deck of cards, just remove 2s, 3s and 4s and add a joker

@carolarmer8020 - 04.09.2021 03:36

good instructions

@peggycole6137 - 24.09.2021 08:03

You need to talk about what you are doing and slow down moving to fast

@oddbird5825 - 29.10.2021 23:34

Here’s a question for you, we’ve tried playing rook and we found that it’s hard to get up to 70 in bidding. When we all Take the tricks, we figured you would have to at least get at least 70% of the counters in order to win at this game otherwise you’re gonna lose the bedding every time. Is there a way to play this game we’re getting up to at least 70 marker is easier?

@coziii.1829 - 01.01.2022 02:56


@mickstar85 - 08.02.2022 01:36

Shoot the Moon lol

@mickstar85 - 08.02.2022 01:37

U Can play rooker low or with the red one

@nana3491-w7b - 01.04.2022 00:53

I used to play Rook a long time ago. I don't remember taking cards out of the deck. My mind must be going because these instructions didn't make sense. I may just be someone who has to learn by playing. Oops.

@josephmayer2015 - 13.04.2022 04:09



@sophiahonaker4809 - 14.06.2022 20:18

I understand this now, thank you. Just what do you do with the cards in the middle? What's the significance with those cards?

@lukeh116 - 12.08.2022 23:00


@joshhorn4157 - 12.09.2022 22:26

This is literally a rook deck. it is not meant to take out cards to play.

@Ellybelly90 - 04.02.2023 07:18

I’m not understanding the bidding. How do you determine how much to bid? Is it how many points you think you will win in that hand? What determines a “good hand” vs a “bad hand?”

@deerepower337 - 07.03.2023 01:02

Most overly confusing game ever

@moistman5074 - 07.06.2023 22:26

Kosrae has a different set of rules😂

@plrc4593 - 17.10.2023 23:28

Seems like simplified bridge or 500 with counting points like in German games. This is how skat should look like except that there should be 10 tricks in the game :D

@jeffreyjacobs3471 - 23.03.2024 06:22

If you read the history of Rook, you will learn that the game was invented to give those with religious objections to regular playing cards a game that can be played with cards with just numbers and colors, except for the Rook bird card. Also, having the numbers from 1 to 14 avoids superstitions about the number 13.

@LuisRodriguez-ux7yx - 08.04.2024 23:59

I made my own version of Rook. I call it Evasion Rook.

Deal 14 cards to each player, the last card will be flipped up to reveal the trump color. So a flipped up Yellow 3 makes the trump color Yellow. There is no bidding round. When a player gets to 200 points, the game ends, and whoever has the fewest points by the end of the round, wins. The Rook card is like the Queen of Spades in Hearts. It doesn't win any trick, but you can only play it if you have no matching color nor have no trump cards.

@OldMovieRob - 18.07.2024 14:09

Helpful instructions. Reminds me a little of the game Rage but without the mean cards haha.

@XExilloX2271 - 28.07.2024 09:55

And then he sacrifice THE ROOOOKKKKKK

@StepnicelyDance - 24.08.2024 08:44

Seems very similar to Bid Whist.

@humbertolopez4215 - 16.09.2024 22:43

Is it possible to play 6 players?

@terrybriggs3289 - 22.12.2024 03:37

Used to play with my grandparents and uncle.Been playing over 55 yrs myself. Most of the time we play rook low (11,12,13,14 beats rook card) makes it a little more challenging. If you have outstanding hand and know between you and your partner (playing with 4 ppl) can score 120pts you call out shoot the moon. In the old days all the farmers would play and have Rook tournaments in the winter at the locol country store.

@thetechsavvy01 - 12.01.2025 03:42

This is specifically the Wild Bird Game

@kailahmoreno9136 - 22.02.2025 05:34

Question: what if the two people have the lead suit of a round ( both put down a 14) , who wins that round?
