Australian Family Escape Hold-Up in Papua New Guinea

Australian Family Escape Hold-Up in Papua New Guinea

Storyful News & Weather

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@Thatmauiwowie - 23.10.2017 09:22

Jesus Christ

@luiphilip7276 - 28.10.2017 05:53

Sick bastards!!!! Tarnishing the already tarnished name of our country.. There are many good people out there who tried to make PNG a better place and yet those low-lives, lazy fuckers, can't even get their skinny hands dirty in their own land to make a living always want to prey on innocent expats and foreigners trying to contrbute honestly to the economy of the country...Really sickening....

@boltbaca8290 - 16.12.2017 15:30

What province did this happen in??

@riteasrain - 27.01.2018 10:31

Little white haired black girl trying to be popular. Idiots!

@mosesdame5460 - 08.10.2018 17:28

Hahahaah,,,,this is a false and fake news , it was all planed out, these are the two idiot Australian couples.when they where called by police for questing the Two Australian couples Gave different Accounts of the hold up. when the PNG news(EMTV/KUNDU 2) interviewed the wife, she said she was driving that car and was attacked at Sogeri, its 20km away from main city(Port Moresby). when the husband was asked of his account of the hold up, he said he was driving the same car without the wife and was attacked. how can two people drive one car? its either the husband or the wife lied and it was all planned just to make a story on the media. those two idiot Australians Couples where charged for giving false statement and paid a bail of USD$500.00. their tricks got them back.hahahahahah.....Papua New Guineans are smart People.

@osamabinladen824 - 26.03.2019 19:50

Papa New Guineans are good people. I met one named George. He was a boxer and studied her in the Philippines as a medical student in Southwestern University.

@jessicakuli9846 - 02.05.2019 04:26

You will never see this sorta thing in the highlands of PNG. They would respect you and give you good hospitality. This is embarrassing

@sannymili3836 - 30.11.2020 00:14

Not Australia family fucking dick head, PNG family

@nanonood2261 - 30.12.2020 14:36


@nanonood2261 - 30.12.2020 14:37

Poverty makes people do shit!

@hardietilto1074 - 27.01.2021 12:15

This is bull shit. enough of your none sense
