How to Use IOD Transfers

How to Use IOD Transfers

Iron Orchid Designs

4 года назад

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@jaynebrown693 - 02.10.2020 18:54

How I LOVE your transfers !!!! I tried to put one on a faux pumpkin....I should have cut it more into pieces like you just did.... and BOY ...they are not meant to be “removed”.... what an awful time to remove it from that pumpkin...😳😳😳😳. A good testament to how well they stick👍👍👍 .....

Beautiful, beautiful transfers ! Hard to pick which one to get... ALL!

Have a blessed day ladies !

@taniar8402 - 02.10.2020 19:35

I would love to see you each do your own side by side so we can see how different it can look from person to person. Using the same transfer.

@peggytravels793 - 02.10.2020 19:56

Love your new packaging 💗💕

@aliloucreations1817 - 02.10.2020 21:43

I don’t think the roses have a place in the piece , just not something that is pared together to me , but the transfers are beautiful

@debbiesarver5656 - 02.10.2020 21:54

Josie u are so pretty as a brunette..glad ur back.. but ur creative and u just do u girl! 😊

@lilybecerra2035 - 02.10.2020 22:05

Wow, I've never seen the transfers in the packet sheet format, where can I find them please ❤️? Ty for this video!

@wendybuckland3271 - 02.10.2020 22:50

Love the packet packaging! I never would have thought to cut a long stem transfer to make it look behind....I'm always learning from you two! Thanks and GOD BLESS!

@terrybrewer722 - 03.10.2020 00:53

These would be beautiful with the new letter stamps too. So many possibilities!

@janetwalker3541 - 03.10.2020 03:18

So, I have a question for you. Can you put these transfers on a table that is stained i.e. kitchen table? I had told a lady on Facebook who liked a table that had a hand painted flower to try your iod transfers (as she said she couldn't hand paint a flower), not thinking that you were suppose to use chalk paint, and I don't think chalk paint would stand up to the wear and tear of a dining table. Maybe you could do a video on this if it is possible? Thank you!🤔

@anastele4515 - 03.10.2020 03:29

I love your jobs girls !! ... I'm excited to start using transfers. But I have a doubt, I usually seal my furniture when finishing them with lacquers, I use the Flat High Performance of the General finish line and the Rust-oleum line, my question is if I can use it in the transfer? I hope you read the message Thank you. A hug!

@lollylolly8186 - 03.10.2020 04:17

Love this transfer set. The hand painted look will look amazing on furniture. Amazing line of new products ladies! Thank you.❤️❤️👏

@NotTooShabbyPatti - 03.10.2020 05:11

Love all your products and videos! Just got the lemon transfer and can't wait to transform a garage sale find into a little kitchen island with it! 🍋 🍋 🍋

@sueeparra7454 - 03.10.2020 05:23

I cannot wait to get mine! Love those sunflowers!! I am a retailer, how long after our first order can we reorder?

@pamakers8439 - 03.10.2020 07:55

My husband bought me the Ladies in waiting., I opened it and it wasn't sealed with the backing ..My husband doesn't remember where he purchased it..What do I do? Thanks

@bethwishitwereviolet5938 - 04.10.2020 06:23

Absolutely gorgeous! As always, thank you Josie and Sally for showing the many lovely ways to use your products. 💕

@patriciajaramillo3264 - 20.10.2020 08:41

Love the transfers. Used it for the first time yesterday for a gift for my niece and turned out beautiful. My Mom was so impressed.

@karenbaldry8096 - 02.11.2020 23:22

Omg I think I’m going to be sick I’m so excited about these beautiful transfers 😀😂😂🥰🥰🥰🥰

@paulamajellang8403 - 14.11.2020 01:21

Hello where can I buy IOD products in England UK x

@robindudleyhowes - 15.12.2020 05:17

I love these transfers, looking forward to make over an old cabinet I have.

@KMason-ro6fd - 09.01.2021 16:28

Omg where can i buy this? Want to add sunflowers to my vintage milk jug

@julietevelyn6466 - 04.03.2021 05:42

These are so great! I just ran across a picture on Pinterest and followed it to you here. I'm in love!

@elisabethst.claire5088 - 30.06.2021 04:49

Thanks for the great tutorial! Can you use the transfers on top of dry embossing texture paste?

@marykoetters4358 - 31.08.2021 00:14

I’m applying the Astoria transfer to my bedroom furniture & it is taking hours! I have to rub,rub,rub. I love the transfers though!

@margarettallett762 - 15.10.2021 05:01


@studioa100 - 23.11.2021 02:37

If using on a sign (painted wood), would you seal before adding the transfer?

@conniegrepo7180 - 25.02.2022 17:23

Can the transfer be used on a painted bottle?

@rondafloyd8286 - 22.03.2022 17:43

Love Video - Can you tell me the color please you used on the wood for the Sunflowers?

@estherrossnewman4261 - 02.05.2022 11:59

hi i want to use these on my kitchen cabinets do you have a tutorial on this ? any help to offer.....

@luperenderos7820 - 22.05.2022 00:38

Love the transfers how can I order 🤠🤠 from Dallas Texas

@MrJtho165 - 01.06.2022 08:11

A female brown elephant in a china shop...!!! 🐘🐎

@doloresnorton8566 - 12.07.2022 02:26

Can I use transfers on baskets

@peggyebbett5936 - 27.08.2022 15:27

Hi gals!! I will be ordering my first IOD transfers in the next week and I can't wait!!

@judybillar7499 - 03.09.2022 17:34

I just got the IOD transfers and want to redo my mailbox. I’m a newbie so is this doable??

@tsktsk75 - 09.09.2022 21:31

Can you use on canvas, or do you need to "seal" the canvas with paint, etc. in order for it to stick?

@newreborner - 22.10.2022 17:12

Can you transfer onto fabric

@marilynmourdock3688 - 05.01.2023 05:23

I am about to start my first project. I painted a table with furniture paint. After I add the transfers, can I seal with a spray on polyurethane for water protection?

@susanknight757 - 09.01.2023 10:53

Can I use regular old acrylics under your paint inlays instead of chalk or mineral paints? Love love you two.

@TheMaggiemay77 - 28.01.2023 13:29

I hope this works on mirrors because my bathroom mirror has lost some of its “mirroring“ at the bottom, and I always thought if somebody could paint some flowers over that spot that would be wonderful. I’m hoping these transfers would do the job.

@inmaculadasayagosoto6695 - 08.03.2023 22:27

Como se puede comprar vuestros productos ?? Me encanta vuestros trajbajos

@lorraineophoff4984 - 26.03.2023 05:02

Thank you for this tutorial! Helpful, and gorgeous!

@craigrupert1917 - 24.04.2023 13:19

Spring flowers

@petersburgtug6633 - 27.10.2023 20:22

Could I put one on my car?

@lorieennis-piklula9567 - 09.11.2023 19:23

I am wondering what the name of the crane or Heron is, that is depictted in the "Holly Glenn" series of 2023 Christmas release

@joannhiralez2329 - 11.01.2024 19:49

Beautiful, going to place a order

@thernoracamillo7452 - 22.01.2024 01:00

Where can u buy these on line?

@lindy2164 - 04.05.2024 14:12

Hi, I was just watching your video about transfers. You said not to use solvent based over the transfers. Is this absolutely necessary. I'm very confused about products and have bought recently some solvent based antiquing products which I've been using over transfers and spraying with light coat of solvent based varnish/sealer. Have I done the wrong thing and wasted a lot of money ????. Do I have to use all water based products (which I dont like as much). I wish that I could figure this all out.

@geoffburgess5657 - 25.07.2024 17:31

Can these be used on a canvas

@ginaware6117 - 17.10.2024 12:16

I just purchased my first set of IOD transfers. Can I use mod podge to seal it and as a base on my wood block project?

@kathrynkneeland7179 - 05.02.2025 02:05

Thank you!!
