Nate, do you teach your formal or you informal come first, or doesn't it matter?
ОтветитьBro there walking foorwards
ОтветитьNice with the frustration call but ours runs by us... what do u think why??
ОтветитьWhat do You do when your dog doesn’t like treats? I have tried all kinds of treats.
ОтветитьLoved this video. Clear and concise. I’ll be getting my new dog in a few months, I’m preparing myself by watching all your vids.
What do you use for training treats?
Should i focus on one command at a time until they’ve mastered it or can i incorporate a few during our practice times rather than only one. (example; sit, down, spin)
I'm having trouble with leash pressure 😬 My puppy simply struggles against it. I pull very gently, of course, but as soon as he feels the pressure he starts trying to get away and pull his head ouf of the collar 😐 I've had some luck with luring, but he loses focus as soon as he's full and stops obeying the command. He's only 8.5 weeks old.
ОтветитьBro, u are a God sent. I just got a Boerboel puppy and am learning a lot. Thanks for taking time to teach
ОтветитьMy family and I just adopted 2 month old German Shepard puppies. They are not use to us and wants to be pet or held but still fearful. What can we do and how do we get them use to there names? Thanks
ОтветитьThese are the very best dog-training videos I've come across. Thank You.
Ответитьi was told you can't feed young puppy too much, but in the video, you do give the puppy a lot treat. can you give some advise about it?
ОтветитьMy kids would definitely get a kick out of this lol
ОтветитьWhat are ideal treats to be used in training, to keep in pockets? My puppy kibbles are so small, they are difficult to handle.
ОтветитьWhat food should I do
This with? And how long should I do this session for?
can you tell me about bodercollie dog i want to teach self at my home he is 5,6month year old i waana learn take any subject like (books,boll, sweet ,sleeper or with me same exercise )and any other objects to provide me how can teach plz tell me one vidoe this typ
Ответитьomg my puppy is 4 lbs and 4" off the ground. at 58 years old i cant do this
ОтветитьGreat advice
Ответитьthank you for all the great video training sir Nate. . .im an aspiring dog trainer in PHILIPPINES ...ill follow ur style. . . .
ОтветитьI have an 18 week old puppy, and he is so good! He obeys my commands very well as long as I have his attention (thank you so much for your videos). He comes when called UNLESS another dog gets his attention, and then he will bolt. He'll even cross the street to play with another dog!
How do I ensure he stops and comes when given a certain command like "come" or when I whistle?
Thanks again, Nate!
could i train him to react to to two different calls?
ОтветитьWhich method do you think is best, the first one or the second one?
ОтветитьHow can I get my dog to set and stay in that sit when he does like to set for very long?
ОтветитьBrother please keep the mic close to speak, u r almost inaudible in each video
ОтветитьI have never seen dogs so focused on a trainer. You really have this down! Not many trainers can incorporate fun in their training without the dogs losing focus. You’re the real deal bro!
ОтветитьNate your videos are gold! I’ve only watched two but was absolutely hooked after the first one! You break down each step so clearly that it’s as easy for me to follow as the dogs you’re teaching!
I have two 5 month old Belgian Malinois pups that I’m training and constantly looking for new material for teaching them the proper manners. Your teaching style is gold!
Just got our 8 week old chocolate lab puppy and started working sit and down in the first 3 days we've had him. How old is the dog in this video? Thanks!
ОтветитьWhat brand of treats are you using. Seems you have an abundance of them
ОтветитьGreat demo and explanation of how you may wish for more or less formal level of obedience. Question, do you next incorporate a hand command? For "Come" I like to bring a hand across my chest "Pledge of Allegiance" style. When the dog is getting close if I want them in front I put a hand out in front of waist as if holding a plate and they come "Front" and if while approaching I tap left leg twice that brings them to heel. Which hand signals do you prefer? Maybe better question, do you associate a hand signal with every critical verbal command?
ОтветитьHow do we increase distance? Also is the last excersize an command in itself?
ОтветитьMy dog doesn't want to sit that close to me.
ОтветитьGood stuff. Really enjoying these videos!
ОтветитьNice work.
I prefer using a long leash and putting the dog on a variable intermittent schedule of reinforcement.
Ik this video 2 years old man but your helping me so much with my rescue GSD she’s so untrained and I don’t think she was socialized as a puppy but you’ve helped me so much. Thank you!!! (Do you have any vids on socializing 🥺)
ОтветитьI would love to have a training vest like the one you are wearing with passionate about dog training on it😊❤ thank for your videos they have been invaluable for training my now almost 4 month old Aussie puppy. We get compliments wherever we go because he is so engaged and having so much fun doing the basics I ask of him. We go different parks and he stays focused on me until i tell him to go play.
ОтветитьWe got our puppy when he was 8wks and he is now 8 mos. I've been watching different channels trying to be better at training so he can learn the basics for now and like your methods the best. We do have a tough time getting him not to jump and bite my daughter, though not biting hard. How much time is enough time to spend training per day? What is the best way to get him to stop jumping and biting?
ОтветитьSo with the come command we should use the verbal command from the get go? In comparison to all of the others where we simply use luring and leash pressure prior to adding the verbal
ОтветитьThere is actually an easier way! I'm not saying yours is bad or something but there is an option to teach the dog quicker. But not always it work. Only for these who are smart.
So it looks like this. When dog is having fun and not paying attention to the world just make the distance between you about 2-4 meters. Then loudly but not yell call their name and show them a treat. They will react due to loud noise probably look at you and They'll walk up to you after seeing the treat in your hand. And probably the dog will want more. Then again make a distance in between you and repeat. This is the easy way
What's the chances of it working on a year and half mixed husky who was never trained ?
ОтветитьHow does this translate to when you let your dog off leash and want/ need them to come to you, especially with distractions such as other dogs or cats
ОтветитьActually I have problem with this command on daily bases.When I put the leash on my dogs neck I have full authority,but when there is no leash my authority is 0.I need to say that leash is 30 meters long so my dog can walk free,but in his mind puting the leash on means that he needs to listen to me.
ОтветитьDoing this tomorrow
ОтветитьTeacher, sera posible entrenar a un mallinois de 4 años con los mismos ejercivios que para un cachorro ?
Ответитьsick views
ОтветитьFinally, a great free video that demonstrates how pet owners who want our beloved dog to come to us on the come command just ensure our pets safety/responsiveness just regardless of aesthetics.
ОтветитьThere needs to be a Law that Dog Training Videos Shall Not be Longer Than Three Minutes.
If you need more than three minutes to explain it to us, the thing is too complicated for us to learn anyway.
What if the dog does not respond to treats or toys? What is an alternative?