Admin is all rounder editor☠️☠️
ОтветитьIIT Kanpur 🔥
ОтветитьWhat a vibe 🗿🤘
ОтветитьLet's reserve one seat for the editor 🔥🔥🤫🤫 at IIT Kanpur
ОтветитьBroooo damn good ❤❤ ,plzz make on rendezvous IIT DELHI ❤
ОтветитьBro u rocked! ✨❤🩹
Fir kahenge diwali pe patalhe mat jalao environment pollute hota hai
Hypocrisy ki bhi seema hai
Damm editing bro☠️☠️
ОтветитьAREEE WOW.........
ОтветитьSooo hotttt😱
ОтветитьWhat a edit bruhhh☠️☠️☠️
ОтветитьBro rdv please 😊
ОтветитьI got more then what i prayed for ;
Jee rank 2019: 148000
It happen with me just have been chanting Hare Krishna mahamamtra & hearing lec of HG Radhesyam prabhu from last 3yrs ! Got into iit kanpur for PG(direct phd ) at age 22 topped the cse dept & met isro Charmain S Somanath 2 days ago at iiit prayagraj where I was an attended for international workshop on robotics. When I recall what I was before & now i cry tears of gratitude for Guru & Krishna. Srila prabhupad ki jai 🙏