Alla Mephistopheles

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@NIKEISNICKY12345 - 01.10.2023 02:37

Such a great video, such an intelligent and understanding woman… hope u have a long and successful career… very hard area to explore I can see, I understand and really respect yr reaction to tricky and difficult messages

@joedaddy4714 - 03.10.2023 05:00

It definitely started when I was a kid seeing all the tall muscular women on my older sisters basketball team.

@hayinlee4304 - 05.10.2023 13:56

How to be submissive to hot girls and make her my domme

@Jon_Void - 08.10.2023 18:56

i want to kneel to a Queen

@therisingsunygo - 09.10.2023 22:07

(I don't know if you're doing a Part 2 video for male sub's stories, but I'm gonna post anyway.)

In my case, it was dating a girl in high school who was a little tomboyish. She was a switch, knew a little about guns, liked FPSes like Call of Duty, and got into fights a lot at school (often winning). I was in love with her, and we dated for a bit, although it failed because I got obsessive.

My personal failures aside, she would sometimes call me her "Pet" (even after we broke up), comfort me when I was angered or saddened, and even hugged me and patted my head. It was kind of solidified in 2020, when my friend's sister (a dominant woman) nicknamed me "Puppy", due to being both shorter than her and submissive. Like my ex, she would comfort me when hearing that I was upset, but would also ask her friend about me regularly, complement me, and advise me.

Ever since then, I've kind of liked tomboys, strong women, and dominant women in general. In terms of kink, I'd say I'm attracted to strength, muscles, and height difference (woman being taller). Although due to my experiences with my ex and my friend's sister, I really appreciate kind, caring dommes.

@lancethrust9488 - 10.10.2023 12:02


@louisadams4540 - 14.10.2023 02:03

P r o m o s m 😪

@marksawesomeadventures - 17.10.2023 03:39

I thought for a while about whether I even wanted to Comment on this Video or not, I wasn't going to, but I decided to say something because it appears you were LOOKING for Information. And everyone is different. So I decided I will give you MY 2 Cents so you can consider it in your Grand Scheme of things.

I don't believe I experienced any Trauma in my Childhood, I had a very good Childhood in my Opinion, I do not believe that my Preferences were influenced in any way by my Childhood.
I believe that MY Preferences were completely instinctive, MY Preferences developed when I was around 7 years old, and have evolved slowly ever since then. I never Acted out in real Life on these thoughts until I was about 23 years old. That is when I had my first Experience. My Motivation to experience these things is to achieve a feeling of Love, Understanding, and Acceptance, I have a Craving to experience these things as if it is Guiding me to get what I truly desire out of Life. I want to Feel Love. That is Why I do it. I do not Role Play or Pretend, as many do like it is some kind of "Hobby" they picked up from watching Movies or Reading a certain Book. What I feel is Part of my Identity, it is not an ACT. It is a part of WHO I AM, and it is not something I ever want to Change, or Control or in any way try to "Curb" my desires.

I have Written several books on the Subject and now I am working on a Screen Play, and I am Motivated to Write because I STILL feel like there are SO MANY who just do not fully Understand.
My desire to be Understood, and Accepted is what drives me in my Writing.

I think there are many Subdivisions of BDSM, some may be influenced by Childhood Trauma, but I think there are too many people who try to Manipulate people's thinking by implying there is something Wrong with them, then FORCE them to accept what others say as the "correct path". This is exactly the Tactic used by Scientology to gain Control of a person's life. First they tell you there is something Wrong with you, then they provide you with "The Correct Path" . Reality is a little more complicated.

A lot of people Choose to Adopt an "Identity" because they saw something in a Movie that Inspired them, Read a Book, had an Experience somewhere. This is the same reason a Person might hear a Song and Decide they want to become a "Musician" now they have adopted the Identity as a "Musician" but is it really because THAT is WHO THEY ARE? Or did they technically become Manipulated into this "Identity"? Thoughts influence Feeling, Feelings Influence Actions, Actions Define who we are. So by simply Influencing someone's Thoughts, you can literally Control their Whole Identity. The only way to know who you REALLY are is to sit in a Dark Room with no one else, and ask yourself Who Are You really? Without trying to Impress anyone else.

Another example I might offer is a Person who has Tattoos, this person must care so much about what everyone else thinks that they feel the need to deface the most prized possession in their life for the sake of trying to impress all those to gaze upon this Tattoo. Because in a Dark Room alone what good is that Tattoo? So the Tattoo Cultists lure people into the Tattoo Cult by making you THINK you NEED a Tattoo to impress everyone, to be "Cool" to be "Trendy" and then they Control your whole Identity. Making you care More about impressing the people in the Tattoo Cult than you do taking care of the Health an well being of your own Body. And THIS is the level of how DEEP these things can go.

So my point is, I think it is far less about "Childhood Trauma" associated with interests in BDSM, as it is outside Influences, because especially there are many who just want to "Jump on the Band Wagon" so to speak. People who are into BDSM because it is part of their SOUL have whole different reasons for what they do than just having fun on a Saturday night.

Like I said I wasn't going to comment, but then I thought I would give you My 2 Cents just for Your Sake, so that you had a little perspective on the Subject, ...or something more to think about.

@obedientslave - 27.10.2023 02:42

You say you know where feminization kinks come from
I have thay kink, and am being guided
I would love to discuss this, if you care to

Thank you for your work, I have learned so much

@zendog4155 - 30.10.2023 06:02

Another reason - "because its Funnnnnnn!" :)

@kevinnosx9 - 05.11.2023 20:18

I wish i could meet a woman who would dominate me and turn me into her sissy slave

@Uk5haky - 19.11.2023 00:31

Its easy to find femdoms online. Its hard to find one who is not fake as fcuk and wants money after two sentences. Why is this scene so much filled with scammers? Maybe because a lot of women still view submissive men as weak fools?

@grahamdonald4440 - 28.11.2023 17:49

I will love to be a sissy french maid full time dress in the woods on show ❤

@CJB- - 29.11.2023 23:40

there are more female findoms now.

@timurmusabaev2179 - 11.12.2023 19:38

Talk For Pegging Welcome Back WMG Please Alla Mehpistopiles My Alla Its My Bride Just Married I LoveYou KissYou Hello Hay My Girl My Darling My Sun♥️👩‍❤️‍👨👫🔴💅💅🌍🌏🌎💘💝💞😍🥰😘💋💐🌹🌺🌷🌸💮🏵️🌻🌼

@maniac_q - 19.12.2023 19:39

This was great seeing other people's trauma and relating to them

@koboldsage9112 - 01.01.2024 14:33

My first kiss was being held down in preschool and she mashed her face into mine.

My second kiss was arguably that first spark of kink, 2 girls cornered me in a playground tube and took turns kissing me, one on the lips. It was more surrendered than forced. Afterward she called me a good boy and they ran off, never to acknowledge my existence again.

The real trauma came many years later, an ex (#5) picked me apart psychologically and exploited my issues around abandoning others and suicide by threatening to hurt herself to get me to come over after work.

She gradually developed a system whereby she would proposition me when I told her I was too tired to drive, I would usually say no, she would scream at me which would trigger dissociation and then she could beat me without me fighting back. Then ten hours of sleep deprivation before she would offer a "peace treaty fuck". I was deeply depressed myself, and lost track of how many times I fell for this routine.

I still have PTSD from this, and it's eventual fallout, but at least the flashbacks have abated.

I want that second kiss back. To surrender to someone gentle and trustworthy and interested enough both to pursue me, and then not vanish like a fairy afterwards.

I long to be a spoiled human pet, not necessarily humiliated, though the catharsis of physical punishment does have it's appeal.

I very briefly had the privilege of wearing a collar for a lesbian/bi couple, but it was mostly long distance. Everything was implied there was almost no play even when I took vacation time to visit.

I tell myself that it could have worked if I had not self sabotaged it, but if I'm honest with myself, the relationship should have ended when one of them gave me permission to freeze to death in a blizzard.

I had pretty much sworn off dating forever when my third girlfriend came back into my life after 5 years of zero contact. We gave each other second chances, and eventually married.

She is no stranger to kink but not at all dominant. I am switch so it half works, but the missing half aches more and more over the years.

I rarely find much in the way of soft domme content that quite suits my tastes. I appreciate your content, Alla, even on days when it makes me despondent.

There is no more 'some day', I'll never get to wear a collar again, the same way I'll never be in grade school again. I have a few other stories but they too are in the distant past.

Just how it is.

Sorry this was so long, but thank you for this.

@Raptanax - 08.01.2024 16:18

I don't think I had any traumatic experience. Though most of my elementary school experiences made me very aware that girls saw themselves as better than boys and the teachers more than subtly supported them in this. I enjoy hypnosis and mind control, not physical bondage. I like to feel bigger and stronger than my woman, my body over hers, her mind over mine. My wife wishes I was more dominant in our intimacy. Growing up my mom was not a leader. My dad was always calm and kind and was good at managing her out-of-control emotions.

I've always been attracted to feminine authority, mind control, and female supremacy, though I don't actually believe women are superior. I've met too many of them to believe that. I'm not sure where that started though. I never tried to pursue women until I was an adult, about 23. Roleplay and consentual non-consent is a big one for me too. Maybe not too ironically, I run TTRPG games as well.

@ethosterros9430 - 14.01.2024 18:11

So the tldr is instead of reenacting child abuse with abusive women who hate men they should either get therapy or find a partner actual capable of love

@johnmaddern3519 - 18.01.2024 10:28

I am very much in control in my day-to-day life, and this provides a mental break from time to time

@TheED4949 - 30.01.2024 15:54

Wish I could’ve given my two cents, but only just discovered the channel

@dorianleakey - 08.02.2024 04:43

It started before anything i can put my finger on, I rememeber as a very small kid wanting my freind to play the role of wicked witch and to play killing me by burning me, I demanded it so much she got bored of the game.

@kathyburton3142 - 24.02.2024 00:15

Do you know were to get help as a woman to survive being submissive in this modern life weare abuse of a submissive femmine is very common.

@NoahPENGLOAN - 27.02.2024 22:38

i literally ate with you (your video) for my last three meals and all I can say is thank you ! like really, that was really interesting and helpful. thanks for taking the time to put in place a one hour straight long psychologic video !

@yoboyjr24 - 19.03.2024 03:48

⚠️ Message to all men who think like me that this woman makes misogynistic remarks, attacks masculinity and attacks the most psychologically fragile men. Please report this channel!!! like I did on all these videos. Do it for the good of our brothers who have trauma, who will come across unhealthy women who will abuse their failure, I take you. 🙏🏼

@joshuahayward1525 - 28.03.2024 17:24

Writing this 6 months late, but still wish to express my gratitude for this one, dear goddess. Your compassion warms my heart. I was sexually abused and tortured in jail at 21 years old. I have had a long road of sexual self-discovery, long story short realizing I am pansexual. I always wondered if my desire for men came from the abuse, but I came to see I had always desired men (and kink) since I was little. Like the guy in one of the stories, I am 73, and in my time there was no being gay. It was hardly even discussed, and then only with contempt and disgust. There was no knowing what it actually was. So many of my kinks did not even arise until I was in my 50's and 60's, even recently in my 70's. I just want a femdom to acknowledge me and hold me and tell me everything will be okay. Goddess, you are the only domme who uplifts masculinity. I have secretly hated men all these years, and that used to include myself. Thanks for helping me resurrect my male self while still being queer. I am humbled, and I worship you!

@stevenbaxter9099 - 02.04.2024 04:00

Would I be able to get a custom made video

@TheMarilith - 23.04.2024 01:30

Is it really and always have a link with past story or childhood ? Personnally speaking I don't think by the way I have beel always open minded and curious by nature when it comes to kinks and things like that wanting to try things from both sides to know and have an idea about how things is, how it feels, and if the experience was fun why not keeping doing it when possible.

@tomstheatertalk8049 - 25.04.2024 01:05

Hello. Respect. Very good content. You speak so wise and in contrast to many people at the age of 30 you speak in a very adult way. Many people today behave und speak like kids even at the age of 30 or 40. Really, this so seldom in my perception. And I think it’s a great pleasure to hear an adult, confident, sensitive and friendly voice. All the best for you.

@louiss3409 - 25.04.2024 23:33

Well I joined the navy, and they tie up a lot of things in the military, so I got used to rope, and actually had fun working with the different knots... And I have always loved women, then I saw a commercial for Reeses peanut butter cups, and that inspired me to combine my two favourite things, naked women and rope. Things seemed to go from bad to worse because in the military you had some dick telling you what to tie up, when you get out of the military there were always be some twat or ahole you have work with.. I don't put up with crap though, and, if those twats get in my face, I will give them a good tongue lashing! After my divorce I was going to date, but my dates but my dates were tied up that night. 8)

@dad102 - 28.04.2024 11:16

My mom would pick me up from daycare wearing heels & skirt.
I'd hear the sound of a set of heels coming my way.
When I turned to see who it was, there she was, walking across the floor of the old gym where we kids stayed, sitting at a long series of tables. Maybe 50 kids.
And she always had a big smile on her face.

My mom was 19 when I was born. So she was 22-ish when I was in daycare.
She did books part-time for some businesses in town.
Then we'd go get us some ice cream or something. Maybe I'd come home with a new toy.

I do not know for sure, but I feel confident this is why I feel so strongly about the clicking sound of stilettos walking across a hard, stone floor.
Hypnotic kryptonite.
Click, click, click. Gets my attention right away. Slower the better.

@Chainler - 29.04.2024 05:30

The truth is it doesn't matter what makes us submissive the only thing that really matters is that WE ARE SUBMISSIVE!

@wecx2375 - 25.05.2024 06:39

Who wouldn't love to worship Alla

@joshcampbell6974 - 26.05.2024 21:25

@heraldbard - 30.06.2024 12:46

I had a genital injury as a child this required sixteen stiches o my scrotum by two pretty but "bossy" nurses and equally painful stich removal of the thick black threads when the wound had healed. This may have something to do with me wearing a steel chastity device now .

@captaintvb - 10.07.2024 02:39

First, thank you so much! I'm amazed to see such caring and quality content on these topics! (and also a bit mesmerized by your personality 😊)

Secondly, "нюхай пятку - дам десятку"  😂❤❤❤

And my story. Sorry about the amount of writing - I've been trying to unwind the nature of my kinks for quite a while now, and once I started to write this out - turned out to be a lot. I think there is no full-on traumatic stuff, just weird things.

As for today I'm able to recall several encounters with arousing experiences/fantasies as a child (like quite early childhood, 4-6 yrs or something).
Of course I didn't know what the feeling was at a time, just something weird and pleasant. But looking back at it I can see it as definitely of erotic nature.

1) I remember lying in bed at very late night, everyone else is sleeping (Probably I woke up from a dream or so and continued exploring it consciously) thinking about being covered in some kind of alien cocoon, which slowly transformed my body and brain into something to serve some weird creature (definitely humanoid-female form, but not human for sure, also perceived by me as evil-for-sure). I remember being surprised it felt pleasant instead of deadly and life-threatening as it supposed to be. Was also thinking about how pleasant it would be helping her to catch my younger brother-in-law and parents to consume/transform them also. I went exploring these scenarios back and forth in my head because it was causing me to feel this weird good feeling, until someone else woke up and distracted me.

2) Once we found some fresh wet dirt on a construction site. One that appears to slowly sink you in, like a swamp. We were fascinated and walking into it, wiggling our feet, trying to get stuck in it and sink lower. One of the guys even came up with a magic mantra "Бабка, бабка, засоси" (Old hag, old hag, suck us in)😂 - we were damn serious about it and repeating over and over aloud, the spell even seemed to slowly work. I remember thinking about being caught in that dirt and getting slowly sucked into it, to the point I won't be able to escape and end up submerging entirely. I understood at the moment - oh this is going to feel sooo good, with definitely this warm erotic context I recognize now as an adult. Not yet sure if these feelings weren't somehow induced by the guy's mantra though 🌚
(Poor mom, I remember the washing afterwards, bathroom filled with dark brown water because of how much dirt we brought 😂)

3) For some reason, during our kid-fantasy play-arounds we came to replaying some scene from the Robocop movie, where he lifts the guy by his nose. My friend put on a big leather glove (like a Robocop's hand), took my nose and I imagined myself completely helpless at his mercy, moved by his hand anywhere he wanted. Though in the movie itself I didn't care about the scene, here in IRL roleplay I've immediately found the feeling very pleasing, with some "bad" warmth in it, and wanted to repeat the game over and over.

4) We were playing the game we called "Angels and Daemons" (some roleplay out of our fantasy), the plot was that there is a huge elevator (the table in our room) from hell to heaven, like hundreds of floors. Some of us were good angels, some were fallen bad angels. We could ride the elevator to meet each other, bad angels were able to catch good ones and transform (corrupt lol) them into bad ones. And the good ones of course were able to revive bad ones back. I also remember feeling something inherently pleasant about being corrupted by a bad angel, and almost trying to fall into the situation on purpose.

Actually the last one 4) probably was the first one on the timeline, the rest is mixed, not sure which one went after which.

Worth adding that for my first 10 years mom and dad were living separately, and I was mosty with mom, this (I think) made me think of girls as something special, like almost sacred, every time I felt shy to the point of being unable to approach them in any way,

I also clearly remember one episode when dad was with us and he punished me by spanking, but I didn't seem to get any spanking kink though, so probably this is irrelevant 😁

Also, I don't remember how it was as a kid, but up to today I find scenes of predator/prey violence in nature arousing at times - from the prey's perspective, when they get caught alive and consumed, unable to run/resist. Replace the predator with girl and... that's absolute banger 🌚

As for "normal" erotic fantasies and arousals - I don't recall anything up until much older age, when I was exposed to the internet and erotic content there.
Even the very first (masturbation) orgasm was for weird stuff, to think about it. There was a girl (quite feminine, non-dominant type) in school I fell in love with and had very warm and kind feelings toward her, literally praising her very existence every day. But once I stumbled into a fantasy of some weird ritual where 3 much hotter girls took her and tied her up, and started "pleasing" me in various ways. The premise was I can stop this at any moment, but if I continue enjoying this thing with them, they'll destroy her. Knowing how precious were the feelings I was going to sacrifice if I continue and how bad this must be... made me continue till the ending. Still I kept secretly praising her for almost another 4 years, such fantasies didn't seem to affect initial feelings too much. But they happened from time to time afterwards, regarding any potential relationship candidates who didn't look like strong women.

Later I discovered BDSM existence and online BDSM communities, I immediately thought "Oh, this is about me!!!" and considered myself into it of course. Some standard practices seemed almost spot on and attractive, and yet a bit off. I was trying to fit into them while not being fully aware that my underlying kink of being trapped/caught/forced into bad/harmful stuff is kind of a separate thing. This made it impossible to progress into something - all I did was posting my ads and waiting for "predator" to come catch me, this worked as expected - nobody gave a fck  😁  And even when someone did, it always ended up in awkward talks where I felt the person was not for me.

Finally, I've found the femdom/findom clip-store thing, and that let me actually dip a little into my actual kink, allowing me to explore trapping my mind into exploitable states by women eager to feed on this. That actually brought so much relief and self-acceptance, because I was almost sure I'm totally a lone freak in this type of thing. And now I know there's even people who literally need this part of me, though maybe not in a nice way. Then, when the fantasies finally came true (more or less), I started feeling less and less attracted to this, now exploring the aftermath and other people's experiences - that's how I ended up on this channel :)
I'm 37.

@IFBBProYeo - 24.07.2024 22:21

Fascinating! Hi, I'm Muscle Geisha 🪭🏮🪭 I should ask my fans what got them into muscle worship and female bodybuilding. I always love when they volunteer an early story ... I'm absolutely intrigued with a psychological side of things! and of course, it always helps you serve your people better 🥰
This is my second video of yours, I'm definitely going to become a fan!

@akashicrose5551 - 27.07.2024 06:25

I'm sure most of what you get specifically because you do mostly fin Domme. didn't you say you never even dominate men in person? fin Domme would probably be the darkest stories..

@TheNeonRabbit - 28.07.2024 02:30

My father used to beat the shit out of me then be disappointed that I didn't act bossy.

@koreankid1011 - 21.08.2024 21:46

it isn't a kink. I think it's just who we are

@M-xlz3 - 31.08.2024 04:50

I’m a physically disabled man in my mid-30s. And because of my physical disability, I didn’t or couldn’t get out and around as easily as everyone else. I explored my sexuality through conversations with my platonic female friends. It was until 4 or 5 years ago after reading a book on relationships and then continuing to learn about what it is I like, I eventually found this fetish I enjoy the most is called cuckolding. I’m not into the humiliation side of everything, though. I’m in to comparison. I’m also attracted to soft or gentle domes. I would need my dome to be gentle with me, not excessively rough. I remember thinking I was the only person who felt the way I do about this!! The shame I would and sometimes still do feel is painful. That said, once I found that there’s a whole community of people who enjoy this, my mental health in this area of my life greatly improved!!

@stevenlefavour161 - 17.09.2024 16:28

May I call you Mistress? Married, 66 yo male, 2 adult daughters; and a product of a large USA family.
I dislike saying "kink" about the fascination and weakness I have concerning strong women. I came to realize this about myself very recently. When I am confronted with an assertive woman who is obviously focused on me, I become weak feeling and compulsively attracted to her. So far I have not been in a committed relationship with such a woman, though. My wife is fairly dominant herself but there is no element of control in a sexual way at all. I believe that this tendency was a product of inattentive and emotionally remote mother. She may have been overwhelmed in her role as wife and mother and incapable of reconciling the sexual and nurturing aspects of her life, who knows. I, as a child often wondered about other families when I would see them expressing themselves in an obvious loving way. There's no learned explanation for any of the things that I've just described, but I think that my yearning for a strong and loving expression of possession is a latent need for me to satisfy.
I understand that this is a year late and I am not sure that it even is germane to the topic, but it was useful for me to stop and give some thought about what it is that I'm now learning about myself and my emotional needs and motives.
Thank you for the wonderful explorations and sharing that you're doing with the subject. You're a beautiful and generous mistress.

@DaveLansing-h2k - 20.09.2024 12:41

Financial predator if a man did this to women he'd be in jail or dead.

@chandanama - 25.09.2024 15:02

I had did much fetich with women and transsexuals, including pee drink 😂😂😂

@wallybonejengles5595 - 29.09.2024 19:01

In middle school I let a pretty girl full wind up and full power slap me across the face. At the time I dont know why I was into it, or why she played into it. But I'm pretty sure now over a decade later I get it.

@ziggy90146 - 11.10.2024 00:43

Gagged and tied to a tree playing cowboys and robbers as a kid felt the tingle immediately

@ziggy90146 - 11.10.2024 00:45

You have the sexiest voice ever thanks for sharing
