Consulting vs. product management

Consulting vs. product management


4 года назад

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@ShobaAj - 18.11.2020 18:53

Thanks Kenton for taking time to share all these valuable informations. Excellent

@daveytheg - 19.11.2020 00:33

This video couldn't come at a better time. Thank you, Kenton!

@jthespacec - 19.11.2020 15:47

I've completed a Management Consultancy MSc and most of my classmates have no coding background. I know a lot less about Product Management, but wouldn't it require code/comp science background?
I'm surprised to see these two roles up against each other, but it shows how little I know maybe... I have some coding background (taught myself) and am curious if I can consider Product Management.

@christopherho8015 - 20.11.2020 23:14

Can someone with a few years of work experience break into Management Consulting without a MBA ? It seems that top tier firms like MBB only hires people graduated from top schools. Do you think this is also true when they are hiring people for their analytics divisions?

@rand39830 - 23.11.2020 20:24

After an MBA, is it realistic to start as product manager and later on go to MBB as an experienced hire, or is it only feasible the other way around ( as an associate at MBB and later on industry exit strategy )?

@timcookstg9372 - 16.12.2020 09:40

Great insights 🥰

@rodrigodemarchi1184 - 24.01.2021 20:06

Great video Kenton!

@tezra9085 - 17.02.2021 18:32

Hey, why has focussed shifted from MBB consulting towards Product Management?

@arjunsrivastava7210 - 13.04.2021 07:26

Awesome content!

@rohanmaloo8152 - 11.05.2021 10:59

Thank You Kenton for clearly laying out the differences between these sought after career paths. It was quite insightful for me as I embark on my MBA journey.

@srinivasprabhunv2313 - 06.06.2021 18:22

Thanks Kenton for the great video. Could you do a video on product managers in traditional consulting companies? Like what’s the difference between a PM in BCG DV vs a big tech company?

@amishagupta5281 - 30.06.2021 13:56

Thankyou for this videos. Your videos provide much clarity about different roles.
I want to know that is it possible to switch careers from management consulting to product management and vice versa.
As you have mentioned that you have worked with bcg as well as google.
Please tell :)

@shreygupta7847 - 07.07.2021 22:59

Best possible explanation. Thanks!

@mfkquansah - 04.09.2021 05:34

Great video! Subbed!

@ayushkalra9514 - 27.10.2021 20:28

As a first year commerce student, what skills should I work on apparently if I wish to be a Product Manager?

@TrungWu - 21.11.2021 10:08

Would you say that Work life balance in PM is better than Consulting overall?

@yudhveer99 - 23.01.2022 18:54

Consulting just feels like lying.
PM looks more up my alley

@krishnasamandhayala2584 - 26.04.2022 10:59

which among the both professions there is more probability of earning 500k dollars per annum after 6-10 years of experience?
