DIY Cat 8 Ethernet Cable - Male Field Termination - Save Money!

DIY Cat 8 Ethernet Cable - Male Field Termination - Save Money!

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3 года назад

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@markosullivan8925 - 26.02.2025 12:21

Great demonstration on how to terminate Cat8 ethernet cable. Thanks

@jwhistler2005 - 15.01.2025 17:46

The foil tape should make contact with the shield that you cut off... It is designed to dissipate electrical interference. That said, technically you only need one side grounded.

@fraizer2600 - 15.01.2025 07:04

is not some people keep the shield or no ! regarding the certification of cat8 the shield must stay ! what sence to put the copper foil without... the wires are too short you make them bad bend... every thing is wrong here. sorry bro but at least what Pro video.

@moramzan2243 - 09.01.2025 14:27

Too many errors. Firstly you cut off the Shielding, then you get the data bits wrong (bits vs bytes) in your later explanations. And you should have put the boot on before you cut the cable. Too many mistakes and bad advice in this video. Please stop making these videos and spreading around misinformation and bad habits!! Just stop, and do something else which you might be good at...

@stanrock8015 - 21.12.2024 23:12

Idk. Google fiber just announced 20GB fiber. It’ll be a few years but it’s coming where cat 8 is needed

@robkonz - 23.11.2024 17:27

You should probably learn the difference between gigabits and gigabytes because 40 gigabits is about 5 gigabytes per second not 40

@ChickenPermissionOG - 06.11.2024 13:56

the drain is suppose to go under the copper tape

@ChickenPermissionOG - 06.11.2024 13:53

way to expensive

@DrFox-rm8dp - 23.09.2024 13:28

DG... I've seen before a lot of messy ways to crimp an Ethernet cable, but this one takes the cake for the worst crimping video.

@ahmetilhan5759 - 05.07.2024 16:18

Thank you friend you have good explaind

@HughMyronGains - 14.03.2024 05:07

I'm struggling with a cat 8 crimp right now. didn't know you could do it in other ways. you're the man. thanks

@supaaaafly - 14.01.2024 01:04

This is a gimmick. If the copper cable isn't bigger then the cat6e copper cables then it's the same cable. The shield only protects against Static electricity and or higher frequency Interference.

@shadabamarkhil780 - 16.11.2023 10:40

Bro it's 40Gb (Giga bits) not GB (Giga Bytes)

@andrepacheco6067 - 09.11.2023 00:19

Great freaking video!!!!!!!

@0bsmith0 - 02.09.2023 06:12

But it serves no purpose using Cat 8. A waste of money.

@MattHuttlin - 17.08.2023 03:29

Very helpful - Thank you!

@oobenoob - 18.07.2023 22:05

What kind or simpleton snips off the shielding?

@austinrutledge6484 - 11.05.2023 19:58

Even though you made some mistakes on the specifics of this tutorial im glad you left it up. Im wiring one of these up today and im horrible at following diagrams. Sorry the internet is populated by assholes. Thank you!!!

@whyyoudrivelikethat - 30.04.2023 20:03

I usually slide the boot over before I strip the cable.

It's also GigaBITS per second. The difference is a factor of 8.

@brent5709 - 31.03.2023 21:56

i accidentally bought these for my cat6 is it still save to use?

@andrewdenine1685 - 12.03.2023 00:38

Funny how people call this new I've been terminating twisted pair armored teck cables that are shielded way more than these cat 8 cables over 10 years ago in oil refineries and drill rigs here in canada .

@Tankbot001 - 23.02.2023 02:42

Sorry, so many things wrong with this video.

1: "CAT8 is the fastest internet cable on the market"
- Does Fiber or even DAC not exist?

2: "CAT8's you don't have to crimp"
- With the connectors you're using, you don't, but there are many out there in which you do crimp.

3: Pull the outer shielding down, "What I do is cut that off, some people keep it but I cut mine off"
- That metal weived shielding for CAT8 is to ground it, this needs to be folded back and NOT cut. Will be used later.

4: Copper foil, "My guess is it's there as a shield, as well as probably giving it security once we put the male connector on top of it."
- This copper foil was there to connect to the ground shielding to the connector which you had previously cut off. You shouldn't be making an instructional video for expensive wiring if you're going to be doing guess work.

5: Bits vs Bytes
- Bytes are for Data Storage, Bits are for Data Transfer. There are 8 bits in a byte. 40Gb = 40Gigabit, 40GB = 40Gigabyte. These are NOT to be confused. 40Gb = 5GB.

Additionally, to get the full 40Gb speed both devices must support it, at that point though, DAC and Fiber are the better way to go as they use less energy and fiber can go longer distances, not to mention most devices supporting 10Gb+ will be using SFP modules, not RJ45.

@cesarinopaz8216 - 06.02.2023 00:15

What about the grounding wire, and testing it?? I would put the external cup before stripping the wires out. Thanks any way.

@mdonchek - 24.01.2023 19:33

Wrong. By tearing off the shielding the cable won't be grounded and therefore the shielding is useless

@thargor6750 - 20.01.2023 08:18

As expected, does not work at all.... wasted 100 bucks... awesome 👌

@stowgood - 30.12.2022 18:28

That is a chunky connector!

@Dextermorga - 02.11.2022 18:06

You build very expensive antenna by not connecting ground 😂🙄.

@theslewilliams - 07.09.2022 07:36

It won't be the fastest Internet cable if the shielding is not attached correctly. The drain wire should not be cut, it should be folded back and tapes over with the copper tape for correct electrical grounding.

@MattiasBengtsson - 12.07.2022 09:02

Be careful not to confuse bits and bytes. :)

@progamernl1560 - 22.06.2022 16:41

I hear Future proofing, i purchase.

@danphilpott6302 - 18.06.2022 21:04

You stripped away the metal wire shielding that is needed to ground this. Then you applied the conductive metal foil wrap to the outer Cover of the cable. So what is the foil supposed to connect with?! Is is supposed to make an electrical connection between the metal shield wire and the metal housing of the connector. Your instructions preclude this connector from performing the way it should. Why are you doing instructional videos misleading people how to do this? These connectors are very expensive and are designed for very high speed.

@brickstar56 - 15.05.2022 11:03

Cat 8 looks so beautiful.

@epandroid7440 - 17.04.2022 02:22

Thank you very much for the tutorial.
