Everything To Know About Living In Taylor Texas! [2,000 NEW JOBS]

Everything To Know About Living In Taylor Texas! [2,000 NEW JOBS]


3 года назад

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@HauntedTexasThemePark - 18.05.2024 06:02

Can we do a follow up on this video? I have some good news for you!

@KrissiSnider - 17.07.2023 17:15

There is Nothing to do in Taylor. Once you’ve strolled downtown once, you’re done.

@johnversluis3084 - 18.06.2023 15:15

We moved to Taylor Texas from Eastern Iowa back in 2016 and the first week we stopped into the local H.E.B and the casher ask us if we just moved from and where ? I explained that we just relocated from Iowa and she looked at us straight faced and said Go Back to Iowa !! That was the 5 days after moving in the house and after pandemic and the 2021 Feb Snow storm and north blow and the hole state almost lost the power grid because Texans don't need to conform to National codes for protecting the power LOL (they still have not done a thing to fix ) We did move back to IOWA much happier back in home town and the taxes are 1/2

@Staypositivestaycalm - 21.02.2023 08:37

Speaking of school ratings, most of the high rating schools in the RR and Cedar Park areas have a lot of Asian students, like 58%…

@CH-hn2rj - 16.09.2022 09:59

Population over 16,000. Does anyone know what a small town actually is?

@kevinr5187 - 09.07.2022 18:03

You talk more about other towns than Taylor. It’s a farming community and will not change over night, so you can expect to get caught behind a tractor or combine going the the road. The streets are terrible, because of the base soil and the city government. The taxes are too expensive for the return of services. It’s also a low income town. Most people here have been here for generations. Most people still know each other. We know change is coming and affordability has already become an issue.

@str8soufsoundz86 - 06.07.2022 19:45

That’s cool but austin and out of state people just know ain’t shit sweet out here Just because Samsung coming but if you stay out the way of them folks you good 👍🏽 🦆

@normabrenner5309 - 29.03.2022 07:20

I moved to Taylor from Austin. The drive to Austin isn't that bad at all. There is also the toll road.

@steveestradajr4517 - 24.01.2022 12:17

I live in Taylor about half of my life. I'm 38. Now. I stay away from Austin.

@dante5622 - 09.12.2021 07:26

Samsung is coming.

@mateocanalizogovela5104 - 09.12.2021 06:13

Nice 👍

@Indefatigable222 - 06.12.2021 21:21

High crime

@FullyEquipped-fd7ej - 06.12.2021 07:54

Thank you.
