Blurple VS Amethyst Steel - Lorcana - Evasives OP?

Blurple VS Amethyst Steel - Lorcana - Evasives OP?


2 дня назад

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@TeacherOfMath - 28.02.2025 18:29

Nice games, thanks for the uploads! G2 you inked a Belle and an Elsa I think, those are pretty much your only answers to Genie outside of your top end, so you probably want to keep those available

@LoreGainz - 28.02.2025 20:36

BLURPLE!!! Great games guys

@DiegoPlaysTCG - 28.02.2025 20:53

Favorite two ink combinations! 🤘🏼

@steakanator7236 - 28.02.2025 22:02

Hey that's me!

Yeah I thankfully did have practice against the other Blurple player (we played the previous round while you were dealing with Cheatin' Morgan) and knew that Tinker Bell is an absolute menace on the play. For the second game, I agree with the other commenter that Elsa was probably too important to ink, but it also seems like you got really unlucky with the draws. Seeing you bounce rabbit that many times was my green light to throw down Genies and go in, but if that first rabbit had been a Genie (especially if you still had Elsa) then we would have had a wildly different game I reckon.

I have more ideas for Amy/Steel in the new set, so if the Lorcanada crew wants to test, I'd be so down.

Thanks for the games, I look forward to the runback.

@mikekauffman4084 - 01.03.2025 04:28

Good games guy A/S is my favorite to run good job Jacob

@0ddsby - 01.03.2025 06:29

I’m in love with the colors of the sleeves. Where did you get them?
