DISNEY TREASURE CRUISE WEEK DAY 3 | Dinner at Plaza de Coco, Day at Sea

DISNEY TREASURE CRUISE WEEK DAY 3 | Dinner at Plaza de Coco, Day at Sea

The Walkers Adventure

2 месяца назад

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@stevecohen7443 - 15.12.2024 06:59

Love the videos.
I did the AquaMouse on The Wish a while back and it worked fine although I had trouble getting up out of it,
A couple if cast members had to help me stand up.

@ANathan123 - 11.12.2024 05:40

Did Dana ever finish the course? 😂

@candiceberkshire6760 - 09.12.2024 21:17

“Not traditional Mexican“ perhaps you mean, doesn’t resemble the typical American TexMex restaurant menu?

@MaryJones-l6m - 09.12.2024 07:12

Another great 👍 👌 video

@OutThereWithOwen - 09.12.2024 06:02

The Coco restaurant looks awesome!

@megancarbonetto3849 - 09.12.2024 03:34

I really hope this is a good sign that Stitch will be on the Treasure when we sail in the New Year. He wasn't on the Wish when we went and my kids were disappointed.

@Namevr-d4o - 09.12.2024 02:40

Great video!
