Left hand claw💀
ОтветитьFor a good 2 paddle playstation controller is ExtremeRates Decade Tournament controller it comes with 2 paddles (obv) trigger stops, grips, and the controller fits in your hand more
Ответитьyou quite literally have to play claw
ОтветитьJet pack doesn’t work for Xbox claw binds
ОтветитьHow do i crouch while building on controller?
Ответитьicl is it just me or the binds feel weird
ОтветитьI use added paddles on ps4 controller but I can’t put my paddles on the d pad without making it confusing
ОтветитьGood or bad
ОтветитьOh my god what happened to virgil
Ответитьif it works, I sub
ОтветитьWhat if I play on barbecue
Ответитьyo what should i use my map bind as cuz im probs going to use touchpad for sprint as I play PS5
ОтветитьOn xbox can i use LB confirm
ОтветитьHow do I interpret the generic bindings? All I see are the colours and I don’t understand them
ОтветитьWait im confused claw is when you don't have those paddles or what😅
ОтветитьWhat is toggle map ?
ОтветитьThere is nothing for no claw
Ответитьif this helps ill sub
ОтветитьI kept everything the same except for rb reset 🙌 beast thx bro
Ответитьbru u didnt do the binds for standard grip ps players
ОтветитьNa these settings are not it
ОтветитьFor standard grip what should sprint be on Xbox controller
ОтветитьCan somone help on how to open my inventory like Which bind I should use
ОтветитьI can’t find a pick up bind for gun where can I find it
ОтветитьWhat if I’m on a receipt printer
ОтветитьHow do I go on my inventory
ОтветитьWhat are you supposed to emote with on ps5 claw
Ответитьwhat about nintendo players 😢😢😢
ОтветитьI have a question can you mąkę a film with Razer Wolverine V3 tournament binds?
ОтветитьBtw does this ninja never blink
ОтветитьWhy does my switch mode say /edit
ОтветитьI thought the into was durk lmao
Ответитьwhat do i use for picking upp weapons if x is sprint?
Ответитьi just test them out its chapter six and i need to practice
ОтветитьGood video man but too fast for me.
ОтветитьWhat do I s3t the back buttons as?
ОтветитьPersonally I play tv remote
ОтветитьIs it ok for the xbox to play non claw and copied your right claw binds for xbox?
ОтветитьWhats ps5 for 4 padels
Ответитьwhat about nintendo switch lite on 20 fps and xbox 360 controller?
ОтветитьWhat is the point of having confirm on rb for 2 paddle Xbox bc it’s super inefficient when you have to use the same finger to select the tile and then confirm the edit
ОтветитьI swear u can’t do half the things u need
ОтветитьHow do I relod
ОтветитьThanks so much bro u helped me out so much u deserve this sub
ОтветитьThese are trash
ОтветитьDo you play on pc with controller?
ОтветитьYo these binds are actually ass 😭😭
ОтветитьAre these good
ОтветитьWhat about the sprinting on just regular Xbox?