Ep. 1208 - That Magical Trump Effect

Ep. 1208 - That Magical Trump Effect

Andrew Klavan

10 дней назад

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@k.drummond9300 - 24.11.2024 08:56

Drew, you called for the wrong clip, but your crew knew what you meant. We all know "Winning!" is clip #47.

@J.Krain97 - 24.11.2024 09:34

Snuggling my baby while listening to Andrew Klavan talk about the importance of wives and mothers gives me the same comfort as a Christmas movie.

@TheNightKing22 - 24.11.2024 09:38

PLEASE bring back the Hunky Dunky song!

@mikedunne1584 - 24.11.2024 11:05

Why would the final diary entry cause you to "crack up"???

@kayeninetwo3585 - 24.11.2024 12:57

Very well said, Andrew! God bless your presentations and your channel!

@brianbrownell689 - 24.11.2024 13:58

They confuse the only reason we didn't vote for her qith the #1 reason we didn't vote for her. There are other reasons too.

@georgewagner7787 - 24.11.2024 14:42

My first car was a Volvo. Safe but sometimes after work it wouldn't start. I miss those days when there was no traffic by 10pm and my friend could push me home with her car

@georgewagner7787 - 24.11.2024 14:44

Delaware. It figures.

@georgewagner7787 - 24.11.2024 14:57

Dad ran a teen shelter on the Lower East Side. He said it doesn't take a Village to raise a child. It takes two parents.

@georgewagner7787 - 24.11.2024 15:48

They taught religions in high school a few years ago. But the homework was if you created your own religion what would it be.
Not search for truth but how to create a cult

@JimPfaff - 24.11.2024 17:41

Hey you arrogant jerk! You use KLAVAN as the discount code for all your advertisers because you are a selfish person who thinks your last name MUST be spelled correctly. It's selfish! I know! 😂

(and yes, you may use my name in your response).

@GlassWolfLH - 24.11.2024 17:45

Pam Bondi is a terrible choice for AG. She is a grenade in the 2A community, pushing red flag laws, and "assault weapon" bans. She needs to GO.

@josephnash2081 - 24.11.2024 17:49

If an AI puts "Es" in Kleeveene there are "Es" in Kleeveene!

@num1shinfan - 24.11.2024 18:28

I don't want the public schools having a say on my kids religion. The same way I don't want the DMV in charge of my health care. Christians who think this way are crazy.

@hanshart314 - 24.11.2024 19:46

When musk buys msnbc he should have this on at midnight. Ha

@zachariahjonahmaldonado5897 - 24.11.2024 20:57

Hey, Klavan, much love, but you're already looking profoundly silly by seriously postulating Russia will use nukes because we armed Ukraine, and you're only going to look sillier as Russia continues sabre rattling knowing they'll never actually use nukes while substantially stronger nations handicap themselves. You lived through the Cold War and the Gulf Wars, I know you know the Nuclear Umbrella is a scam and we shoulder never let people bully and bluster with nukes because we jow have all the evidence in the world that an empire will collapse before they'll nuke a country that can't send anything back.

@autobus45 - 24.11.2024 21:09

The foundation of our nation was built on judeo-christian beliefs. The founding fathers knew there was no point in having laws if there was no moral reason for the people to follow them. That is how important the Bible is to the strength and character of our country.

@MusicalGeniusBar - 24.11.2024 21:16

Better than OnlyFans

@7th_CAV_Trooper - 24.11.2024 23:40

CNN idiot, "I'm not saying the thing I just said."

@stevek917 - 25.11.2024 00:02

A man saying he's a woman is a mental illness, but saying Stephen Colbert is funny is just insulting.

@stevek917 - 25.11.2024 00:13

At my Grandmother's dinner table we always had to "Say Grace". But when out at a restaurant we never did. Never thought about that before.

@Lightzy1 - 25.11.2024 01:22

You do understand that the permission to use long range munitions was given to Ukraine by the entire western bloc, right? Not just the USA. And that it was granted in response to North Korea sending 10,000 soldiers to Russia, with thousands more coming, to aid them in the war. Right?
And that Russian rockets and guns were found in Hezbolla arms stashes, all being fired at Israeli civilians. Right?

It's WW3 you idiot, it's long past started.
It's only a leftist who can say that self defense is the same as "provocation".

@72thecitadel82 - 25.11.2024 02:21

Andrew, we finally disagree!! "Speaker" Johnson is weak!! He shall NOT be able to deliver the house to Trump on any massive cuts in spending!! I'll be back later to say, "I told you so"! By the way, another great video!

@timyoder2541 - 25.11.2024 02:40

Watching TV "reporters/personalities" like the one in the clip remind you how one can perfect the skin, the teeth, the clothing, and the makeup and hair, and yet they are made even more ugly by their attitude.

@jimrello7878 - 25.11.2024 04:29

prayer is good in every state an newyork needs more prayers

@Macklyn3232 - 25.11.2024 04:36

Excellent episode my friend.

@brandonseagrave3085 - 25.11.2024 04:37

How Andrew doesn't have 1 million subscribers is forever a mystery to me... Just like how to spell his last name..

@kathrynludrick4821 - 25.11.2024 06:50

Thank you

@Cardiacmoment - 25.11.2024 08:41

How can you help but talk about Him Whom you love so much.
“ … because HE first loved us.”

@jerjphillips - 25.11.2024 10:57

the splendid use of the Trump Victory Montage is giving me hope that we might hear Tickety-Boo again. Lord, help us in our time of need.

@saltzen961 - 25.11.2024 12:40

Thomas Jefferson's letter about a "WALL" of separation , is found NOWHERE in the first Amendment !!! A "WALL" restricts both parties equally . In the 1st Amendment ?? Only the U.S. Congress is mentioned as being restricted ( CONGRESS shall make no law ) The 1st Amendment says NOTHING about what the Church can , or can not do , therefore it is NOT subject to the constraints of a "WALL" .

@paulpiche8370 - 25.11.2024 15:09

I feel like I am watching in real time the part in Another Kingdom where the spirit of Curtain departed from Serge Orosgo. The spirit of the State seems to have departed from Joe Biden and then Kamala Harris right before our very eyes and they have been left as ruined, damned husks.

@roberw1912 - 25.11.2024 15:37

Gaetz was a bizarre choice, too much baggage. Republicans were really against the appointment

@Ironswiftness - 25.11.2024 19:06

Would like to hear all of Klavan's car opinions!

@KeithRanker - 25.11.2024 19:45

ACLU - American Criminal Lovers Union

@Jordan-lv8yt - 25.11.2024 23:17

I’m an analytical guy but after years of listening to Andrew, my heart has opened ten-fold. Yet at the same time my hate for the leftism that Killed Ms. Riley has grown ten-fold.

Thank you for teaching me about life, sir. The good and the bad.

@bigdaddy2955 - 26.11.2024 08:08

You ask God for blessing at your meal. It is a Christian culture. The fact that you struggle with that most basic of tenant's of faith, is not an indictment of your culture, it is an indictment of your choices.

@joemanroberts9987 - 26.11.2024 16:25

Homosexuality is a sin against God. Women are meant to have a supportive helping nurturing role in marriage. Women are meant to be submissive helpers in marriage. Men and women are made by God intrinsically different and intrinsically meant sexually and romantically only for the opposite sex.
The man should be the leader and the woman should be his follower and the man should care for the woman and provide for her. God made men exclusively for women and women exclusively for men sexually and romantically, God made men and women to be in a marriage with the opposite sex. Marriage is only between a man and a woman. Homosexual behavior is a filthy sin against God. Men and women with sufficient heterosexual urges are meant to enter a marriage to the opposite gender. Sexual and romantic relationships are ordained by God to be exclusively heterosexual. Men and women are meant for different roles in marriage. The husband is meant to be the strong masculine provider and protector and the wife is meant to submit to her husband and be a nurturing supportive helper and take care of the house and the children and assist her husband.
God made men to be masculine and women to be feminine. God made masculine men to be with feminine women in a heterosexual marriage. Opposites go together like magnets. God made men and women intrinsically different, and he made them sexually and romantically exclusively for the opposite sex. God made men to only be with women sexually and romantically and God made women to only be with men sexuallly and romantically. God hates homosexuality. Homosexuality is unnatural and disordered and evil. Homosexuality is filthy and disgusting and immoral. Penis fits vagina, penis goes together with vagina, two penises don't belong together and two vaginas don't go together. Homosexuality goes against God's complementarian procreative design for human sexuality. Homosexuality goes against God's unchanging design for human sexuality. God designed marriage to exclusively be between one man and one woman. If those with homosexual urges already have sufficient heterosexual urges or they are able to develop sufficient heterosexual urges, they should enter into a marriage with the opposite sex, even if they are not able to completely cure their homosexual urges, they should still enter into a relationship with the opposite sex, because they have strong attraction to the opposite sex. Those with homosexual urges should never enagge in homosexual behavior. Those with homosexual urges can always reduce their homosexual urges, even if they cannot eliminate them. Much of the time, those with homosexual urges are able to eliminate homosexual urges, and a good percentage of the time, they are able to develop strong attraction to the opposite sex even if they previously had little to no attraction to the opposite sex. Much of the time, those with homosexual urges already have strong attraction to the opposite sex to begin with, but even if they don't have strong attraction to the opposite sex, they may be able to develop strong attraction to the opposite sex through conversion therapy and choice and willpower. Homosexual urges can always be reduced through conversion therapy and choice and willpower, and homosexual urges can often be completely eliminated. Homosexual urges can often be completely cured (completely eliminated) and can always be reduced.Opposites go together, like magnets. Magnets of opposite poles go together, and magnets the same type don't belong together. Homosexuality goes against the will of God. God hates homosexuality. Magnets of the same poles don't go together. Heterosexual vaginal intercourse leads to procreation, but homosexuality can never lead to procreation. Anal sex is filthy and sinful and leads to STDs and pain and suffering. Homosexuality is a despicable crime against God. Homosexuality is a sin. Homosexual behavior is a sin against God. That includes homosexual mental fantasies (homosexual mental fantasies are a sinful choice) and homosexual lust (homosexual lust is a sinful choice) and homosexual mastrubation (homosexual mastrubation is a sinful choice) Everyone has to repent of their sins to go to heaven. Homosexual behavior is a sinful choice. Homosexual behavior is an abomination to God. God made them male and female, intrinsically different and intrinsically meant sexually and romantically only for the opposite sex. Human beings are meant sexually and romantically exclusively for the opposite sex. Even the most savage and brutal and uncivilized of animals do not engage in homosexual behavior, because it goes against the laws of nature. The laws of nature are ordained by God. Homosexuality goes against the laws of God. Unrepentant homosexuals will be damned to hell for all eternity if they never repent of their homosexuality. Two men can be friends with each other without either one of them engaging in homosexual behavior, and two women can be friends with each other without either one of them engaing in homosexual behavior. God made men sexually and romantically exclusively for women and God made women sexually and romantically exclusively for men. Homosexuality is a despicable crime against God. Homosexuality is a sin. Homosexual behavior is a sin against God. That inludes homosexual mental fantasies (homosexual mental fantasies are a sinful choice) Even the most savage and brutal and uncivilized of animals do not engage in homosexual behavior, becuase it goes against the laws of nature. The laws of nature are ordained by God. Homosexuality goes against the laws of God. God wants men to only be friends with each other, nothing more, nothing else. God wants women to only be friends with one another, nothing more, nothing else. Homosexual behavior is a sinful depraved perversion. Homosexual behavior is degrading and shameful and evil. Homosexuality goes against the God ordained principles of chastity and abstinence and self control and purity. Homosexual behavior corrupts and degrades dehumanizes those who choose to engage in it. Those who choose to engage in homosexual behavior choose to degrade and corrupt and dehumanize themsleves. God wants humans to behave in a holy and dignified way, homosexuality is not holy and homosexuality is not dignified. Homosexuality is shameful and hedonistic and disgusting and evil. Homosexuality is a sin against God.Homoseuxal behavior is a selfish arrogant depraved rejection of the will of God. When a person chooses to enagge in homosexual behavior, they are choosing to arrogantly and selfishly reject the will of God. Marriage is only between a man and a woman, and homosexual behavior is a sin against God. God designed marriage to exclusively be between one man and one woman. God hates homosexuality. Those with homosexual urges should go to conversion therapy (a good form of conversion therapy is anti homosexuality conservative christian counseling) and those with homosexual urges need to try and cure their homosexual urges and try to become heterosexual with prayer and choice and willpower. If those with homosexual urges cannot become sufficiently attracted to the opposite sex, they need to be single and celibate for life. If those with homosexual urges cannot become sufficiently attracted to the opposite sex and they cannot cure their homosexual urges, they need to remain single and celibate for life. If those with homosexual urges already have sufficient heterosexual urges or they are able to develop sufficient heterosexual urges, they should enter into a marriage with the opposite sex, even if they are not able to cure their homosexual urges, they should still enter into a relationship with the opposite sex, because they have strong attraction to the opposite sex. Those with homosexual urges should never enagge in homosexual behavior. Those with homosexual urges can always reduce their homosexual urges, even if they cannot eliminate them. Much of the time, those with homosexual urges are able to eliminate homosexual urges, and a good percentage of the time, they are able to develop strong attraction to the opposite sex even if they previously had little to no attraction to the opposite sex. God did not made women for licking buttholes or licking vaginas, God did not make anyone for licking buttholes, and God did not make women for finger thrusting, and God did not make men to be anally penetrated and God did not make men to take penis in the mouth and God did not make men to engage in anal sex and God did not make men to anally penetrate anyone.

@Guy-d2e - 26.11.2024 17:52

This freak should not be treated with dignity. HE should be treated with disdain.

@southernfriedinvestigation1831 - 29.11.2024 20:15

I argue atheism is a religion itself and in order to push no religion in school they push a religion.

@Zichronot - 29.11.2024 21:10

@Andrew Klavan To call being publicly ashamed of God a cultural norm, that it means nothing, is words Satan would revel in. You might want to pray on that. Really, that's the path you're going to take? Maybe it's not dawned on you God Is the Culture. When you spin off of that, you become ashamed. You want to look like everyone else, you want to fit in. You didn't bend for woke because you hadn't been raised in that culture. ( Why it was so important to squash woke mind virus quickly) Anyone ashamed of Jesus will not be known to Him. Please pay attention and pray. I'm praying for you 🙏 †

@abuelasuza - 01.12.2024 19:22

You are, as usual, right on target! Thanks for putting everything into words so perfectly!

@GraemetheGuiriLordHaHa - 01.12.2024 20:49

Usually love what you do, but casting Zelensky as a dictator is ridiculous. Ukraine is the victim of agression. Democrats stand with her.

@timothyneumann6586 - 02.12.2024 08:48

When the Roses in Spanish Harlem found the Emperor Nero in a hotel lobby in an episode of Monk, they thought the Coyote was trying to turn their permission to enter the United States into the money they paid him. The problem is that Emperor Nero was supposed to be The Lincoln Lawyer or be an enigma machine spitting out code.

@timothyneumann6586 - 02.12.2024 09:42

The Catholics really want to believe the Nicene Creed. A lot of Protestants believe the Nicene Creed too. They just lie when they say they are noncredal. If it's deeds, not creeds, it's the problem with excluding the sterile intellectualization without deeds as an empty confession that includes no ethical directive toward one's conduct and relationship with others.

@kevinmolloy4356 - 02.12.2024 13:49

this guy is so utterly bogus. whatever he says, bet the other way.

@andreimihoc7429 - 02.12.2024 17:23

You need to stop with the trump winning clips. Every time you play it I start cheering and yelling and barking and crying like Hunter after nice bowl of afternoon crack. Come on, man!
