Motaz Azaiza, Acclaimed Journalist from Gaza, on Photographing War & Making “Art from the Pain”

Motaz Azaiza, Acclaimed Journalist from Gaza, on Photographing War & Making “Art from the Pain”

Democracy Now!

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@afshanmansoorkhan3789 - 14.10.2024 15:43

Brave journalists of Gaza.

@pennymayphilip9646 - 14.10.2024 15:51

Sending much love & respect from South Africa

@sourcetext - 14.10.2024 16:07

Nutyahoo ?

Schizophrenia is characterized by thoughts or experiences that seem out of touch with reality, disorganized speech or behavior, and decreased participation in daily activities. Difficulty with concentration and memory may also be present.

@auroralopezconsuegra4744 - 14.10.2024 16:33

Traducir al español ,por favor

@kimberleebrackley2793 - 14.10.2024 17:12

I want peace and pray for your people every day. Your people are our people. My deepest thanks for your work to bring light to the truth.

@sambaxrock - 14.10.2024 18:38

I'm sorry we have failed Palestine 💔🖤🤍💚

@thewftm - 14.10.2024 19:20

Do they ever have someone with a differing point of view? I really don't know. But palestinians will love palestinians and cry for them. That doesn't make them innocent.

@xaza8uhitra4 - 14.10.2024 22:09

this is the legacy of joe biden and kamala harris , how you can vote for this again is beyond me

@jacobkogan - 14.10.2024 22:12

If Motaz could leave, why the family couldn't?

@cheblack677 - 14.10.2024 22:52

I've listen most vocal local (Canadian) Jews and I can tell you they don't differ from the Israeli state narrative. People say: it's just Zionists. I'm not sure. They all stand for the same things. They all support the colonization. They all support the apartheid. They all support the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. They all support the genocide. They all seek collective punishment of whoever stands on Israeli's way. They all consider sodomizing Palestinians as natural war tool. They all disregard Palestinian life. They all disregard all international laws and convention when those don't fit their agenda... I wish to give some credit to the Jews here, but how.. ?

@saltbae784 - 15.10.2024 02:07

What if oct 7 is a fal$ê flag
just like 9ii

@Patricia-sw3ek - 15.10.2024 02:25

Oh Motaz the whole world supports you and the indigenous people of Palestine, the suffering and burning of Palestinians is horrendous, it’s utterly horrifying, from Scotland

@CarolFaraj - 15.10.2024 02:47

Hope Israel doesn't kill him!

@dianaposadas1678 - 15.10.2024 05:07

At the end does not matter the sacrifice, so many lives lost, so many protests, if the world’s leaders continue supporting the Israel government, nothing is going to change .
Free Palestine

@lubetime-autorepair7078 - 15.10.2024 05:32

It’s sad to say, however, the intellect of Gaza must leave if they can and take with them the story for the world to hear. Even though all their libraries have been destroyed, they themselves must become the institutions.

@DeannThomas-le2ut - 15.10.2024 08:36

Salute 🫡 and Thank YOU!

And screw all the western reporters song NOTHINg but lying.

@maxmoses9670 - 15.10.2024 12:55

motaz azaiza thank you for sharing brother
mashallah 🇵🇸 free Palestine from apartheid settlements.

@krazykillar4794 - 15.10.2024 14:04

Shame on all so called SUNNI Muslims. They are cowards and hypocrites.
The shamless SUNNI cowards have been watching their so called Muslim brothers get slaughtered for over a year .

The only people who have taken any action against Israel are the Shia Muslims. When Iran attacked Israel, the sunni Arabs deployed their military to defend Israel. 🙄

But the sunni masses never speak out about this blatant hypocrisy. After all by speaking up they would only be exposing themselves.

@krazykillar4794 - 15.10.2024 14:10

The Sunni Muslims in UK and USA are the biggest hypocrites.
They want to boycott McDonald's because they gave out big macs to Israeli soldiers in Israel .😂
But the shamless sunni hypocrites have no problem with Arabs trading with Israel.
All the sunni countries in the region have been trading with israel throughout this Genocide. 🙄

So not only have the Sunni done nothing for the Palestinians, but they have been supporting Israel throughout the Genocide .

Turkeys annual trade with israel alone equalls roughly $10 billion US dollars .

@Walter-x1j - 15.10.2024 14:20

Hello Ava. Thank you for good wishes. I will try to address all issues you raised in your post. Starting with the beginning. You are correct that Jesus was Jewish. Actually, his Jewish name was Yeshua. And where Jewish Jesus was living? In Judea. Why it was called Judea? Because Jews lived there, in Jewish kingdom of Judea. So, name Judea is the historical name of the land, not “vocabulary of violent settlers”. By the way, those “settlers” are Jews who moved to Judea according to the international law - League of Nations decision on close settlement of Jews on the territory of Mandatory Palestine is still in effect, nobody abolished it. Of course, nobody should behave violently, but Arabs in Judea and Samaria quite often provoke violence, inviting in advance “journalists” to record how “violent” Jews are. Those “journalists” do not record acts of provocations, but only Jewish response to them. These Arab “documentaries” got named “Pallywood”. Why all this done? To solicit international pity for “poor Palestinians, suffering under brutal Israeli rule“. It is a good propaganda tool for “palestinians”.

But what is “west bank? That name appeared in 1950, after Jordan illegally occupied that land and named it for administrative purposes “west bank”. All Arab inhabitants of that area were given Jordanian citizenship., Jews who resided there were expelled. (So much for Arab “tolerance”…. ) That artificial, dull name means nothing except of an attempt to erase Jewish history of this ancient land.

Your reference to Celtic tribes in Bavaria is just an empty rhetorical exercise and nothing more. British have their own state and Germans have their own state - nobody attempted to exterminate British or Germans. This was attempted only against Jews by Germans with active participation of British in a time when Jews did not have their own state where they could seek a safety heaven. Germans murdered Jewish children, women, men by millions and British did not allow them to escape death by immigrating to Mandatory Palestine, though they (British) were obligated to do so. And we are mumbling here about “2000 years old celts” and other nonsense…. International community about which we are talking a lot now, shamefully failed Jewish people in the critical time of their history. That’s why after the war Jews took their fate into their own hands.

By the way, Arabs in Palestine were collaborators with Nazis. Have you heard about Hajj Amin Al- Husseini? He was spiritual and political leader of Palestinian Arabs and…. virulent anti-Semite (Jew-hater). He was honorable guest of der Fuerer in Berlin where they together discussed ways to exterminate Palestinian Jews after Germans occupy Palestine. (Did you daddy tell you about that?). After the war, Al-Husseini was wanted as the war criminal, but escaped to Egypt. Egyptians did not surrender their Muslim soulmate and he died there instead of being hanged as the war criminal. That’s why after the war Winston Churchill famously said: “We owe Arabs nothing”.

You passionately say that “if somebody take your home, you would engage in resistance”, meaning obviously Palestine. But in fact that “home” did not belong to you (meaning Palestinian Arabs) to begin with. Why? Because all land in Ottoman Empire belonged to the Sultan.

Of course, you could own your personal home, or a plat of land, as a private owner, but NOT as collective polity, meaning people. Not Jews, not Arabs, not Druze, not anyone - only the Sultan of the Great Ottoman Empire. Do you get the idea? In fact, Arabs in Palestine did not perceive themselves as a people at all. The first identification of a person was his religious denomination: Christian, Muslim, Jew. Only second identification was an ethnicity: a Jew, an Arab, an Armenian, a Chircassian, etc. The third in line identification was the village where a person came from, identifying also his belonging to a certain tribe or family. Arabs that time did not know that they are “palestinians”. That trick popped out much later - in 1960th.

Have you heard about Yasser Arafat (his nom de guerre Abu Omar). He was an Arab arch-terrorist, murderer, multi-millionaire, the favorite “freedom fighter” of Russian KGB (now FSB). He was born in Egypt, possible from Palestinian mother. If you remember from the history books, in 1960th , there was the wide National-Liberation movement of people in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Colonial empires crumbled: Great Britain, France, Spain, etc. Soviet Union (Russia) supported Arab dictatorships, including Arab terror groups, against Israel. That time Arafat visited Soviet Union and was advised to call themselves not Arabs, but “Palestinians”, designating by this the National-Liberation movement of Palestinian people against Israel and his western allies (USA that time did not support Israel militarily - France did.). That’s how “Palestinian people” appeared in a modern political lingo.

Your confidence that Arabs in The Land of Israel (you misname it as Palestine) are closer to Jesus than Jews is wrong. Jesus was a Jew. Do “Palestinians” say they are Jews? No. They vehemently deny that and say they are Arabs. Jesus (Yeshua) was Jewish preacher and adhered to the laws of Moses. Do “palestinians” pray in Hebrew towards Jerusalem and adhere to the laws of Moses? No, they vehemently deny it and proudly say that they are Muslims and pray towards Mecca. So, they have nothing in common with Jesus (Yeshua), Judaism, Hebrew language and culture. If they talk like Arabs, pray like Arabs, say that they are Arabs - they are Arabs and have nothing to do with Judea. Arabs came to Judea as invaders. What you refer to is the skin color. But 50% of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi and Sephardi origin - they have the same tan color skin as many Arabs. Besides, among Arabs many pale skin and light hair color people. Your racial approach to this issue has no value - individuals in this area always had diversity in skin and hair color.

Your notion that “the Zionists decided to abuse Christianity” and for that reason selected Palestine for the future state in order to win a favor of influential christians is totally wrong, has nothing to do with historical facts and, frankly, just childish. At that time, end of 19th century, “Christian zionists” ( now evangelical christians) were almost unheard of. Moreover, christians couldn’t care less about Zionists and their plans. Historical facts are totally different. Theodor Herzl - father of modern political Zionism - was not a religious person. His goal was to create a Jewish sovereign state wherever possible in order to save Jews from prosecutions. In Basel, World Zionist Organization Congress discussed possible options, including Uganda and Madagascar. However, the vast majority of delegates were from Russian Empire, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, etc. and they were religious Jews. They knew where their ancient homeland is, they prayed towards Jerusalem, their ritual religious exclamation “Next Year in Jerusalem”, they knew their history. And after Uganda option was sounded, the revolt against anything but Palestine began. Congress was on a verge of collapse. Finally, Theodor Herzl had to agree about Palestine only in order to keep unity of European Jewry in front of future challenges. Soon after, British Government declared that Uganda opinion cannot be implemented anyway because British colonists in Uganda lobbied against it. So, Palestine was left as the only option to work on. These are historical facts.

Hopefully, I gave the comprehensive answer on your post. If you have questions, please let me know.
Good luck.

@alexanderolsson1498 - 15.10.2024 15:26

77 years of horrors & what we've seen this last year is a small portion of all the suffering the Palestinian people have gone through. Anyone justifying what is happening to this people is inhumane & should be ashamed of siding with a terror state! The Palestinian people need ALL of our help! Stand up in solidarity.

@Nuriza-i8p - 15.10.2024 16:08

Палестина ❤❤❤❤

@robertjohnson6663 - 15.10.2024 19:13

Stay safe brother, Isreal might just unalive you for showing the truth ✊🏽.

@deb9784 - 15.10.2024 19:38

Motaz, I'm so sorry for the constant war and oppression of your people! As this terror continues to unfold, my heart is breaking daily! There are no words for my deep grief! No one should have to suffer this mass genocide! I am a Christian, and I pray for your people to have freedom, safety, and peace from their oppressors. Especially for children and families! When will we stand up as one for peace in our world?

@agitwap6413 - 15.10.2024 20:03

never forget them. never.

@AbdulKhan-q6p - 15.10.2024 20:10

How many press reporters were killed by the Israeli regime on purpose? The world's press reporters community is silent. They have no shame. They are watching the news reporters silent and the world spits on them.

@MunozCasanueva - 15.10.2024 20:20

Su mirada taaaan triste!!! 😢😢😢

@lulucruz1269 - 15.10.2024 20:51

Israel will not be forgiven My heart aches. Make this stop. Just like Hitler we're going to remember Israel as cold blooded killers . Its their legacy & its horrifying. Israel will be alone in the world by their own insidious making.

@josefinatrejo4121 - 15.10.2024 21:19

An image that reflects suffering and love from the heart of this brave man and amazing human being ❤😢

@shortmashins4031 - 15.10.2024 23:48

Ive seen his photos prior to the war, it was just beautiful 😊

@dlovestar - 16.10.2024 00:16

I feel so bad for Motaz and all the Palestinians who have witnessed these sadistic crimes against humanity and those who have left this world. The trauma that Motaz experienced, was one in which he will forever be changed. To see your fellow man and your people, be slaughtered in such a horrifying way, as if that is morally right, is beyond incomprehensible. There is and never will be any justification for the eradication of innocent beings and to steal their land so that your people can take it. Everyday I see these horrific images and as my brain tries to process, I just cannot fathom witnessing this constant death and destruction. Every person in Gaza is a hero. Every person who lost their lives to Israel, is a hero. May they all rest in peace.

@mikhailbard7080 - 16.10.2024 01:36

Democrasy now lo IQ supposed don't hesitate to helping to terrorist support t

@awellculturedmanofanime1246 - 16.10.2024 01:56

a channel that claims to be neutral but only shows one side lmfao mainstream media is never as they claim

@Peter-m5n7m - 16.10.2024 01:56


@lenyschwarzenberg2431 - 16.10.2024 02:16

He is out of Gaza?
So they can come and go?

@sg24680 - 16.10.2024 03:54

Mientras los sionistas sigan mandando en EU , las atrocidades no pararán

@jordanbey870 - 16.10.2024 04:00

Criminal what Israel is doing to these people..

@Truepath76 - 16.10.2024 04:23

The world will remember the courage of the Palestinian people

@BellozeCountry - 16.10.2024 04:58

US not doing crap! Embago on weapons lol! That is talk just for election votes! But both parties are genocidal, The upholder is worse than the thief!

@nadya58176 - 16.10.2024 05:53

Merci beaucoup à tout les journalistes pour leurs messages et leurs courages. Béni soit ils aujourd'hui et demain 💯 ☝️ 💯 ☝️ 💯 ☝️. Et tout ceux qui ont risquer leurs vies pour les pauvres personnes qui n ont rien fait ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.. ..que dieu vous protège et vous garde toujours bien ❤❤❤❤❤.....que c est dure de voir ces images et mon cœur pleure 😢😢😢😢😢ma peine est immense 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢.....

@kb4804 - 16.10.2024 06:42

Rule 1: Never trust The United States of Israel
Rule 2: Don't forget Rule 1

@karezaalonso7110 - 16.10.2024 06:52

The MOST documented gen0cide in human history, you are the reason why, Motaz. Shukran❤

@vickib4063 - 16.10.2024 06:58

I commented on social media one day and was instantly attacked by a person claiming to be the IDF and barraged me with the most disgusting words and threating me that they will killl me etc etc. I am not the only one who this happens to. I had to block him and never comment on social media again. This platform on yourtube appearrs to be the only platform when one can comment without threat of the IDF trying to kill or silence them. That is why all the videos on instagram aren't liked very much because other people obviously got the same treatment I got and now they don't comment either. So it has become an ineffective way to show the number of people who actually support Palestine and hate Israel. Please pass that on to the journailist who post on instagram. We stand with them but can't like or comment on their posts.

@MichaelSmith-ph5oe - 16.10.2024 07:28

This man's wonderful pictures brought tears to my eyes. The suffering these people are going through is completely unforgivable and unnecessary. To think those that have committed these atrocities believe God told them they could do it.

@shahzain5717 - 16.10.2024 07:31


@FaziahAddala-jl1ff - 16.10.2024 08:47


@tonyd579 - 16.10.2024 08:53

Yrp Isral

@ilanzelig5454 - 16.10.2024 09:43

I would love you to upload a short video. About the beheadings, rape of women, the burning of families that the Gazans did to the citizens of Israel on October 7. that Hamas published.
Then we'll talk about
How dare the Jews defend themselves 🇮🇱❤️

@suzi9708 - 16.10.2024 11:05

Sad sad sad 😢
