Olympic Runner Enters a Middle School Cross Country Meet

Olympic Runner Enters a Middle School Cross Country Meet

Nick Symmonds

2 года назад

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@TbarRocks - 03.08.2024 10:29

nice gay fest there Nick.

@TN_HondaDad - 06.08.2024 22:23

With 3 boys myself and only a year or so younger than him, so great to see young boys out running or doing something very active like this. Great for both their physical and mental health IMO. Though I can't run that pace, at nearly 52 proud to say that I run 2 miles in 16 min.

@philibertorodrigo7118 - 08.08.2024 06:22

You think nick Simmons will ever get over the fact he went to the Olympics 40 years ago?

@BillyCarsley - 10.08.2024 17:24

Big fat ad.

@williamfitzpatrick4533 - 12.08.2024 22:05

“A Cute girl”… sometimes that is the proper motivation to achieve great success in life.

@fiscijay - 13.08.2024 22:05

I'm joining cross country for my highschool. What shoes do I need. I need feed back quick

@depgamer1590 - 18.08.2024 02:33

How is this fair

@irandude1655 - 18.08.2024 07:05

I love the drone shots.

@irandude1655 - 18.08.2024 07:07

We will see these kids in the olympic one day.

@LandinEvans-q1i - 20.08.2024 01:41

I remember when I was in ms the best dude I've ever seen at xc ran 10 40 3k but here's the catch he got injured in 8th grade and actually did that 10 40 in 7TH GRADE.

@benfrederick6311 - 23.08.2024 21:39

I’m faster than that

@far77fae - 25.08.2024 10:47

i like your style, i will race any grandma racing running team 90 years plus. yea i said it

@gautam_cricket_cricversus - 01.09.2024 12:53

Hats off to you

@NoahSebesta - 01.09.2024 19:56

“To make sure these kids don’t run away from me … gotta spread that peanut butter evenly”

@Idk-h3t - 02.09.2024 02:08

Bro, someone at my XC meet could beat you by a minute if you ran like this

@AustinBernhagen-j3y - 07.09.2024 13:27

I am a 8th grader and yesterday was my first race. 10 minutes 2 seconds for 1 1/2 miles. I got 5th place out of 43.

@Marcrock1 - 07.09.2024 23:36

Dexter morgan?

@LanceSmith-nh4ws - 15.09.2024 03:35

My schools middle school records are held by this one kid whos insane

@friedchicken818 - 21.09.2024 06:14

new title: middle-aged man chases middle schoolers

@CollnootGRW - 23.09.2024 01:15

I started cross country about a month ago and I am the one of the fastest runners, people that run in any way inspire me!

@YTFais-ev3ye - 25.09.2024 09:36

Free Palestine

@Dxrk_Clips - 03.10.2024 06:06

Based off my mile splits on every course I’ve ever ran I am faster than the person that one but I know every course is different

@finding.bliss_ - 07.10.2024 00:18

there’s kids at my school (middle) who can do sub 11

@jessiethegymnast9387 - 09.10.2024 22:02

Actually, Ryan the cameraman beat everyone

@BingeFam2 - 13.10.2024 13:35

Yall did not do that in 11 minutes 💀

@Lieu101 - 15.10.2024 01:35

So your middle school crush is the one reason your an Olympic runner?

@Noobmethenoob - 19.10.2024 05:52

We all know he could've beaten the 1st place kid if he wanted lol

@brawlstarsyeayeet3859 - 19.10.2024 07:16

Hey what trail and where is the trail at I want to know where it is so I can run thanks

@Waffles997 - 07.11.2024 05:22

The kid who won his time is my 2 mile 😅

@Donutdude-mh3hp - 10.11.2024 22:40

im in middle school and it only 2k

@sub_to_Chess_Today - 20.11.2024 03:18

is that isaac socha

@milo_femboy - 25.11.2024 23:45

I thought that was dexter morgan.

@v1aoq - 14.12.2024 05:05

The real MVP was the cameraman

@josiahagard7827 - 21.12.2024 23:39

Can u come to Trinidad🇹🇹 pls😢

@SamuelCarlin-RMS - 25.12.2024 07:16

I wish i as talented at running as these people, did cross country in 7th and 8th grade so now once I'm in highschool I'm actually going to train myself even though i have asthma i would always get near the middle of the pack but i want to be better than that so i am going to train myself and get into better shape because my crush also runs cross country and she is amazing at it so i want to try and be more like her so if u guys have any ideas on how to do that they would be greatly appreciated 👍

@matthewmills3941 - 01.02.2025 21:01

There's nothing like being at the final stretch of a cross country race and I'm in 7th grade and when I'm at the last 400 meters of a race I full blast it and I usually pass around 10+ people at the end

@Ryan-t9b4j - 16.02.2025 21:35

Dood your lucky you get to
Join I'm in the cross-country team to I'm a 3k runner I don't walk I run 2
Kalumiters I'm 5 out of 54 I was at a primary school macth and I was running at the start and you no it there is a black spitting cobra on the track and a little bit of fear it killed a grade 5 at eaglesvile

@JustinOregadon - 27.02.2025 13:14

I can run faster than the middle schoolers

@insert_handle_here_idk - 08.03.2025 09:57

Got a little nervous watching this as someone who's stoll younge and slow

@jacobit2211 - 18.03.2025 22:19

Bro his backstory reminds me of when I started track as well
Except it was in 8th grade when I had no classes with her and last year we were like always talking to each other so I just took track mainly to talk to her and get a track jacket bro😭
Turns out I was actually kinda good and broke middle school field records

Didn’t get the girl tho💀

@JamesMaxwell-z7e - 20.03.2025 09:21

I went to Auckland champs 3 times in year 7, 8 and year 9
