Top 100 Best JRPGs OF ALL TIME! [71 - 80]

Top 100 Best JRPGs OF ALL TIME! [71 - 80]

Hell Fire RPGs

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@WattSCar7597 - 23.11.2024 16:44

nice vid and i love the format. ranking, title of the game, platform. simple and sweet. keep up the content!

@---nd2yx - 23.11.2024 19:20

Number 75 ranked way too low (or high, but, you're wildly underrating it) but I love you and I love your videos so I will leave a thumbs up anyway

@Sr.DudeGuy - 23.11.2024 20:20

As long as BoF3 is in the top ten then I’m happy.

@madkaiser4887 - 24.11.2024 00:29

Oooh nice Live A Live and Super Mario RPG are there as well!

@alexiere - 24.11.2024 01:55

I've watched hundreds of top jrpg game lists, and by far, this list for me has been the most interesting.

@haiderharbi - 24.11.2024 03:23

I love your videos but man between this video and last video it took you 2 weeks :(

@tylorhobbs8920 - 24.11.2024 07:44

One thing worth noting, FF4 isn't the first FF to focus on story. Say what you will about it, but FF2 had a cast of actual characters who said about as much as you could reasonably expect given cartridge limitations for the NES, and a focus on the story going on. Yes, it also had a novel gameplay system, but so did FF4, it just seems less so because its system was used until FF9.

As for the ordering, I remain convinced that Phantasy Star IV has been criminally underrated. It being behind Lufia 2 of all things... I can, however, get behind TMS beating out Engage.

@DeniosTheGamer - 24.11.2024 15:47

cool video but was it on purpose to play Fire Emblem music during Final Fantasy 12?

@uppernimbus - 25.11.2024 06:19

So glad to see Tokyo Mirage Sessions in here, it's one of my personal favourite JRPGs! ❤

@shadowsquid1351 - 25.11.2024 14:44

I see Yuri Hyuga I click 👀

Shadow Hearts is number 1 in my heart, I love your lists btw, keep it up, I learn alot from these video 😁

@BigBossCQCLegend - 25.11.2024 23:04

Triangle Strategy is an Underrated Gem and I have to get the true ending after doing the other 3 endings

@rawaali8451 - 26.11.2024 00:54

Love your videos cant wait for the next 70 games. But having YS9 and Tokyo mirage over Ff12 (even if not in my top 5 ff games) is certainly a choice! Keep at it

@Spare_Ombres - 26.11.2024 20:26

Hey Hell Fire, yeah gaming is such a fun time, always fun to discover each favorite games! there is so no wrong answer!! Thanks for the list, like your review on each games!

@jamesbrittain3958 - 26.11.2024 21:29

As I'm writing this at the beginning of the vid, I've noticed each of the prior vids thumbnails have had characters spoiling the 2 slots on their respective lists. Idk if or how you wanna avoid spoiling the list it's just something I've noticed. Great list so far

@empty_melodies - 27.11.2024 06:40

Great list!

@femtrooper - 28.11.2024 00:25

Another amazing list!!! Love it! Getting so intense! I get so excited when these come out!

@TruePerception - 28.11.2024 07:33

I loved Lufia 2.

@pistolmcawesome9306 - 01.12.2024 01:24

Lufia II is such an amazing game and it was one of my favorite RPGs growing up and I still go back to play it every once in awhile. This has been such a solid list so far with not only some great games, but some good commentary as well. Have my sub, sir.

@incawarrior1495 - 12.12.2024 10:27

Final fantasy 12 being this low is criminal

@PAINNN666 - 23.12.2024 17:51

FF4 at least top 50 if niot TOP20

@vitorhenriquebatista - 26.12.2024 11:19

Shadow Hearts is on my Top 20. It's so hard to find a dark and mature JRPG like that. And its sequel is even best.

@einrazer - 30.01.2025 03:25

FFXIV gambit system needs to be studied and applied to other games

@einrazer - 30.01.2025 03:30

The intro to shadow hearts was one of the THE MOST EPIC intros I had ever seen. Sold me on the game for all time

@einrazer - 30.01.2025 03:37

I heard that chrono cross intro on the outro

@MrBacchus18 - 18.02.2025 06:48

Tried to play FF XII three separate times on ps2 and ps4 always quit around the ten hour mark. I think it's the battle system that turns me off.
