Thank you very much. Very informative as well as helpful.
ОтветитьI hate skiptracing my leads. I've tried deal machine which was awesome, but it didn't have everyone's numbers especially LLC's.
I've been using skipmatrix but its 15cents a record. Do you have to have batchleads to skiptrace? I'll look into different services. Right now xLeads is a new free skiptracing software. Totalling out to 50 a month for the software too. But the problem is, Im not sure if the skiptracing will be like Deal Machine. Deal machine is 100$ a month. My mentor uses propwire only for buyers. I've been hearing success from people using propwire more and more though I imagine it's the amount of leads you can pull a month. My question is- are you hiring out the Cold calling or are you doing them yourself? And if you are hiring out or doing them yourself- are you using a dialer? I've been single line hand dialing myself. It takes forever to get through the lists. It also makes it more daunting since the list takes so long to hit. I recently hired a VA to hit my list for me and I actually have follow up leads. Which is great, but I feel like hiring out might have left someone since I'm sure my VA has an accent. Just a question sorry it was so long. Appreciate the help on the list pulling! How many deals have you done since using propwire?
Do you JV with other land wholesellers?
ОтветитьI love it👍
Ответитьi love the way you explain. very simple. Can you do more land videos?
ОтветитьThanks Dee!💯
ОтветитьIs vacant land like apartments and stuff
ОтветитьHow much capital do you typically need for land wholesaling ? Can you find buyers outside of fb