How to pull a Vacant Land List Using Propwire - Wholesaling Land Scattered & Infill Lots

How to pull a Vacant Land List Using Propwire - Wholesaling Land Scattered & Infill Lots

Lil Darryl

3 месяца назад

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@samsolob1966 - 24.11.2024 23:55

Thank you very much. Very informative as well as helpful.

@YayA-ts7sb - 02.12.2024 20:30

I hate skiptracing my leads. I've tried deal machine which was awesome, but it didn't have everyone's numbers especially LLC's.

I've been using skipmatrix but its 15cents a record. Do you have to have batchleads to skiptrace? I'll look into different services. Right now xLeads is a new free skiptracing software. Totalling out to 50 a month for the software too. But the problem is, Im not sure if the skiptracing will be like Deal Machine. Deal machine is 100$ a month. My mentor uses propwire only for buyers. I've been hearing success from people using propwire more and more though I imagine it's the amount of leads you can pull a month. My question is- are you hiring out the Cold calling or are you doing them yourself? And if you are hiring out or doing them yourself- are you using a dialer? I've been single line hand dialing myself. It takes forever to get through the lists. It also makes it more daunting since the list takes so long to hit. I recently hired a VA to hit my list for me and I actually have follow up leads. Which is great, but I feel like hiring out might have left someone since I'm sure my VA has an accent. Just a question sorry it was so long. Appreciate the help on the list pulling! How many deals have you done since using propwire?

@GigiLee-p7f - 03.12.2024 21:13

Do you JV with other land wholesellers?

@GigiLee-p7f - 03.12.2024 22:00

I love it👍

@wanderquesttravels - 25.12.2024 04:31

i love the way you explain. very simple. Can you do more land videos?

@donaldmorrell7914 - 28.01.2025 23:41

Thanks Dee!💯

@PROXY-z9e - 09.02.2025 07:48

Is vacant land like apartments and stuff

@0206-b8z - 06.03.2025 06:09

How much capital do you typically need for land wholesaling ? Can you find buyers outside of fb
