休斯顿 Richmond | TX 77406
* 室内面积 | 2,788 尺
* 占地面积 | 10,343 尺
* 户型特征 | 两层
* 房屋格局 | 5卧3卫,双车库
* 建筑年代 | 2021年
* 物业管理费 | $750 /年
* 地税 | 3.03%
* 房屋价格 | $420,000
电话: +1 408 250 1871
微信: TanHouston
[email protected]
你好!我是定居在美国的地产经纪人坦 (Tan)。经济学本科毕业的我,没有从事“高大上”金融行业,而是选择深耕房地产市场。除了好房推荐,我也非常乐意分享我对房产投资,房产配置的思考。同时我也会定期地分享我的生活点滴,不停记录,不停进步。欢迎大家关注订阅!谢谢每一位观众给我的支持!
I'm Tan, a dedicated real estate agent based in Houston, USA. With a background in Economics, I've chosen to focus on the thriving real estate market instead of pursuing the "high and mighty" finance industry. My passion lies in helping people find their dream homes and make wise property investments.
Aside from providing top-notch property recommendations, I'm always eager to share my insights on real estate investment strategies and property portfolio management. Moreover, I regularly share snippets of my life's journey, continuously growing and learning.
I warmly welcome you to follow and subscribe to my updates! Your support means the world to me, and I'm here to assist you with all your real estate needs. Thank you for being part of my journey!
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