Ashly Stone and her dad discuss their experience with her heroin addiction and the atonements effect

Ashly Stone and her dad discuss their experience with her heroin addiction and the atonements effect

Come Back Podcast

1 год назад

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@crystalayers2933 - 26.05.2023 02:52

I wish I could share my story. I am from Washington State and moved to Utah in 1999. I am a convert.

@Irvingdector - 26.05.2023 05:37


@Whatiftheresmore1314 - 26.05.2023 05:48

Powerful, so inspiring! What a wonderful dad. ❤️🙏🏻

@vesitagoiaega3891 - 26.05.2023 05:52

Beautiful story
Your dad has that Christlike love in him.
I’m having problems with my 14 years old daughter and your story will help me how to deal with mine.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

@christinaweight1619 - 26.05.2023 06:22

Wonderful podcast. I have a friend who came clean from meth a few years ago, and I’m so impressed by her faith and testimony. She brings her boys to church by herself. At first she had been sitting on the edge, but then she told me if the church is the flock, she knows exactly how dangerous life can be outside of the flock, so now she sits dead center. She is brave and introduces herself to people if they stare at her tattoos. Thanks for sharing this voice of positivity about the gospel and the restored gospel. Jesus can heal what’s broken and make beauty from ashes.

@echandlerchilds - 26.05.2023 06:42

Ashley's Dad...Thank you for your amazing testimony! Ashley, keep this going. We need to help those who have strayed and those who are straying to come back and re-center their focus on the Savior.

@Eli12344 - 26.05.2023 06:58

Those were really good questions. Good job.

@sherigraham3873 - 26.05.2023 07:19

Ashley, this is your finest interview of all!! Your father is a remarkable man in that he never gave up his testimony after his father tragically drowned and he never gave up on you. His testimony is powerful on never giving up! THANKYOU for this podcast ⭐

@dcarts5616 - 26.05.2023 10:33

Advice to most parents raising kids that will almost 100% work; take away their smart phones. They don’t need them. I don’t charge you for this life saving info, it’s free.

What a beautiful podcast!!! I love the faith of you both.

@DoctorSuezz - 26.05.2023 10:47

Wow, your dad's words were just what I needed at this very moment. I'm grateful for both of you sharing. 😇🥰
I love the Salvation Army, BTW. Definitely the best treatment center, imo. God bless you!!

@henryponnefz1419 - 26.05.2023 12:31

Ashley, your dad is an amazing man. You are so blessed!

@Angel.A - 26.05.2023 19:56

This was a great interview. Ashly’s dad is so inspiring. We’ve heard from Ashly, her husband and now her father. I love this family. What a light they are!

@millennialfalkon - 27.05.2023 00:32

You can tell a tree by it’s fruit. And this tree, is a GOOD tree ☝🏼

@millennialfalkon - 27.05.2023 00:32

Great interview. Great dad.

@millennialfalkon - 27.05.2023 00:38

So true about how we can get it in our minds that we’re being judged, when so often it just ain’t so.

@JulieR-x7x - 27.05.2023 19:41

This has been my favorite episode, so far! Your father’s testimony is very inspiring. Thank you, for all you do! Keep up the good work! ❤

@Jace28142 - 28.05.2023 05:44

I’m loving this podcast. Tears are flowing as I listen to you talking about finding the Book of Mormon bookmark. Your Dad’s testimony echos my thoughts.

@fredlybbert5098 - 28.05.2023 16:25

Thank you, Ashley, for this one particularly but more generally for doing what you’re doing and being who you are. You’ve traveled a very rough road and been nearly fatally wounded. What a blessing and testimony you are of Christ’s love and power to heal—from any and all wounds. He is indeed the master physician. I really related to your father’s experience. I have a daughter with wounds similar to yours and have a similar experience as your dad. Though there’s no comeback story for my daughter yet, at least she’s been sober now for several months—and I’m grateful and much relieved for just that. God bless. Godspeed. God keep you always.

@tcatt222 - 29.05.2023 05:00

I was blessed to find this testimony. Great story. My family has been blessed beyond measure, I think, because we stayed close and active in the Church, praying daily & reading the Book of Mormon as a family. My dad taught me that no matter what, family should always come first.

@phav1832 - 31.05.2023 16:30

Most families do not fit the mold of the perfect, church-going family. I understand what it's like to feel like you're being judged, but usually at least 90% of your ward do not judge . . . they mostly care about us when we are hurting . . .

@katherinew1521 - 01.06.2023 01:15

Thank you for sharing, I needed this today.

@diannaelbrader1282 - 28.06.2023 00:06

Thank you so much!! What an amazing dad!

@lanarose1111 - 28.06.2023 08:13

Awe soo good to see you doing Good Ashley.! ❤❤❤ I’ve got 5yrs sober 🙏💯🫂🥰

@commentsonacomment9806 - 27.08.2023 00:45

Liking your channel ❤

@PeoplesCareClub - 26.09.2023 11:23

Your story is amazing how our heavenly Father love's us all his children his miracle is real

@r.dwoodruff501 - 27.09.2023 05:06

Great 1st podcast. I fell in love with this podcast before I heard your first one. I too had a sin that was hooked on meth for 2 years and the hell that caused on my wife Kellie and I. So I know what your dad went through all the while I’m well into my own alcoholism, but by then I was a functioning alcoholic. I’m just so amazed that every podcast I’ve listened too I find part of my story. Your dad is amazing.

@shantel4002 - 25.11.2023 02:41

@MarleneKerr-p6x - 19.01.2024 15:23

I loved listening to your dads testimony you both should start writing ✍️ a book soon

@gingerallman798 - 24.01.2024 00:08

Wow! What an incredible story! I just found this podcast because of David Alexander. I am excited to hear more. I think your story is so incredible and I’m grateful to you for sharing this and many stories, and hopefully helping many many people. What an incredible person you are! ❤

@jenkohler55 - 03.02.2024 19:32

Dear Ashley and Dad- please count me as one who feels so blessed by your generosity.
I pray my loved ones will also hear and share your stories.

@insidelinemx - 23.02.2024 01:21

Incredible! Thank you Ashley!

@paulcrave3112 - 10.03.2024 00:19

Lovely story. It’s what the gospel is made for.

@kenpearce3269 - 08.04.2024 16:40

❤❤ ❤

@mikewarren5876 - 14.04.2024 06:30

Real family with real problems. Sounds like Lehi’s family. Thanks for having the courage to tell your story!

@bradhardisty1652 - 26.04.2024 14:39

Wow, this one came up in my feed. This is a good channel. It was good to hear yours. There is a lesson. Once a parent, always a parent. I grew up Fresno till I was 17. I went to Hoover.

@nelsoncaseyr - 09.05.2024 18:06

Thank you for starting this podcast Ashly! This is the perfect antidote to those who shout so loudly from the great and spacious building. You're definitely making a difference and helping lead others to Christ.

@Flowerpowwow - 10.05.2024 22:27

This is a beautiful story. You do have the most fantastic parents. Im so glad you were able to get the help and feel the love that our Savior has for you. You are blessed. Side note. I was born in Fresno and lived there my first 7-8 yrs of life. Im glad that is the place you found your Savior. Even though I know he was there for you from the very beginning. ❤. This is now your mission and oh, how well you are doing it. You are amazing.

@davidkruse4030 - 27.05.2024 00:37

Half hour of saying nothing

@ElitePainting_EpoxyCoatings - 28.05.2024 07:01

I love this so much! I came out of a horrible meth addiction and came back to the Church. Just passed my 6 year clean and sober date

@kathleengolding2264 - 07.06.2024 23:39

Thank you being such a beautiful soul 🥰

@lawrencelawrence3920 - 15.07.2024 21:51

My rebellious years were in the 60s and 70s. I was terrible and i regret the stress that i put my parents through. I blame some of this on the cultural shift to the drug, rebellious time. Children will follow their peers and the media influences. It is a challenge to be a parent raising a child but when the social norm goes against your direction of raising your child, its an uphill battle. Parents had no idea what they were up against.

@epicepicenter715 - 04.08.2024 17:59

Yeah sleeping with a BLK what disappointing about his father

@bryanfrombuffalo7685 - 24.09.2024 12:28

What ever works...

@robinkiener358 - 26.09.2024 16:29

Have you written this book yet?

@CML95018 - 27.09.2024 22:27

I could listen to your dad all day long 🙏 you're very blessed to have a dad like him ❤🎉

@cocadean - 25.11.2024 03:47

@tamragoodrich6067 - 18.12.2024 08:36

What an incredible dad you have! Thank you for sharing! God is so good to us, as you two are proving!

@HarpersSorrow - 07.02.2025 23:49

I’ve been clean and sober for almost 11 years. It hit home when you quoted President Nelson about reading the Book of Mormon everyday. I know that this is how I’ve kept those awful things out of my life. Thanks for reminding me where my strength comes from. I love your channel. It’s such a great thing to hear positive stories about the church. The negative is so overwhelming. You are helping so many people.
