#ingus_osrs #ingus_runescape #Runescape_Tile_Race #I_Have_7_Days_To_Win..._Or_Else #OSRS #Runescape #Dreamgear #Ingus_DreamgearКомментарии:
2 thumbs down
ОтветитьSo I thought I grind a lot, clearly not enough, always look forward to your videos, good stuff!
ОтветитьI've been searching for weeks to find the original tile race with the same style rolling to motivate my clan into pvm, thankyou so much ingus for the entertainment
ОтветитьWhere can I see this board I wanna try
ОтветитьIngus! Do you have merch?? I'd definitely wear something crazy you made!
ОтветитьI liked it. Nice job ingus
ОтветитьIs this a re-upload? I swear I've seen this before.
Ответитьdidnt you already post this?
Ответитьlol the raycon drop had me going. Thought you finished the first tile
Ответитьwait I'm confused. Didn't you post this video like two weeks ago?
ОтветитьThe first time I bought raycon earbuds I had them for like 2 weeks and then one of them broke so basically both of them were both 😂
Ответитьwait he said look at the monitor to your left, but i game on the left and watch on the right what now?
ОтветитьCan you plz take me and teach me cox plzzzz lol
ОтветитьDem nice game
ОтветитьTile Race Gang Gang
ОтветитьThanks for putting this back up! I searched over and over again to send this to my clan. Thought I made it all up when I couldn’t find it. I feel so vindicated now! Ty
ОтветитьYour clans bingo races are legendary please do more of this kind of content. The first upload made me a forever fan.
Ответитьok i subbed for the red boater. Been watching for ages so guess i have to now xD
ОтветитьIngus where's you 500 fang???? Thougtht you did that
ОтветитьWhy even make rules if you just break them ?
ОтветитьUsing two accounts at the same time seems like cheating idk.
ОтветитьBrilliant edit mate
ОтветитьIngus how to you get your pet to attack like a thrall?
Ответитьbro, u r my favorite osrs content creator rn!!! SICK ep bro
Ответитьdoes ingus still stream?
ОтветитьThe editing for this video is so f**king amazing
ОтветитьHey man i came across your vids by accident and i became absolutly addicted been watching alot of them the humor and edits in the vid are really great keep up the good work !!
ОтветитьToB Pet??
ОтветитьIngus new vid when? 😢😢😢
ОтветитьCan anyone help me with making the discord commands or bots for something like this? I am need ing some help, I am unable to get in Ingus' discord and was hoping to contact the person in this video for some help. Thank you.
ОтветитьCan you post the tile race graphic as a PNG/JPG file for those that want to play the game with their clan?
ОтветитьBro you broke like 50 rules and re rolled like 88 times wtf
ОтветитьNew vid when we gettin bored over here man no rush but hurry it up 😂
ОтветитьWhat is that suit and hat you wear in every video
ОтветитьIngus, come back D: I want moah content!!!
Ответитьmy brother in christ its been 2 months!! 😢
ОтветитьWhere is the new video its been so long 😭
ОтветитьRIP Ingus, you will be missed
ОтветитьJust came here to tell u i have been patiencely waiting for a new video for months💪 keep grinding brother
ОтветитьGreat video man I always look forward to your videos
ОтветитьIs there any chance, i could get a hold of you or the person who made this event and ask some questions as id love to implement this to my clan aswell for an event.
ОтветитьI’m mobile only and zulrah gets real easy once your practice it enough. Can pretty afk it while i watch tv 🙂
ОтветитьWhat does that mean it’s your off day and you gotta do mobile?
ОтветитьYou honestly deserve a million subs, you're my favourite osrs content creator now!
ОтветитьPut it in the playlist so you can farm more views off me