New Look Autumn Try On Haul | Plus Size Review 2021 | Louise Henry

New Look Autumn Try On Haul | Plus Size Review 2021 | Louise Henry

Louise Hood

3 года назад

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@Georgiee.and.Dan. - 23.09.2021 21:01


@alenakeegan5815 - 23.09.2021 21:05

Love shackets

@annemackin3791 - 23.09.2021 21:12

Hi Louise really loved all picked, just ordered shacket ,jacket and I have the long cardigan xxxx

@alwaysgraceful - 23.09.2021 21:12

Love these clothing items! It's amazing how the white top doesn't show anything underneath! It's so hard to find ones like that! Also, I love the blue puffer jacket on you! The colour really suits you! 😊💕

@carolelonsdale6320 - 23.09.2021 21:53

I think the blue coat suits you in fact every think suited you did the coat have a hidden hud in the collar if not for our weather it should have xx

@Penguinandpear - 23.09.2021 23:40

Nice clothes! I think the colour of the puffa really suits your complexion. That grey ribbed top looked lovely too as did all the clothes. I make my own clothes but it’s good to see what looks good. Love that you’re not afraid to size up to get the right fit. Thanks for sharing.

@beckyjanejen - 24.09.2021 00:41

Loved this video, New Look have some really well priced lovely things 😊. The blue coat looks great with your blonde hair. Xx

@yvonnetaylor4688 - 24.09.2021 00:42

Gorgeous xx

@bevfalloon402 - 24.09.2021 13:14

Great haul. Loved everything you picked and the blue jacket suited you ❤️❤️

@jennyaspin8598 - 24.09.2021 16:37

The blue of that padded jacket suits you so well!

@laurachristie7746 - 25.09.2021 00:07

Oooh that was a good haul!! Love those bits Louise! They all looked great!! The colour of the jacket is fab! Xx

@jessmascarenhas8537 - 25.09.2021 13:16

Absolutely love the colour of the blue jacket! Love a splash of colour and that’s a stunning shade!

@helenecatherine6981 - 25.09.2021 20:01

Hi ! I really struggle with New Look as everything is mainly made of polyester so it's a no no for me unfortunately :/

@margaretbinks2595 - 27.09.2021 10:02

Blue jacket shows up your eyes.

@alinamonica6726 - 28.09.2021 23:40

All the clothes suit you great...and the colours are perfect 😉😀

@louisel782 - 29.09.2021 14:49

The Jacket suits you! Brings out the colour of your eyes😊

@ronnieroo227 - 15.10.2021 15:45

Too much talking give description and move on please.
