Visting or moving to Silverleaf in St. Augustine, Florida?! Make sure to check out the new businesses in the Silverleaf Village Plaza. While there is many more to come I wanted to highlight the first plaza in the Silverleaf community as of 2024.
Businesses Include:
- Salento Steakhouse
- Rustica Restaurant
- Peterbrooke Chocolatier
- Rita's Italian Ice
- Foxtail Coffee
- Jersey Mike's
- Bala's Pizza
- Chop Shop
- Martial Arts
- Nail Salon
- Serasana
- Anytime Fitness
- Makk Fashions
... and several others! Residents of Silverleaf are excited about these new local businesses being within their community. Just a short golf cart drive away. If you have any other questions on the development of Silverleaf, or on moving to Silverleaf please feel free to reach out to me or check out my other two videos on Silverleaf! I'm always here to be a resource for you :)
Ella Paige Galbraith
St. Johns, Florida REALTOR
[email protected]
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