Why Indians Share a Complicated Past with South Africa

Why Indians Share a Complicated Past with South Africa

Thomas SowellTV

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@andrewrogers3067 - 26.12.2024 18:17

Imagine your home country being so underdeveloped that you would rather choose land in the country that used you as an indentured servant then return to your country.

@JamesSmullins - 26.12.2024 18:24

I had a Indian friend who moved here from then Zimbabwe. He still had family there. They would send him Zimbabwean money just to show how bad inflation had gotten since it was worthless. He said there was a large population of Indian people there. He left before the total collapse and ousting of "white" farmers that lead to crop failures and economic collapse.

@merlinwizard1000 - 26.12.2024 18:29

3rd, 26 December 2024

@jamesmf968 - 26.12.2024 18:31

God Bless Thomas Sowell

@GMAV3RICK - 26.12.2024 18:41

I never liked East Indians, they’ve always been an enemy to the Africans and that stigma never left.

@Winters_Folly - 26.12.2024 19:01

South Africa has no natives, it wasnt inhabited continuously until Europeans.

@alphacause - 26.12.2024 19:11

Thank you for this illuminating video. Maybe Thomas Sowell has already explained this, so please forgive me if this question has already been addressed. What features about Indian culture allow Indian immigrants to surpass the indigenous people of the countries they immigrate to, both educationally and economically, despite Indians being subject to some of the same repression or discrimination? It seems to be a common pattern, regardless of what country Indians immigrate to. They start off among the poorest of people, and quickly ascend, within a generation or two, to having the highest per capita income and exceling in the academic sector. Is there a video where Thomas Sowell describes this phenomenon more broadly?

@donm5354 - 26.12.2024 19:14

Mr Sowell is living History book - and his legacy will continue into the future in the form of his books, interviews and videos like this one. Sadly, the American education system is not tapping such a great national treasure - History, Anthropology and Economics.
An amazing amount of information I was unaware of packed into a 10 minute video. Most have no idea the role Indian immigrants play in the history of South Africa.

@RBLACKPEARL7 - 26.12.2024 19:19

I'm so glad God created Thomas Sowell to be a great Historian who seems the true facts 🙏❤️! And we celebrate the same birthdate ❤.

@jerryk6530 - 26.12.2024 20:14

You don't see Indians inviting White people in their country and giving them the keys to their country.

@johnnycasteel7 - 26.12.2024 20:15

Who else saw the Ghandi movie? 🍿 The

@napoleonfeanor - 26.12.2024 20:57

I think it is wrong to speak about Whites during that time of SA (before republic) as the Boer Afrikaaners and the Anglos were still very much at odds with each other. He described the intra-Indian differences well. A more detailed look is always appreciated

@Stuart-o9d - 26.12.2024 22:04

Can you so a video about failed settler colonies like apartheid South Africa and Israel

@aj7aj - 27.12.2024 04:24

And now the Indian population is increasing in Canada such that a subgroup is wanting to deport all white people to Europe. And always remember when it comes to the Indian population they can always caste stones

@deserteagle7032 - 27.12.2024 06:09

People should learn a lesson from these indentured labourers. They were worse off than slaves. Unlike slaves , indentured labourers had to pay back what they earned.
But you never hear of them complaining or asking for reparations. Instead they bettered their lives. The Indians actually built SA and are the people keeping it from falling apart.
