From the Shadow of a Superpower to NATO’s Frontline: Capital Questions from Helsinki

From the Shadow of a Superpower to NATO’s Frontline: Capital Questions from Helsinki

TVP World

11 дней назад

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@rainymanish - 21.12.2024 21:51


@kai7778. - 21.12.2024 22:06

Finland has strong political consensus to make Finland better country for its citizen. That is the happiness indicator referring to.

@onerva0001 - 21.12.2024 22:16

I like TVP World but the interviewer could have interrupted less.

@KathyMethven-s9h - 21.12.2024 22:18


@helenpen4truth - 21.12.2024 23:33

Most of the people here didn't support joining NATO and we didn't even have a referendum about joining. After Finland's criminal leaders forced us in NATO our economy has declined, businesses are out of business, food, gasoline and electric has become so expensive people really are hungry and we don't have jobs! Our leaders did this on purpose and this is shit!

@Linkzu - 22.12.2024 02:03

My only wish for the holidays in 24 is: I wish the host wouldn't speak over/stop the guest speakers. Really unprofessional.

@MaPeProduction - 22.12.2024 02:31


@efghggdxlmfn33 - 22.12.2024 02:52

finland in nato: Municipalities in Eastern Finland are demanding that the authorities take measures to restore the region's economy, writes Savon Sanomat . The entire region has plunged into crisis due to anti-Russian sanctions. Particularly serious problems are observed with trade turnover, exports and unemployment.

"Unfortunately, the draft program for the development of Eastern Finland does not contain any concrete and impressive ideas ," the author of the article states.

@janozik87 - 22.12.2024 05:50

we want sauli back

@Hoodahthunk - 22.12.2024 17:27

So glad no one blames the Biden Admin for their part in this war. He feels he's lost the Glory of his legacy and will likely apologize for it if he remembers.

@harrikiiskinen1571 - 22.12.2024 17:35

NATO is a terrorist organisation with a history of illegal bombings and wars. Finland's current, foreign-directed, cowardly government has, at NATO's behest, corrupted Finland's long-standing good relations with the Soviet Union/Russia. These crimes are of exceptional magnitude in Finland's history.

@saara4103 - 23.12.2024 00:40

U love❤ Finland
From kurdstan.

@jimmylarsson5667 - 23.12.2024 01:40

Proud of my Finnish brothers, perkele! Greetings from Sweden!

@erkkamarkus7862 - 23.12.2024 02:24

Prof. Teivainen has great bodylanguage while speaking 🖐 😁🤚

@kimsundermeyer3295 - 23.12.2024 02:44

GREAT ISSUES DISCUSSED. I am very happy to learn many new things about FINLAND. Thank you all.

@aleksi2739 - 23.12.2024 03:07

luuletko sinikukka vai mikä ootkaan et pääset tällä =D

@camdenmcandrews - 23.12.2024 05:15

On the subject of whether Ukraine should accept the dictates of any other nation regarding her national sovereignty:

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God!"

-- Patrick Henry, speaking before the Virginia legislature, March 23, 1775.

@Kraddakk - 23.12.2024 12:37

Under the light of Russian Empire, Finland had finally went through industrialization. Russian Empire had built railways and beautiful historical buildings on Finnish land. Alexander the Great had gifted Finland the Karelian province, but later unfortunately it had to be taken back by Stalin due to political, strategic reasons.

@okok-gg5fl - 23.12.2024 14:04

Finland is poorest of nordics coyntries.

@taina2766 - 23.12.2024 14:09

The truth is we've had a long good relationship with Russia, nobody was threatening us but now its all destroyed by our own leaders 😢

@Tedger - 23.12.2024 18:24

Lets hope it never comes to fighting, but if it does.. we are ready...well as ready anyone can be for war.

@eerosuomaki3386 - 23.12.2024 22:50

It is Jukka Kopra. Not Yukka....

@KeijoKeittaja666 - 24.12.2024 12:17

I promise you his name is not Yukka 😂

@paavometsaluoma2653 - 25.12.2024 00:46

"Yukka Kopra" :D The country of konsonants :D Man.. U Pole's should have "English name":s like the Chinese :D Europe is difficult. We have so many letters and pronounciations.. I'm so glad we have this English to communicate with.. 'Cos we are pretty reasonable people in this world.

@MikkoHiiri - 25.12.2024 00:58

Excellent discussion with engaging guests and a host who clearly knows his business keeping up the pace. Also great to see Poland's growing economy, hopefully it will result in gains on wellbeing for entire population. 👏

@haistapaska20 - 25.12.2024 22:56

Wait, I will remove my subwoofer before I can listen to this

@isidad4150 - 26.12.2024 01:02

For Finland, NATO membership costs 70-100 trillion per year, plus operational planning costs, maybe the same amount more, after all, Finland is on the verge of bankruptcy, these expenses are more than Finland's economic budget, you can guess where the money comes from.

@golokavrndavana - 26.12.2024 02:56

Erittäin mukava. Mielestäni meillä menee aika hyvin. ❤

@runner1086 - 26.12.2024 03:07

I am a swedish man, but think Finland is fantastik, i just hope we are good friends.

@VernaWeeks-ds8xy - 26.12.2024 03:22

Why does this journalist keep on interrupting the speakers it takes away from the whole documentary or questionnaire whatever it is.

@AG-mz7vm - 27.12.2024 05:39

Thank's for this interview.

@ikstep5966 - 27.12.2024 10:38

Thank you, very intresting story

@jossiesh7649 - 27.12.2024 14:46


@jossiesh7649 - 27.12.2024 14:49

Obsession with Russia is a psychological disorder. You are trying hard to please Washington.

@SKgeostrat - 27.12.2024 17:25

Peace and security are on most poeples list of important things in society. If more countries would have a general military service, concensus on security would be easier to achieve. Finland is a country with great cohesiveness brought on by a shared history since it's independence from Russia, its language and a shared national pride in the achievements of the country. Much of this is shared with the three other Nordic countries.
With respect to ability to finance defence and deterrence, we should remember that is terms of GDP, Europe is almost ten times larger than Russia and four times larger in terms of population. Thus, defence and deterrence are only querstions of concensus and political will.

@donquixote1502 - 27.12.2024 22:50

If you think Finland is scared or Sweden is scared of Russia, think again! We have respect for all living things, but scared of Ivan, we are not! Why would Russia attack us? We have no interest in attacking Russia! Putin is sick, yes we know! We will support Ukraine all the way!

@aaseulimoen6038 - 28.12.2024 16:33

Finland has had a very sober understanding of Russia for much longer than the rest of Europe, and invested in defense for a very long time, and that way Finland does not need to panic as much as the rest of us now. 'Slow and steady wins the race' as the saying goes. However, 'the rest of us' don't have time for 'slow and steady' now, so it will have to be 'leaps and bounds' ! Greetings from Norway.

@Aguelo-kiwi - 29.12.2024 01:00

Great interview & great answers to those difficult questions as well! Finland is a strong country. Not only counting on quantity of things but more of that quality we need in defence and security.

@richardbayer5702 - 31.12.2024 06:03

Lot of good information here. Most people in the US don't know that much about NATO. This sort of discussions is fantastic. -Richard in Florida

@HectorMMoreno-hn2rt - 31.12.2024 08:34

the moderator sucks at times.

@Paltse - 31.12.2024 09:57

Eh, we Finns have known we are at the frontlines ever since the 700s.

@pasimaenpaa2360 - 31.12.2024 19:52

Just lies. Finland is in EU and NATO. but fact is, in reality, that both are unreliable organizations. They never ever support any country in real conflict. Shortly, any country can trust only itself. NATO'S 5th article is just talking, not real action. Fact.

@cezaryroman11 - 31.12.2024 22:29

Thank you for helping me to understand deterance. It means to build underwater cables faster than russia can cut them

@cezaryroman11 - 31.12.2024 22:31

There was a case of few people taken to the hospital. They were talking about Article 5 and nearly died from loughter

@madfinntech - 01.01.2025 07:53

The host is annoying. He interrupts them constantly.

@philsharp6120 - 01.01.2025 08:36

When russia collapses Finland should take the stolen annexed land back for a demilitarized buffer. The 1940 winter war forced treaty was with ussr and the 1944 armistice 300 mil gold paid to ussr for so called war reparation (extortion). starlin had then allied with hitler to invade Poland until Jun 1941 when nazis invaded ussr. Finland used nazis alignment to get it's land back but Finland eventually declared war on nazis 1945.

@philsharp6120 - 01.01.2025 08:43

Ussr invaded Finland 1939 to annex land just like russia did in Ukraine 2014. russia will not stop until stopped!

@Finnbearl61r - 01.01.2025 09:17

Excellent discussion. Let’s tougher 🇵🇱 🇪🇪 🇱🇻 🇱🇹 🇺🇦 make the case to Western Europe that stronger security makes us all more prosperous. That is truly the case but we need to convey it also..
