ОтветитьI just love how you upload daily!
Ответить"You ever notice how no matter how potatoes are cooked, they taste better with salt"
my favorite quote from our lord and savior bobby "tables" twentyfour
I cant even aim Bastion with Ana. And Bastion is an Ally.
ОтветитьThose footsies at the end impressed me the most.
ОтветитьThis guy (victor) is legit really good
ОтветитьDo ur own commentary
ОтветитьYour channel is different and really well done what's the song
Ответитьwhat is his unique tracking style?
ОтветитьIDDQD is just insane. His McCree even better than Kephrii's Widow in my option, it's just unbelievable it's real human playing, not robot or some software.
Ответитьone of the best montages i have ever seen 😍🙌🙏
Ответитьbad music , its gone be better if its chil music
ОтветитьI mean he is ok, but my grandma is better
ОтветитьThe McCree editing reminds me of the good old CS 1.6 USP/Deagle montages.
Except the music of course. It's not P.O.D. - Boom :)
Yes plz
ОтветитьLose the filters dude, I think we tried to tell you that last time. It just makes the footage harder to appreciate and see
ОтветитьSome of these videos are pretty old.
ОтветитьCancer music
ОтветитьThat lupin the third intro though!! love that show/ the movies
ОтветитьThe widow clip was kephrii (ingame name iddqd) kappa
ОтветитьMy eyes ... what's with the contrast in this video? I thought that I would be blind, impossible to watch
ОтветитьUr using filters like girl in instagram. Slomos are useless.
Ответитьfuck slow-motion
Ответитьthe editing is not good at all, just drop the editing and upload the raw clips, should get more views for better content.....
Ответитьi hope you all know that he is using aim bot, and blizzard is allowing couple people, so they can be like so good players, and it attracts other people to watch such videos, BAM! instant advertisement and motivation to keep playing the game ;) probably you wont believe this but,
ОтветитьEditing would be fine, but waaay too much filter.
ОтветитьIdd is very consistent on tracer, soldier and mcree. Others not so much, especially widow. He makes really great plays once in a while but most of the time he just wants to have fun and play her but doesn't do well lol. Wish he played Mei more :( really enjoy those game plays
ОтветитьWhat do you guys think about the overall video? Should I do more?
Which pro player montage would you like to see next?
Thank you all for the support given! I have noticed my "first" squad ♥