What-s Up Prof? - Ep175 - War in Israel, A Holy War or Jesuit Agenda by Walter Veith & Martin Smith

What-s Up Prof? - Ep175 - War in Israel, A Holy War or Jesuit Agenda by Walter Veith & Martin Smith

The Loud Cry

1 год назад

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@richardpatterson8651 - 30.12.2024 22:20

Always so inspiring

@katkazelenakova4779 - 22.10.2024 12:33

Škoda že to nemá preklad rada by som si to prečítala aby som tomu porozumela

@carlisledick9172 - 08.11.2023 21:48

Jy is van die pad af you are messing with God's chosen people you will pay the price don't believe me ask Gaza

@3abnunitykatibayan506 - 28.10.2023 07:16

Outstanding, deep study. Thank God for your program.

@littlel3213 - 21.10.2023 10:43

Excellent lesson!! I Just went over this in an “Armour of GOD” lesson, but this went so much further in explanation. Thank you

@jeanelizabethterry7583 - 20.10.2023 21:48

I have come to agree that Israel is no longer sacred. And that the Jews must be drafted back into the vine when they accept Christ as the only way to be saved. I don't understand all the Jesuit influence on orchestrating world events. I see that evangelicals are wrong in denying the law which is the character of Jesus and all commandments are to be obeyed. And the Catholic church is the antichrist. Not Catholics. I cannot convince my evangelical sister or others.
