Gladiator Completely Dominating Troublesome Clarity Fights - Season 50 War 4

Gladiator Completely Dominating Troublesome Clarity Fights - Season 50 War 4

Grass MCoC

7 месяцев назад

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@Vega583 - 04.08.2024 01:41

I take back all the nice things I said about this channel. I now know you’re a modder 😂

Just for clarity dear reader. I’m complete kidding. Love Grass’ channel

@jaybently - 04.08.2024 02:05

I loveeee my 7* Gladiator! I use him every chance I get, his awakening completely changes him! I loved watching this video! I’m struggling to keep from R3ing him but I already have Venom and Serpent R3. I kinda wanna have an equal spread of class types as it sits now I have two cosmics a science and a tech with the ability to R3 4 other champs I have yet to yet..😅😅

@blacklightning6150 - 04.08.2024 02:08

Gladiator may be similar to NTW in that he doesn't do the most damage but perfectly does what is needed.

@King-03530 - 04.08.2024 02:19

they say a war is decided by whether you die to p3 venom or not

@mariomorgan6083 - 04.08.2024 04:15

What Sig is that gladiator?

@faustoutloud - 04.08.2024 04:24

What oppurnist node ? You said vemon on node 3 is crazy but I didn't see it when you showed us the nodes jw thanks

@edisonlaw934 - 04.08.2024 04:44


@siggman5441 - 04.08.2024 04:45

not the double armour up on the venom 😭

@Jordan-sub_inttelect - 04.08.2024 05:32

Dude r3 gladiator just so safe and his damage gets stupid after a couple fights he’s just awesome more fun than herc more utility than cgr he’s just a unit lol I love him

@_Lamnidae_ - 04.08.2024 06:11

Why don’t you use hulkling. I run path 3 and hulkling could’ve taken out most of the path. Terrax can be used for Sammy.

@hegyidaniel1022 - 04.08.2024 08:53

It always brings me a smile that upper league’s a.i. is stupid as f..k 😁 just go, punch, kick, sp1. No dexes of sps, no dexes of impossibility, and just loves to die stupid🤣

@thewood1780 - 04.08.2024 18:25

Interesting gladiator caused fantman to not regenerate from incineration
