Ответитьthank you so much Universe divine angels ❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊
ОтветитьThank you So Much !!!! Thank you So Much !!! Thank you So Much !!!
If it is the Divine's will then I receive this Pure Love & Healing energy that is being sent !!! If it is the Divine's will then I receive this Pure Love & Healing energy that is being sent !!! If it is the Divine's will then I receive this Pure Love & Healing energy that is being sent !!!
Yes !!! I do gratefully affirm I am open to receiving all healing available for the highest purpose and greatest good for myself and everyone in 10 directions and 3 existences for the highest and greatest good !!! And so it is !!! And so i is !!! And so it is !!!
To the Divine, thank you for forgiving me, my family and my lineage for all known and unknown wrong doings from this life time or any other life time. And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
O Great Spirit, Father Sky, Mother Earth, The Winds, The Waters, My Mother, My Father, My Grandmother, My Grandfather.
May I permanently live my life from the power of my inner infinite being Knowing that I am infinitely expansive than my body That I already know the highest truth and I can see that truth in myself, others and all situations Living my life with my fullest intuitive potential, with ease & effortlessness, Creating the life of my desires every moment, with ease in love & light & in Highest & Greatest Good. Aho !!!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
Dear Universe, I am ready to be made permanently whole again, Dear Universe. I consciously & permanently open myself to permanently release all that is not for my Highest & Greatest Good, Dear Universe, Today I become reborn. And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
I call into existence, infinite peace, infinite joy, infinite love, infinite trust, infinite respect, infinite honour, Infinite courage, infinite confidence, infinite compassion, infinite unconditional support, infinite strength, infinite patience, infinite divine protection, infinite divine guidance, infinite divine understanding, infinite clarity of thought process, infinite clarity of heart and mind, infinite forgiveness, infinite financial abundance, infinite healing on mental, spiritual and physical plane in each and every areas of my life in 10 directions and 3 existences. And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
I now permanently severe and permanently release any and all energetic cords that do not serve my highest good, known & unknown. I permanently release you and I permanently release me from these negative binds. All negative cords are permanently destroyed, across all dimensions, times and planes, never to return again. And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
I do hereby decree to permanently banish each and every negative energetic cords & recover now all energy that was once lost. My pure powerful energy flows back to me permanently, filling me once again with ever increasing vitality & creating now a permanently peaceful energetic boundary of absolute pure unconditional love and pure white god's light. And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
I permanently connect with God, the source of all Healings at all levels. With this Divine connection the words that I speak become my new reality across 10 directions & 3 existences of past present & future. And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
I go back in time, my soul knows exactly where & when, to any event which has compromised my immune system & therefore my health & wellbeing and I now make a new different choice. And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
In my new sense of expanded awareness I do not follow a path of vulnerability or illness, instead I permanently follow the path of my deep spiritual purpose. This is a significant choice for me to make, it changes everything ! And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
By removing the cause or any inclination toward infection, disease, disharmony, un-wellness, negativity I permanently remove, reverse and release any virus or other negative lifeforms from my body, my mind, my heart & my environment. And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
As I speak, now IT is Done. My heart permanently fills with gratitude to God & my spiritual support team. May the Blessings Be !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
Clearing: In my I am presence I ask Divine Mother, Divine Father and the Source of All That Is to undertake a full exorcism of possession of any beings, energies, or thought forms that do not abide by the Law of One, which is do no harm, and that they are permanently removed and no longer have access to my bio energy field, meridians, and chakras. I declare it so. So be it. It is done. Thank you. And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
Installation: In my I am presence I declare I am a sovereign human being free and clear of any intrusions into my energy field from any and all sources known or unknown. I declare it so. So be it. It is done. Thank you. And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
I deeply Thank you Source/God/the Divine for bringing down your white flame & light onto me permanently. And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
I deeply Thank you for sending Pure white Healing light and flame to every blade of grass, Tree, seed, fruit, plant, flower, weed, herb, grain of sand, Ocean, lake, river, stream, Sea, bird, insect, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, forest, jungle, waterfall, root, crystal, mountain, stone, atmospheric layer, Spiritual organisations, earth leyline, stone circle, earth chakra, man, woman, child, country, town, city, village, tribe, community and every layer of earth down to its core, thank you Source/God/the divine, for removing negative cords, trauma, blockages, toxic emotions, dark magic, illusions, rituals, programming and psychic attacks from all, clearing away the illusion of separation from Source/God/the divine creating a heightened sense of unity.
I’m sorry !!! please forgive me !!! Thank you !!! I love you !!! Ceeport
I’m sorry !!! please forgive me !!! Thank you !!! I love you !!! Ceeport
I’m sorry !!! please forgive me !!! Thank you !!! I love you !!! Ceeport
I pray that through my connection with the Divine Spirit, I consciously call upon Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel to help aid me in a full karma release through healing my lineage . I acknowledge my past karma issues and I'm now acting with love, being grateful, checking my motives, watching my attitude and forgiving myself and others. with your power and energy please allow my previous karma from this lifetime to be released and reborn into positive healing light so that there be no negative side effects and allow my energy to be sealed and flushed for my highest good of all. Thank you for the healing I am about to receive. Aho! And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
I am immensely grateful to you for the healing sessions to free me from all negative forces so that my life blooms in each and every way in 10 directions and 3 existences. I am confident and have fullÅ faith that the great good fortune for your healing sessions will come to you from 10 directions and 3 existences in tangible and intangible form of infinite joy, infinite happiness, infinite harmony, infinite divine love, infinite divine prosperity, infinite abundance, infinite divine wisdom, infinite divine courage, infinite compassion, infinite divine protection. And so it is !!! And so it is !!! And so it is !!!
Deepest praise and sincere gratitude for the Intense healings, love and divine angelic blessings !!! God bless !!! Thank you !! Thank you !!! Thank you so much !!! .
Thank you, I was yawning over and over throughout the session 😊
Ответитьقطع حبل الكارمي مع حياة ماضية والاشخاص سامة
ОтветитьDo you do any sleep videos
ОтветитьLast good witch I met was with Dorothy Ty for your great sessions ❤❤
ОтветитьThat was beautiful. Thank you. From Srilanka.
ОтветитьFirst time 🌪️🌪️🌪️🤍🪶🪶🪶🕯️🙏🏼🕯️
ОтветитьThank you 🙏🏻
ОтветитьThank you, you’re amazing 👑
ОтветитьFinally came and joined you sanne in the long form app from the short form app 😂
ОтветитьThank You!
ОтветитьI accept this healing thank you universe 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
ОтветитьI love the smell of burning cedar. I bet your residence smells lovely. I like to have my own smoke during healings too sometimes 🫠😉🔥. Love and light to you ma'am.
ОтветитьFörsta gången jag kom i kontakt med din kanal! Fantastisk healing, väldigt imponerad 🙏 blev direkt nyfiken på din kurs. Tack så mycket och på återseende 😊
ОтветитьThank you 👍 sister ❤
ОтветитьDemonic perceptions of thy self
ОтветитьHi Thank You 🙏
ОтветитьI fell in love with you and your videos .. thank you :)
ОтветитьYou are helping me so much! Thank you
Ответитьarc Babcock mill landing Landon kilz Laura rogers aj Lawson Aiden z Sean p Rodney nanz dawn carrney my family my childhood pain anger resment fear worry my family my childhood
Narcissist mother self blaming self doubt aobbanment issues neglect trust betreyel
Self center men toxic negativity neighbors who feed off negative axinty axinty attachment approvel seaking Jasmine Erin Barbara Veronica arpi emotional motoring self center men love bombing I let go
arc Babcock mill landing Landon kilz Laura rogers aj Lawson Aiden z Sean p Rodney nanz dawn carrney my family my childhood pain anger resment fear worry my family my childhood
Narcissist mother self blaming self doubt aobbanment issues neglect trust betreyel
Self center men toxic negativity neighbors who feed off negative axinty axinty attachment approvel seaking Jasmine Erin Barbara Veronica arpi emotional motoring self center men love bombing I let go
Sanne, you are an angel in my life. Your healing works on me. May God always give you love and peace, wherever you go. Sending you love and light. I am having a feeling that you might be a part of my soul tribe! May the universe align our paths.Hugs and kisses to my Shamanic sister!
ОтветитьThank you 🙏❤
ОтветитьWierd point but this makes my feel really warm and I feel more of my body
ОтветитьAre you supposed to feel a little lightheaded or a slight headache?
ОтветитьI cut the cords, and suddenly, I got a message from the person out of nowhere.
ОтветитьThank you I received this blessing I early need it desperately 😊
ОтветитьAyy CAMY member when I woke up last Christmas and my boyfriend was in the room with you and my cousin was in jail. I think it is time for you to stop saying my dead aunts husband is my man thank you santisma for clarity
ОтветитьThank you for this negative energy removal ❤❤ May god bless you with good health 🙏❤️
Ответитьقطع الحبل الكارمي
ОтветитьIn my first session I was crying but in the second session I just yawned a dozen times if not more❤❤ Love you for your good work 💝💝 Keep it up ❤️
ОтветитьVERY interesting!
I got sweaty!
Thank you❣️🌀
Relief within a measured access supportative in accordance so rejection is here now
ОтветитьCollecting a potion leaked spirit that attached and mimicked so a type of spirit would not expect nor suspect so accessibility isn't a tug too hard causing a defragmentationed particle collection so invasive isn't too repetitive ?seems hint obvious on video treatment shallow course of stage involved.
ОтветитьI've decided what it best for me. While I do not enjoy other's suffering, it is not my path to stay in their lives just to keep the peace. It is my job to put my health above anyone else's convenience. I release them with love and wish them well. Please leave me be, I know what is best.
ОтветитьWow you said it ! That just spoke to my soul! I have this inner longing of missing living in ancient times, in the woods in communion with beautiful mother earth. The lush green forests, living in communities, helping one another, living in the moment. I don't like wars, there should be no abuse of any kind. I want peace for us all and want the world to be radiating so highly in love and cooperation. But don't mistake my kindness for weakness because if one wants to try something negative with me, than they will be sadly mistaken. I've always felt this deep in my heart where i wish the world could live in a utopia. Thank you beautiful Sanne. 🙏🏻✨💚
ОтветитьThis was very intense and I also smelt incense very strongly. Thank you for this cord cutting karmic works ❤
ОтветитьHead clear, heart lighter. Thank you 🙏🏽
Ответитьthis video literally made me cry so bad at the end. i'm taking that as a sign that these energies must be out of me now, thank you sanne!
ОтветитьThank you for your service 2 humanity ❤❤❤